
List of posts in date order, newest first

No greater “joy”23-01-2025Keith Truscott
Prayer’s our ‘soul-soap’22-01-2025Keith Truscott
Hold Him in awe!21-01-2025Keith Truscott
Serve as one team20-01-2025Keith Truscott
Elevation of the human spirit in ChristJohn Yates
Peace of heart is ours19-01-2025Keith Truscott
The End of Disability18-01-2025John Yates
“God’s eye…on…sparrow”Keith Truscott
Trust in His “steadfast love”16-01-2025Keith Truscott
“No greater love shown”15-01-2025Keith Truscott
God holds “your right hand”14-01-2025Keith Truscott
Healed from Trauma to Intercede13-01-2025John Yates
Our God is “Big Boss”Keith Truscott
Let’s stay “pumped-up”12-01-2025Keith Truscott
“Keep” our hearts “holy”11-01-2025Keith Truscott
Blind man now “sees”8-01-2025Keith Truscott
“Baptise me now…”7-01-2025Keith Truscott
With grace He will greet5-01-2025Keith Truscott
“Repent and be baptised”4-01-2025Keith Truscott
Paul preaches one true gospel3-01-2025Keith Truscott
Healing Nations in Trauma2-01-2025John Yates
Let “first things be first”Keith Truscott
A greater “new thing”1-01-2025Keith Truscott
Our worldview must change31-12-2024Keith Truscott
“I am the True Vine”30-12-2024Keith Truscott
Safe and secure29-12-2024Keith Truscott
“Sin, strife and troubles….”28-12-2024Keith Truscott
Solomon got wise27-12-2024Keith Truscott
“Gold…frankincense…myrrh”26-12-2024Keith Truscott
God’s “adoption” nod25-12-2024Keith Truscott
“Prince of Peace” truly unites24-12-2024Keith Truscott
Fear not, you’re still loved…23-12-2024Keith Truscott
New strength and vim22-12-2024Keith Truscott
Joseph’s faith did not vary21-12-2024Keith Truscott
“Father Always”18-12-2024Keith Truscott
When Christ rules our lives17-12-2024Keith Truscott
“God with us”16-12-2024Keith Truscott
No more be disgraced15-12-2024Keith Truscott
A rough-looking “stump”14-12-2024Keith Truscott
Our Lord’s “love war”11-12-2024Keith Truscott
Let’s love each other10-12-2024Keith Truscott
Love and trust God more9-12-2024Keith Truscott
Our threesome “helpmeet”8-12-2024Keith Truscott
Forgives and remakes7-12-2024Keith Truscott
Dead man does what Jesus says5-12-2024Keith Truscott
“Bread of life” more4-12-2024Keith Truscott
Heavenly Home2-12-2024John Yates
“Our sin’s forgiven”Keith Truscott
Love our Lord God with whole being29-11-2024Keith Truscott
“Steadfast love”28-11-2024Keith Truscott
Wear Christ’s ‘love-band’27-11-2024Keith Truscott
Save the wanderer26-11-2024Keith Truscott
Hearts that make peace25-11-2024Keith Truscott
Grace and truth24-11-2024Keith Truscott
Good ‘breathing space’23-11-2024Keith Truscott
Power, Prayer, Blood and WaterJohn Yates
Best “milk and honey”22-11-2024Keith Truscott
Honour our parentsKeith Truscott
When can’t go to sleep20-11-2024Keith Truscott
Safest of “peacemakers”18-11-2024Keith Truscott
Tough jobs we’re given16-11-2024Keith Truscott
Healing in the Fulness15-11-2024John Yates
Let’s heed God’s callKeith Truscott
Let’s love, be generous14-11-2024Keith Truscott
“Prince of Peace”, He13-11-2024Keith Truscott
Jesus, our Saviour12-11-2024Keith Truscott
“Thorn in the flesh”11-11-2024Keith Truscott
Be humble more so10-11-2024Keith Truscott
We’re “God’s chosen ones”9-11-2024Keith Truscott
“Rough diamonds” Christ can shine up8-11-2024Keith Truscott
Our heart to Christ clings7-11-2024Keith Truscott
“Don’t you worry.”6-11-2024Keith Truscott
We are one family5-11-2024Keith Truscott
Be “harmless like dove”3-11-2024Keith Truscott
Unity as a fragrant flower2-11-2024Keith Truscott
“Walk in the light”1-11-2024Keith Truscott
Good things God has done30-10-2024Keith Truscott
When or wherever29-10-2024Keith Truscott
Plan of God 5: Eternal DestiniesJohn Yates
Make Jesus our “Master”28-10-2024Keith Truscott
Heaven’s ‘grand tour’27-10-2024Keith Truscott
Christ’s “mystery”26-10-2024Keith Truscott
Completing the TapestryJohn Yates
Blossom and bloom25-10-2024Keith Truscott
Let God’s love fill our heart’s jar24-10-2024Keith Truscott
Pray we stay brave23-10-2024Keith Truscott
Now “by faith”22-10-2024Keith Truscott
Paln of God 4: Christ and Idol Powers21-10-2024John Yates
Mercy for cursesKeith Truscott
Best “after-care”20-10-2024Keith Truscott
“Like cheese is to chalk”19-10-2024Keith Truscott
Our hurts are gone now18-10-2024Keith Truscott
“Same mind” as Paul ours16-10-2024Keith Truscott
We’re not forgotten15-10-2024Keith Truscott
Plan of God 3: Betrothal14-10-2024John Yates
Give life a “lift”Keith Truscott
God gives us “hope”13-10-2024Keith Truscott
“Send me”12-10-2024Keith Truscott
Stronger than trees8-10-2024Keith Truscott
Ask what will please Him7-10-2024Keith Truscott
God’s “Spirit” walks with us6-10-2024Keith Truscott
We are truly loved5-10-2024Keith Truscott
Christ our tree root4-10-2024Keith Truscott
Ways to guard our heart2-10-2024Keith Truscott
The Plan of God 1. Bginning and End1-10-2024John Yates
Keep courage “captive”Keith Truscott
Revelation Today30-09-2024John Yates
“Little kindness”Keith Truscott
Gives lasting life gloss28-09-2024Keith Truscott
Keep our “walk and talk” pure27-09-2024Keith Truscott
Freed us and forgave26-09-2024Keith Truscott
His “right hand” is strong25-09-2024Keith Truscott
Christ offers us “grace”24-09-2024Keith Truscott
Christ’s ‘welcome sight’23-09-2024Keith Truscott
“I’ll ‘hold your right hand’”22-09-2024Keith Truscott
With “faith…love…breastplate”21-09-2024Keith Truscott
Use kind words20-09-2024Keith Truscott
“Greater than Solomon”19-09-2024Keith Truscott
Our faith will not doubt18-09-2024Keith Truscott
“Do not be anxious”17-09-2024Keith Truscott
When folks want to feud16-09-2024Keith Truscott
“Good” hope like sun-shower15-09-2024Keith Truscott
Keep our faith ‘running’13-09-2024Keith Truscott
Prayer and “oil”12-09-2024Keith Truscott
“Blessed” to serve Jesus11-09-2024Keith Truscott
Love that cruel words could not block10-09-2024Keith Truscott
“New life” for us planned8-09-2024Keith Truscott
Walk with the wise7-09-2024Keith Truscott
Think and live “pure”6-09-2024Keith Truscott
Christs’ love and life5-09-2024Keith Truscott
“Pass the test”4-09-2024Keith Truscott
Give God a try3-09-2024Keith Truscott
Our “soul” got happy2-09-2024Keith Truscott
God’s Word is best1-09-2024Keith Truscott
Give God great glory31-08-2024Keith Truscott
Jesus is “Boss” and will care30-08-2024Keith Truscott
Each day “Praise the Lord”29-08-2024Keith Truscott
Let’s sing with true heart28-08-2024Keith Truscott
Love our neighbours27-08-2024Keith Truscott
Keep God on our mind25-08-2024Keith Truscott
Excitement, Exaggeration, Moderation? Your Choice in Jesus.24-08-2024John Yates
“Your kingdom come…”Keith Truscott
See love so rare23-08-2024Keith Truscott
Trust Him to heal us22-08-2024Keith Truscott
“Trust and obey”21-08-2024Keith Truscott
Pure smile and grin19-08-2024Keith Truscott
The Lord still has smiled18-08-2024Keith Truscott
Think of old Thomas16-08-2024Keith Truscott
Give with our “heart”15-08-2024Keith Truscott
Empowering Joy14-08-2024John Yates
He used “grace-attack”Keith Truscott
Christ’s nail-scarred hands13-08-2024Keith Truscott
“Faith” songs build up zest12-08-2024Keith Truscott
God’s wonderful “deeds”10-08-2024Keith Truscott
Let’s honour Him9-08-2024Keith Truscott
Fear of Death Hinders Revival8-08-2024John Yates
Serve Jesus more7-08-2024Keith Truscott
Let’s work with ‘great heart’5-08-2024Keith Truscott
“Sure hope” and future4-08-2024Keith Truscott
He rules all rivers3-08-2024Keith Truscott
To gain ‘peace of mind’2-08-2024Keith Truscott
Kingdom Time and SpaceJohn Yates
Through Christ we’re relieved31-07-2024Keith Truscott
Let God’s word “abide”30-07-2024Keith Truscott
“Look unto Jesus”29-07-2024Keith Truscott
Let’s ‘keep up the pace’28-07-2024Keith Truscott
Ask Christ for His courage26-07-2024Keith Truscott
Folks see your ‘faith’ light25-07-2024Keith Truscott
“Land of “it’s not fair!”24-07-2024Keith Truscott
Come share Christ’s great love23-07-2024Keith Truscott
Glory Through Blood21-07-2024John Yates
Pray on togetherKeith Truscott
It’s singing Calv’ry20-07-2024Keith Truscott
Our “hearts will burn” with joy19-07-2024Keith Truscott
Let’s “love” through July18-07-2024Keith Truscott
Love that will last17-07-2024Keith Truscott
Walk in ‘faith shoes’16-07-2024Keith Truscott
Stay with “Rock” Jesus15-07-2024Keith Truscott
“Love” stills the rough storms14-07-2024Keith Truscott
In life we now win13-07-2024Keith Truscott
His love is “steadfast”12-07-2024Keith Truscott
“Love one another”11-07-2024Keith Truscott
Sharing, “God loves you”10-07-2024Keith Truscott
When ‘prayers seeds’ are ‘sown’9-07-2024Keith Truscott
Willing to do God’s work8-07-2024Keith Truscott
Nailed to the Cross7-07-2024Keith Truscott
Stay “steadfast”6-07-2024Keith Truscott
Gracing Humanity5-07-2024John Yates
Prayer is God’s wayKeith Truscott
Shine with his glory and grace4-07-2024Keith Truscott
Ask Christ, ‘more courage’3-07-2024Keith Truscott
Speak “life” and “love” words2-07-2024Keith Truscott
As the wide sea1-07-2024Keith Truscott
Our soul gained sweet rest30-06-2024Keith Truscott
He cares a “heap”29-06-2024Keith Truscott
Eldership Crisis28-06-2024John Yates
Meets all our needsKeith Truscott
With strong “faith” persist27-06-2024Keith Truscott
We won’t “lose heart”26-06-2024Keith Truscott
Tell nephew and niece25-06-2024Keith Truscott
Shone on him mercy24-06-2024Keith Truscott
“Peace be still!”23-06-2024Keith Truscott
Now we have good “rest”22-06-2024Keith Truscott
Pass the “faith test”21-06-2024Keith Truscott
Intimate Partner Violence and the ChurchJohn Yates
God’s great goodness19-06-2024Keith Truscott
Pray for wise sons16-06-2024Keith Truscott
Worship waves matter15-06-2024Keith Truscott
Jeremiah’s “hope”14-06-2024Keith Truscott
Simplicity in ChristJohn Yates
“Time-out” refreshes13-06-2024Keith Truscott
Like “law of Christ”12-06-2024Keith Truscott
Our ‘trav’lling song’11-06-2024Keith Truscott
Through the tough times10-06-2024Keith Truscott
Hope From James for a Broken Divided Church Today9-06-2024John Yates
Jesus, our “Sabbath”Keith Truscott
Calv’ry blood swab8-06-2024Keith Truscott
Jesus’ prayer lifelines7-06-2024Keith Truscott
What Christ accepts6-06-2024Keith Truscott
“Go with God speed”5-06-2024Keith Truscott
Makes sure we win4-06-2024Keith Truscott
“Paul” the nomad3-06-2024Keith Truscott
Show mercy each day2-06-2024Keith Truscott
Trust God for mercy1-06-2024Keith Truscott
Jesus gives great “peace”31-05-2024Keith Truscott
“Spirit of truth comes…”Keith Truscott
Christ rose and shines more29-05-2024Keith Truscott
Beyond AI28-05-2024John Yates
Our hearts are cleansedKeith Truscott
“Picture, we paint”27-05-2024Keith Truscott
Come taste God’s mercies26-05-2024Keith Truscott
God’s mercy stockpile25-05-2024Keith Truscott
Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev 19:1-10)24-05-2024John Yates
He is “my Rock”Keith Truscott
Writes to bring cheer23-05-2024Keith Truscott
Let’s sing Hannah’s song22-05-2024Keith Truscott
“The light of the world”21-05-2024Keith Truscott
Wrongs that had ‘cruelled’ us20-05-2024Keith Truscott
Pentecost for JesusJohn Yates
Holy Spirit helps us live smart19-05-2024Keith Truscott
Keep up our prayers18-05-2024Keith Truscott
Walk in His truths17-05-2024Keith Truscott
“Apple-cart” mercy16-05-2024Keith Truscott
Be “pruned”15-05-2024Keith Truscott
Lost and the lonely14-05-2024Keith Truscott
We’re free and won’t fear13-05-2024Keith Truscott
“Blessed” be our mothers12-05-2024Keith Truscott
Unthinking HereticsJohn Yates
God honoured their faith11-05-2024Keith Truscott
Always our “helper”9-05-2024Keith Truscott
Jesus healed us from sin’s “wounds”8-05-2024Keith Truscott
Please God we should7-05-2024Keith Truscott
Christ strengthens faith5-05-2024Keith Truscott
“Light of the world” shines4-05-2024Keith Truscott
Good hope and future3-05-2024Keith Truscott
Let’s keep prayers going2-05-2024Keith Truscott
God of Amos1-05-2024Keith Truscott
Keep faith strong30-04-2024Keith Truscott
Love-words God will speak29-04-2024Keith Truscott
Pearls that we’ve strung28-04-2024Keith Truscott
God’s Son we prize27-04-2024Keith Truscott
“Trust and obey”26-04-2024Keith Truscott
“Peace of God”25-04-2024Keith Truscott
Faith strong and stout24-04-2024Keith Truscott
Our “minds” remember23-04-2024Keith Truscott
Christ loved folks22-04-2024Keith Truscott
Give thanks for God’s mercy21-04-2024Keith Truscott
Keep on praying20-04-2024Keith Truscott
Saved, singing saints19-04-2024Keith Truscott
Let’s “help the weak”18-04-2024Keith Truscott
With Him we’re okay17-04-2024Keith Truscott
We won’t weep and mourn16-04-2024Keith Truscott
Show grace that’s grand15-04-2024Keith Truscott
God’s “greater” Spirit14-04-2024Keith Truscott
We now are ‘diff’rent’13-04-2024Keith Truscott
Be kind and fair12-04-2024Keith Truscott
Forgive by the ton11-04-2024Keith Truscott
Un-F/fathered: the national shame of Indigenous deprivation10-04-2024John Yates
God’s “great grace” sereneKeith Truscott
God sees our ‘battles’9-04-2024Keith Truscott
Indwelling All Things in Jesus8-04-2024John Yates
Good things He’s plannedKeith Truscott
Keep prayers “on the boil”7-04-2024Keith Truscott
Many mean tricks…6-04-2024Keith Truscott
“All” evil darts quenched5-04-2024Keith Truscott
These ‘warfare weapons’4-04-2024Keith Truscott
“Ev’ry day soldier”3-04-2024Keith Truscott
Suffered the worst2-04-2024Keith Truscott
Put on God’s whole armour1-04-2024Keith Truscott
Faith now fresh flower31-03-2024Keith Truscott
Then take home courage29-03-2024Keith Truscott
Wash our feet today?28-03-2024Keith Truscott
Love stronger than steel27-03-2024Keith Truscott
Faith can fly oceans26-03-2024Keith Truscott
Rich and “poor” freed25-03-2024Keith Truscott
Palm branches waving24-03-2024Keith Truscott
We too must dare23-03-2024Keith Truscott
Spread God’s Word widely22-03-2024Keith Truscott
Gently share “good news”21-03-2024Keith Truscott
God’s Son has more power20-03-2024Keith Truscott
Christian Anti-Semitism Today19-03-2024John Yates
Jesus stays “faithful”Keith Truscott
Soldier Cornelius18-03-2024Keith Truscott
Calv’ry Creek17-03-2024Keith Truscott
Rather “serve” “many”16-03-2024Keith Truscott
“Amen and Yes”15-03-2024Keith Truscott
Known by God14-03-2024John Yates
Practise Christ’s creedKeith Truscott
Tell heart, “Have courage”13-03-2024Keith Truscott
Christ’s love refreshes12-03-2024Keith Truscott
Lord Jesus let’s choose11-03-2024Keith Truscott
We don’t “walk” alone10-03-2024Keith Truscott
“Truth” to the ton9-03-2024Keith Truscott
“Go” trust in God’s Hand8-03-2024Keith Truscott
With strong faith stand tall7-03-2024Keith Truscott
With strong faith stand tallKeith Truscott
His Word is “lamp”6-03-2024Keith Truscott
A Patchwork of Protective PrayerJohn Yates
Run the “faith” race now5-03-2024Keith Truscott
Tell all “nations”…4-03-2024Keith Truscott
Make Christ our stronghold3-03-2024Keith Truscott
‘Dark deeds’ must cease2-03-2024Keith Truscott
Confess and be cleansed1-03-2024Keith Truscott
God’s way is joy29-02-2024Keith Truscott
Shone bright like the skies28-02-2024Keith Truscott
“Building…praying…waiting”27-02-2024Keith Truscott
“love”, mercy, power25-02-2024Keith Truscott
Stay Spirit-stirred23-02-2024Keith Truscott
“Big Boss” Jesus21-02-2024Keith Truscott
Share God’s salvation20-02-2024Keith Truscott
Jesus, ‘Life-Giver’19-02-2024Keith Truscott
He heals the broken-hearted18-02-2024Keith Truscott
Made his night bright17-02-2024Keith Truscott
Let’s “live by faith”16-02-2024Keith Truscott
More “love” seeds sow15-02-2024Keith Truscott
Tell the lost sheep14-02-2024Keith Truscott
More mercy13-02-2024Keith Truscott
Love and serve kindly12-02-2024Keith Truscott
Great mercy and grace11-02-2024Keith Truscott
We’re “overcomers”10-02-2024Keith Truscott
‘Work as a team’9-02-2024Keith Truscott
One day we will ‘zoom’8-02-2024Keith Truscott
“Peace like a dove”7-02-2024Keith Truscott
Come “hear” more Jesus3-02-2024Keith Truscott
Each child has an angel2-02-2024Keith Truscott
Christ is ‘real deal’Keith Truscott
Stay in his school31-01-2024Keith Truscott
Soon Jesus will come30-01-2024Keith Truscott
Holy restraints29-01-2024Keith Truscott
Holy restraintsKeith Truscott
In life succeed28-01-2024Keith Truscott
Spirit speaks our prayers27-01-2024Keith Truscott
Let’s obey God’s voice26-01-2024Keith Truscott
When anxious, please pray25-01-2024Keith Truscott
Prayers that God hears24-01-2024Keith Truscott
May God’s kingdom come…23-01-2024Keith Truscott
Workers are needed22-01-2024Keith Truscott
Be patient21-01-2024Keith Truscott
God grew this man “new”20-01-2024Keith Truscott
“Sow good seeds”19-01-2024Keith Truscott
“Sow” mercy18-01-2024Keith Truscott
Christ loves forever17-01-2024Keith Truscott
We heard his loud cry16-01-2024Keith Truscott
Change the Culture 1: Re-laying the Foundation15-01-2024John Yates
Our “unbeaten” ChampKeith Truscott
Seeing Angels John 1:43-51John Yates
Our joy is so strong14-01-2024Keith Truscott
God gives us calm13-01-2024Keith Truscott
Recapitulation and Suffering12-01-2024John Yates
Beyond seven daysKeith Truscott
Comes when we’ve cried11-01-2024Keith Truscott
Through suff’rings have courage10-01-2024Keith Truscott
Our best loving kin9-01-2024Keith Truscott
“Care for country”8-01-2024Keith Truscott
Jesus’ Baptism and Ours7-01-2024John Yates
Come back to God’s houseKeith Truscott
Let my light shine6-01-2024Keith Truscott
Not merely mime5-01-2024Keith Truscott
No greater Boss4-01-2024Keith Truscott
2024: A Year for Shocks3-01-2024John Yates
When “doubting” birds squawkKeith Truscott
Daily stay true2-01-2024Keith Truscott
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2)31-12-2023John Yates
Eternity in my heartKeith Truscott
His Word, sharp Sword30-12-2023Keith Truscott
The Sacrifice of Faith29-12-2023John Yates
“Run” and not shyKeith Truscott
Let “do good” compute28-12-2023Keith Truscott
Trust God our “strength”27-12-2023Keith Truscott
Show grace that is grand26-12-2023Keith Truscott
As well as Mary25-12-2023Keith Truscott
“Joy” that’s whole24-12-2023Keith Truscott
His Name is Jesus23-12-2023Keith Truscott
“Sign” of Christ “cornerstone”22-12-2023Keith Truscott
“LORD” is supremeKeith Truscott
Come dance like David20-12-2023Keith Truscott
There’s coming a day…19-12-2023Keith Truscott
Worship Old and New: 8 The Things which must soon take place18-12-2023John Yates
Sing David’s faith songKeith Truscott
For our ‘soul-repairs’17-12-2023Keith Truscott
Worship Old and New Part 7: Music and Singing16-12-2023John Yates
“Pass the “love” grade”Keith Truscott
The Cost of Confidence in ChristJohn Yates
We’re a “new man”15-12-2023Keith Truscott
Let’s “keep” Jesus14-12-2023Keith Truscott
Praise Him a heap!13-12-2023Keith Truscott
Never to leave12-12-2023Keith Truscott
Talents and the Judgement10-12-2023John Yates
“Rough roads” He will “smooth out”Keith Truscott
‘Real deal’ love9-12-2023Keith Truscott
In Christ abide8-12-2023Keith Truscott
Like steel wool scours7-12-2023Keith Truscott
Seeing the InvisibleJohn Yates
Live more “holy”6-12-2023Keith Truscott
Come saints be brave5-12-2023Keith Truscott
Worship Old and New Part 6: Charismatic Gifts in the Bible and Today4-12-2023John Yates
“Eagle” mounts upKeith Truscott
Stir up our “faith”2-12-2023Keith Truscott
Have heart of Christ1-12-2023Keith Truscott
God’s “testimonies”30-11-2023Keith Truscott
In Christ we’ve won29-11-2023Keith Truscott
Please sow a seed28-11-2023Keith Truscott
Worship Old and New 5: Confession and Repentance27-11-2023John Yates
Hell Really Real? A Meditation26-11-2023John Yates
“Forever” worth23-11-2023Keith Truscott
Our testimony22-11-2023Keith Truscott
Answers our prayer21-11-2023Keith Truscott
Worship Old and New Part 4: The Lord’s Supper as the Story of Jesus20-11-2023John Yates
Let Spirit “power”Keith Truscott
“Do one daily chore!”19-11-2023Keith Truscott
Discipleship Crisis: stop imitating ordinary people18-11-2023John Yates
Bigger blessings from God17-11-2023Keith Truscott
Let Christ “rule”16-11-2023Keith Truscott
With Christ’s power15-11-2023Keith Truscott
Let’s then learn Jesus14-11-2023Keith Truscott
Worship Old and New part 313-11-2023John Yates
How all sins were tamedKeith Truscott
He gives “peace”12-11-2023Keith Truscott
“Ask Holy Spirit…”11-11-2023Keith Truscott
“Ask Holy Spirit…”Keith Truscott
Christ’s blood-covered tong10-11-2023Keith Truscott
Let’s go repent9-11-2023Keith Truscott
Worship Old and New Part 2: Starting in Heaven7-11-2023John Yates
“By faith” we will “reap”Keith Truscott
Pray to prepare6-11-2023Keith Truscott
“City on a hill”5-11-2023Keith Truscott
Those with strong trust3-11-2023Keith Truscott
Meditation on Nothing2-11-2023John Yates
Hang onto faithKeith Truscott
Things all “lovely”1-11-2023Keith Truscott
Each day tell Him31-10-2023Keith Truscott
Worship Old and New 1. Confronting the Crisis30-10-2023John Yates
We “bring good tidings”Keith Truscott
The “King” will come29-10-2023Keith Truscott
Our Lord is faithful28-10-2023Keith Truscott
Hold onto Christ’s Hand27-10-2023Keith Truscott
Come Holy Spirit comfort26-10-2023Keith Truscott
Come now repent!25-10-2023Keith Truscott
“Good news” training24-10-2023Keith Truscott
“Your kingdom come”23-10-2023Keith Truscott
Justice that’s fair22-10-2023Keith Truscott
“Best friend” Jesus21-10-2023Keith Truscott
Person to “Person” prayer20-10-2023Keith Truscott
“Seek the Lord” always18-10-2023Keith Truscott
God’s “great grace”17-10-2023Keith Truscott
Heaven’s world-view16-10-2023Keith Truscott
“Yes”, God can15-10-2023Keith Truscott
Children of the Light14-10-2023John Yates
Strongest words yetKeith Truscott
Troubles will tumble13-10-2023Keith Truscott
Reflect God’s light12-10-2023Keith Truscott
Doubt’s freeze and ‘frost’11-10-2023Keith Truscott
“In spite of” love10-10-2023Keith Truscott
Victory in JesusKeith Truscott
Love Unity World Prayer Assembly Perth 20238-10-2023John Yates
“Esteem” them wellKeith Truscott
Lord’s help is grand7-10-2023Keith Truscott
Humble and mild6-10-2023Keith Truscott
Christ’s “divine power” still reigns5-10-2023Keith Truscott
Follow job through4-10-2023Keith Truscott
“Steadfast love…mercies”3-10-2023Keith Truscott
Let’s “obey” Jesus2-10-2023Keith Truscott
Hearing the Silence of HeavenJohn Yates
Confess our wrongs1-10-2023Keith Truscott
When facing “trials”30-09-2023Keith Truscott
Love beyond compare29-09-2023Keith Truscott
“Christ crucified”28-09-2023Keith Truscott
When pride takes first place27-09-2023Keith Truscott
When we suffer the worst26-09-2023Keith Truscott
Sons of God bring peace25-09-2023Keith Truscott
Jesus, Marrriage, Divorce Matt 19:1-12John Yates
Listen God’s Word24-09-2023Keith Truscott
Read Your Life23-09-2023John Yates
To stay “righteous”22-09-2023Keith Truscott
Our needs will be met21-09-2023Keith Truscott
Marraige and EternityJohn Yates
Bubbling happy20-09-2023Keith Truscott
Pleasing God faithfully19-09-2023Keith Truscott
Please close sinful gapKeith Truscott
“Keep knocking”17-09-2023Keith Truscott
Jesus is best “Way”16-09-2023Keith Truscott
God’s great goodness15-09-2023Keith Truscott
Saviour of whole world14-09-2023Keith Truscott
Married for WarJohn Yates
When all alone12-09-2023Keith Truscott
God holds our “right hand”11-09-2023Keith Truscott
Let’s not be anxious10-09-2023Keith Truscott
Reversing the Curse9-09-2023John Yates
God is most “worthy”Keith Truscott
“Seamless”, new gown8-09-2023Keith Truscott
Great pain at its peak6-09-2023Keith Truscott
Our “words” and “walk”5-09-2023Keith Truscott
Strong love now sprouts4-09-2023Keith Truscott
Let’s “give thanks”3-09-2023Keith Truscott
Sing back to Jesus2-09-2023Keith Truscott
“Finish” the “race”1-09-2023Keith Truscott
Sometimes we’re burdened31-08-2023Keith Truscott
Let’s “love one another”30-08-2023Keith Truscott
Encouragement for IntercessionJohn Yates
Intercessory Life29-08-2023John Yates
When’s life’s “huff and puff”Keith Truscott
“Best friends”28-08-2023Keith Truscott
‘Mountains are moved’27-08-2023Keith Truscott
God’s mercies are vast26-08-2023Keith Truscott
Comfort that will never wane25-08-2023Keith Truscott
Let’s too love, serve folks24-08-2023Keith Truscott
“Crown of life” worth more23-08-2023Keith Truscott
Love and grace ‘plus’22-08-2023Keith Truscott
“God who works in us”21-08-2023Keith Truscott
“Draw near” to Jesus20-08-2023Keith Truscott
Re-porching the Church19-08-2023John Yates
“Life and peace”Keith Truscott
Let’s give God thanks18-08-2023Keith Truscott
Let Jesus lead17-08-2023Keith Truscott
Proves in three days16-08-2023Keith Truscott
God’s “light”15-08-2023Keith Truscott
Most righteous Son14-08-2023Keith Truscott
EldersJohn Yates
God shows great mercy13-08-2023Keith Truscott
“Light of the world”12-08-2023Keith Truscott
Sing some of old songs11-08-2023Keith Truscott
Give thanks for Christ’s work10-08-2023Keith Truscott
Christ’s “true” love won’t endKeith Truscott
“Precious oil” of unity8-08-2023Keith Truscott
Let “Spirit” walk with us7-08-2023Keith Truscott
Glory of Transfiguration6-08-2023John Yates
‘Apples’ on God’s ‘applecart’Keith Truscott
“Righteousness” flowed too5-08-2023Keith Truscott
God’s great, good “purpose”4-08-2023Keith Truscott
Sing of God’s love3-08-2023Keith Truscott
Run on “gentleness”2-08-2023Keith Truscott
Power to PrayJohn Yates
Let’s love like Jesus1-08-2023Keith Truscott
Ephesians 4:1-1630-07-2023John Yates
Calvary loveKeith Truscott
God’s Word “breathes” in us29-07-2023Keith Truscott
“Live by” God’s Word28-07-2023Keith Truscott
Word is our “mirror”26-07-2023Keith Truscott
Courage ‘enzymes’25-07-2023Keith Truscott
Blessed be…24-07-2023John Yates
“Jesus is Lord!”19-07-2023Keith Truscott
Jesus “called” us.18-07-2023Keith Truscott
Salvation ‘ditty’17-07-2023Keith Truscott
Due to God’s “mercies”16-07-2023Keith Truscott
Peace “to the ton”15-07-2023Keith Truscott
If my people14-07-2023Keith Truscott
Let’s talk to Jesus13-07-2023Keith Truscott
Sex Maddened: unmasking the deep face of evilJohn Yates
Unfolding the Secret of PerthJohn Yates
Beyond the PhariseesJohn Yates
Wave of GloryJohn Yates
Be a ‘blessing machine’12-07-2023Keith Truscott
Heaven’s assured11-07-2023Keith Truscott
We need forgiveness10-07-2023Keith Truscott
Streets in heaven9-07-2023Keith Truscott
Still “walk with faith”8-07-2023Keith Truscott
That’s what folks lack7-07-2023Keith Truscott
“Good gifts” galore6-07-2023Keith Truscott
“Lord” can provide5-07-2023Keith Truscott
Let’s all remember3-07-2023Keith Truscott
God’s love gives “new” strength19-06-2023Keith Truscott
John points to Jesus18-06-2023Keith Truscott
God’s new rules of life17-06-2023Keith Truscott
‘Strong as teak wood’16-06-2023Keith Truscott
More ‘profit than loss’14-06-2023Keith Truscott
Your saved, precious soul13-06-2023Keith Truscott
Come pilgrim progress11-06-2023Keith Truscott
Three ways to serve God10-06-2023Keith Truscott
Indigenous: the missing Voice of the LORD9-06-2023John Yates
Confession Community and Revival6-06-2023John Yates
Be led by Holy Spirit4-06-2023Keith Truscott
Joshua’s three steps to win3-06-2023Keith Truscott
Keep our life holy2-06-2023Keith Truscott
Daily picnics1-06-2023Keith Truscott
Last breath from his lung31-05-2023Keith Truscott
More trust, you must try19-05-2023Keith Truscott
Let’s go “witness”18-05-2023Keith Truscott
Humbly pray, ask17-05-2023Keith Truscott
Trusting God’s pure Word16-05-2023Keith Truscott
New “power”15-05-2023Keith Truscott
God bless all mothers14-05-2023Keith Truscott
Teach me your goodwill13-05-2023Keith Truscott
Return restless one12-05-2023Keith Truscott
“…and a grin”11-05-2023Keith Truscott
Beauty that glows10-05-2023Keith Truscott
Win the faith fight9-05-2023Keith Truscott
Walk God’s right “Way”8-05-2023Keith Truscott
Be “kind…tender…forgive”7-05-2023Keith Truscott
Faith we must use6-05-2023Keith Truscott
Still in command5-05-2023Keith Truscott
Let prayers persist4-05-2023Keith Truscott
Growing Older and Growing Younger3-05-2023John Yates
Simple Only God2-05-2023John Yates
“Damascus Road”1-05-2023Keith Truscott
“God with us”30-04-2023Keith Truscott
Not old selfish stride29-04-2023Keith Truscott
My greatest “desire”28-04-2023Keith Truscott
“Rock” world-renowned27-04-2023Keith Truscott
Close the gap26-04-2023Keith Truscott
My “shield…my glory”25-04-2023Keith Truscott
Holy Communion24-04-2023John Yates
God loves a cheerful giverKeith Truscott
His risen power23-04-2023Keith Truscott
Precious diamonds22-04-2023Keith Truscott
“Lord” is the ‘Boss’17-04-2023Keith Truscott
Strong One to lead15-04-2023Keith Truscott
Be daily fed11-04-2023Keith Truscott
The “Good Shepherd”10-04-2023Keith Truscott
That “risen” hour9-04-2023Keith Truscott
Stay “glad”8-04-2023Keith Truscott
Preach with power3-04-2023Keith Truscott
“Hosanna!” we say2-04-2023Keith Truscott
A “sweet aroma”1-04-2023Keith Truscott
From grave appear31-03-2023Keith Truscott
Disciplines of the Father 7. Unfolding the PlanJohn Yates
Let’s obey same God30-03-2023Keith Truscott
Serve with courageKeith Truscott
Lord Jesus near us28-03-2023Keith Truscott
A Different Vision of Power27-03-2023John Yates
God’s kind of “Life”Keith Truscott
“Prince of Peace” yes!26-03-2023Keith Truscott
“Faith” that stays keen25-03-2023Keith Truscott
Disciplines of the Father 6. SufferingJohn Yates
Day soon shines like gloss24-03-2023Keith Truscott
“Iron sharpens iron”23-03-2023Keith Truscott
Judge Not (Matt 7:1-6)John Yates
“He Who is in us”22-03-2023Keith Truscott
“Fearfully” made21-03-2023Keith Truscott
Seek God’s full goodness20-03-2023Keith Truscott
He “bears” our shame19-03-2023Keith Truscott
No more “huff and puff”18-03-2023Keith Truscott
Time then to light up17-03-2023Keith Truscott
When folks accuse usKeith Truscott
Our Strength and Guide15-03-2023Keith Truscott
Serve God completely14-03-2023Keith Truscott
The Fear of the Lord and Clarity of Vision13-03-2023John Yates
Pure as blue skiesKeith Truscott
Jesus, “Boss” everywhere12-03-2023Keith Truscott
Disciplines 4: Jesus’ Friends11-03-2023John Yates
“New man” thinkingKeith Truscott
“Trust and obey”10-03-2023Keith Truscott
God holds life’s keys9-03-2023Keith Truscott
“Beauty for ashes”Keith Truscott
Let’s work “together”6-03-2023Keith Truscott
Wisdom in a Solomonic Age (666)5-03-2023John Yates
For those big ‘quarrels’Keith Truscott
God’s love gives us “drive”4-03-2023Keith Truscott
“Take up” our “cross”3-03-2023Keith Truscott
Till tomorrow2-03-2023Keith Truscott
Disciplines of the Father 3. MarriageJohn Yates
King Jesus is “LORD1-03-2023Keith Truscott
We live “right as rain”28-02-2023Keith Truscott
Disciplines of Father 2: Jesus’ family life27-02-2023John Yates
Jesus is best “friend”Keith Truscott
“Love-back” won’t fail26-02-2023Keith Truscott
Finish the race25-02-2023Keith Truscott
Fellowship with the Ignorant and Idolatrous in RevivalJohn Yates
To gain “peace of God”24-02-2023Keith Truscott
Sinners still struggling20-02-2023Keith Truscott
One Beauty One Glory19-02-2023John Yates
Trust in God’s strengthKeith Truscott
Christ’s “flowing” blood “streams”18-02-2023Keith Truscott
Nights can’t destroy16-02-2023Keith Truscott
The Disciplines of the Father 1. The Pattern of GodJohn Yates
Pray faith stay game15-02-2023Keith Truscott
Honour “good faith” folks14-02-2023Keith Truscott
New hope restored13-02-2023Keith Truscott
Keep pure motives12-02-2023Keith Truscott
Weak LeadershipJohn Yates
God shows mercy11-02-2023Keith Truscott
Brokenness Will Rebuild the Church10-02-2023John Yates
Build ourselves upKeith Truscott
Smile and speak health words9-02-2023Keith Truscott
Be fully blessed8-02-2023Keith Truscott
Peace, love and joy…7-02-2023Keith Truscott
Intensification for Transformation6-02-2023John Yates
Loves us “a heap”Keith Truscott
Let our Lord “comfort”4-02-2023Keith Truscott
God helps us endure2-02-2023Keith Truscott
Stand on “Rock” Jesus1-02-2023Keith Truscott
Last and least folks31-01-2023Keith Truscott
Dry seabed and sand30-01-2023Keith Truscott
Meet in God’s house29-01-2023Keith Truscott
God’s Word is our might28-01-2023Keith Truscott
Give freely27-01-2023Keith Truscott
God has Given more to Some26-01-2023John Yates
Faith “escape” planKeith Truscott
God makes and saves25-01-2023Keith Truscott
Keep up worship24-01-2023Keith Truscott
One Light19-01-2023John Yates
“My shield”Keith Truscott
Make heaven secure18-01-2023Keith Truscott
Our God is true17-01-2023Keith Truscott
Cross our home base16-01-2023Keith Truscott
Unfailing TestimonyJohn Yates
Like David let’s “trust”15-01-2023Keith Truscott
“Trust and obey”14-01-2023Keith Truscott
Trust His great mercy13-01-2023Keith Truscott
Guided by GodJohn Yates
Lord Jesus’ glory11-01-2023Keith Truscott
Joy wins the day10-01-2023Keith Truscott
The Baptism of Jesus9-01-2023John Yates
“Repent” of all sinsKeith Truscott
‘Light up their life’8-01-2023Keith Truscott
God’s great love7-01-2023Keith Truscott
Stay strong and true6-01-2023Keith Truscott
Guides and provides5-01-2023Keith Truscott
Work where we are4-01-2023Keith Truscott
Epiphany 20233-01-2023John Yates
Right way to goKeith Truscott
Church heart’s “door”2-01-2023Keith Truscott
There’s “room in Christ’s inn”1-01-2023Keith Truscott
Vision 202331-12-2022John Yates
“Stands in the gap”Keith Truscott
Christ is our “bridegroom”30-12-2022Keith Truscott
We’re not forgotten29-12-2022Keith Truscott
Promises faithfulness28-12-2022Keith Truscott
God’s in command26-12-2022Keith Truscott
Christmas 2022: Something Worth Dying ForJohn Yates
‘Care for country’25-12-2022Keith Truscott
When needing a “sign”24-12-2022Keith Truscott
‘High hopes’ full blast23-12-2022Keith Truscott
“Love one another”21-12-2022Keith Truscott
Keep trusting Jesus20-12-2022Keith Truscott
“Walk in the Light”19-12-2022Keith Truscott
God’s love is true18-12-2022Keith Truscott
Look for the “sign”Keith Truscott
His love’s great16-12-2022Keith Truscott
Singing15-12-2022John Yates
Rejoice in the Lord14-12-2022Keith Truscott
Upholding the Tapestry of God13-12-2022John Yates
We hope for heavenKeith Truscott
God’s Word will achieve12-12-2022Keith Truscott
“Clap…hands” today11-12-2022Keith Truscott
Let’s live “in Him”10-12-2022Keith Truscott
Keep praying9-12-2022Keith Truscott
Become strong and brave8-12-2022Keith Truscott
Don’t fret7-12-2022Keith Truscott
Persist in prayer6-12-2022Keith Truscott
Be strong in the Lord5-12-2022Keith Truscott
“Come…worship” God4-12-2022Keith Truscott
Shine little candle3-12-2022Keith Truscott
Unboxed1-12-2022John Yates
Our “living hope”Keith Truscott
Joy “waits30-11-2022Keith Truscott
Stay humble and keen29-11-2022Keith Truscott
A “faith” walk28-11-2022Keith Truscott
“Jesus loves me”27-11-2022Keith Truscott
Recovering the Lost Worship of Heaven24-11-2022John Yates
It’s “worship” season20-11-2022Keith Truscott
A Bigger Jesus19-11-2022John Yates
Our “Emmanuel”Keith Truscott
Jam in the jar18-11-2022Keith Truscott
Best ever gold find17-11-2022Keith Truscott
“No greater love”16-11-2022Keith Truscott
Look beautiful15-11-2022Keith Truscott
The Tapestry14-11-2022John Yates
Sharing gifts13-11-2022Keith Truscott
On Jesus let’s lean12-11-2022Keith Truscott
Ten times more gracious11-11-2022Keith Truscott
Christ loved and freed us10-11-2022Keith Truscott
Jesus’ “love covers”9-11-2022Keith Truscott
The New Wineskin of Mutual SubmissionJohn Yates
God’s Word like dew7-11-2022Keith Truscott
God’s “proper time”6-11-2022Keith Truscott
Ev’ry breadcrumb5-11-2022Keith Truscott
Our “best friend”4-11-2022Keith Truscott
Pure Love3-11-2022John Yates
“My Shepherd”2-11-2022Keith Truscott
Full “glory”1-11-2022Keith Truscott
Living in the Glory of God the Holy Spirit31-10-2022John Yates
still “rewards” strong faithKeith Truscott
Our life’s been restored30-10-2022Keith Truscott
Trust in the “power”29-10-2022Keith Truscott
Naming the Power of “Sin”27-10-2022John Yates
Living in the Glory of God the Son24-10-2022John Yates
A Church Confused By CultureJohn Yates
Troubles test19-10-2022Keith Truscott
New “life” to share18-10-2022Keith Truscott
Living in the Glory of God as Father17-10-2022John Yates
“Reap what we sow”16-10-2022Keith Truscott
Trauma and Revelation15-10-2022John Yates
“A great light”Keith Truscott
Cross scar14-10-2022Keith Truscott
Power in prayer13-10-2022Keith Truscott
Servants, be ready12-10-2022Keith Truscott
“Jesus is Lord”11-10-2022Keith Truscott
“Loyal love”10-10-2022Keith Truscott
Jesus’ ‘blood swab’9-10-2022Keith Truscott
“This is love”8-10-2022Keith Truscott
Grace through suff’ring7-10-2022Keith Truscott
Sing “psalms and hymns”6-10-2022Keith Truscott
Faithful and true5-10-2022Keith Truscott
Let’s too forgive4-10-2022Keith Truscott
God is our “Rock”3-10-2022Keith Truscott
Spirit gets grieved1-10-2022Keith Truscott
Pilgrim don’t worry30-09-2022Keith Truscott
“Peace I leave with you”29-09-2022Keith Truscott
Set him apart28-09-2022Keith Truscott
Don’t worry now27-09-2022Keith Truscott
“Trust and obey”26-09-2022Keith Truscott
“Jesus is Lord”25-09-2022Keith Truscott
Cool billabong24-09-2022Keith Truscott
Let’s “bear fruit”23-09-2022Keith Truscott
Help and/or bless22-09-2022Keith Truscott
God’s “mindful” of us21-09-2022Keith Truscott
Doing God’s will20-09-2022Keith Truscott
Wide, winner’s grin19-09-2022Keith Truscott
“I Am the Chief”18-09-2022Keith Truscott
“Helper” utmost17-09-2022Keith Truscott
Faith moves mountains16-09-2022Keith Truscott
Freed of all shame15-09-2022Keith Truscott
The “good shepherd”Keith Truscott
Care for the poorKeith Truscott
Let’s go “serve” GodKeith Truscott
God really caresKeith Truscott
Soon wear white robesKeith Truscott
Pilgrims progress when…Keith Truscott
Come Lord Jesus11-09-2022Jenny Cox
Sweeter than perfume8-09-2022Keith Truscott
Daniel 5 The Writing is on the Wall7-09-2022John Yates
“Mouth” and “heart” loveKeith Truscott
Come to the Cross5-09-2022Keith Truscott
Our “Lord is good”4-09-2022Keith Truscott
Calm currawong3-09-2022Keith Truscott
Missionary man2-09-2022Keith Truscott
Living in the River of GodJohn Yates
Lord’s “Golden Rule”1-09-2022Keith Truscott
“Go” to our prayer room31-08-2022Keith Truscott
Let’s “hope” in Him30-08-2022Keith Truscott
Stay “peacemakers29-08-2022Keith Truscott
Daniel 4: Humiliation and ReturnJohn Yates
God still leads28-08-2022Keith Truscott
The Holy CityJenny Cox
The Devil JudgedJenny Cox
Manna of “mercies”27-08-2022Keith Truscott
God’s gift of “life26-08-2022Keith Truscott
Deeper GloryJohn Yates
Love words renown25-08-2022Keith Truscott
“Cheer” up24-08-2022Keith Truscott
“Perfect love”23-08-2022Keith Truscott
“My prayer…”22-08-2022Keith Truscott
Daniel 3:The Idol of ManJohn Yates
God “with us”21-08-2022Keith Truscott
“In spite of” love20-08-2022Keith Truscott
“Spirit” “power”19-08-2022Keith Truscott
Keep Christ adored18-08-2022Keith Truscott
Incomparable FatherJohn Yates
Like a sunflower17-08-2022Keith Truscott
Loyal love rare16-08-2022Keith Truscott
Faith oceans-wide15-08-2022Keith Truscott
Daniel 2: Kingdom VisionJohn Yates
“Highest Hosanna!”14-08-2022Keith Truscott
The “new man”13-08-2022Keith Truscott
Shame to GloryJohn Yates
Let’s love Lord Jesus12-08-2022Keith Truscott
Grow “good fruit”11-08-2022Keith Truscott
Walk in Christ’s shoes10-08-2022Keith Truscott
Endure9-08-2022Keith Truscott
Tornadoes can’t toss8-08-2022Keith Truscott
Daniel 1: ExileJohn Yates
Good and “great grace”7-08-2022Keith Truscott
Words of knowledge6-08-2022Keith Truscott
“Workers are few”5-08-2022Keith Truscott
Elvis to the End: Following Jesus in an Age of Rebellion4-08-2022John Yates
Rejoice instead3-08-2022Keith Truscott
Sometimes slip and doubt2-08-2022Keith Truscott
“Dying to self”1-08-2022Keith Truscott
The Church is ApostolicJohn Yates
“Good” Christian run race31-07-2022Keith Truscott
Promise of heaven30-07-2022Keith Truscott
Christ still cares29-07-2022Keith Truscott
Fathers, Elders, Confessors28-07-2022John Yates
“Count” you betterKeith Truscott
‘Rough and tough’ year27-07-2022Keith Truscott
Use our prayer skill26-07-2022Keith Truscott
The Church Catholic25-07-2022John Yates
Beyond TraumaJohn Yates
Pray thanks19-07-2022Keith Truscott
Races we run18-07-2022Keith Truscott
The Church is HolyJohn Yates
“You are God’s temple…”17-07-2022Keith Truscott
Tell faith, “Don’t faint”16-07-2022Keith Truscott
Wedding Feast and Macabre Feast14-07-2022Jenny Cox
Triple TraumaJohn Yates
When “weary” still “run”Keith Truscott
Lord will still steer13-07-2022Keith Truscott
Love sublime12-07-2022Keith Truscott
One Church11-07-2022John Yates
Tell the lost worldKeith Truscott
Sin’s healing9-07-2022Keith Truscott
Win the ‘wealth war’7-07-2022Keith Truscott
“Peacemakers”6-07-2022Keith Truscott
Bread of “hope”5-07-2022Keith Truscott
2 Peter week 6 The Consummation4-07-2022John Yates
Christ’s way of loveKeith Truscott
Like River Nile3-07-2022Keith Truscott
Babylon FallsJenny Cox
God’s power beats all2-07-2022Keith Truscott
“Serve” strong1-07-2022Keith Truscott
Pure Water30-06-2022John Yates
Don’t ‘run with the herd’Keith Truscott
“Jesus is Lord”29-06-2022Keith Truscott
Orphans no more28-06-2022Keith Truscott
John the Baptist27-06-2022John Yates
“Not trav’lling well”Keith Truscott
True, worthwhile “Guide”26-06-2022Keith Truscott
God’s bright ‘Son’ shower25-06-2022Keith Truscott
Love strong and stout24-06-2022Keith Truscott
Living Words23-06-2022John Yates
Ten times our prayer wishKeith Truscott
Unwise thoughts22-06-2022Keith Truscott
Saviour and Helper21-06-2022Keith Truscott
2 Peter 2 week 5 Evil Impostors20-06-2022John Yates
Gives us strengthKeith Truscott
Tremble in thanks19-06-2022Keith Truscott
The Great Prostitute, BabylonJenny Cox
Wake-up warning18-06-2022Keith Truscott
Trust our children will learnKeith Truscott
Creating Space17-06-2022John Yates
Walk in the Spirit16-06-2022Keith Truscott
Take home the “grand prize”15-06-2022Keith Truscott
“Tables were turned”14-06-2022Keith Truscott
Best way we could12-06-2022Keith Truscott
Our “Saviour”11-06-2022Keith Truscott
Doing “good deeds10-06-2022Keith Truscott
God’s breath9-06-2022Keith Truscott
“Heart of flesh”7-06-2022Keith Truscott
Pentecost 2022John Yates
Time to repent6-06-2022Keith Truscott
Bowl Plagues and ArmageddonJenny Cox
Rejection, Revival and the Power of the Spirit2-06-2022John Yates
‘One more furlong’Keith Truscott
True love and care1-06-2022Keith Truscott
Ascension30-05-2022John Yates
“Greater love”Keith Truscott
His “Name” stands strongKeith Truscott
Stay “blessed”28-05-2022Keith Truscott
Hold my post27-05-2022Keith Truscott
“Got a mansion”26-05-2022Keith Truscott
Cleansed ‘childlike’ “friends”25-05-2022Keith Truscott
Sweet “speech”24-05-2022Keith Truscott
“Submit…to God”23-05-2022Keith Truscott
2 Peter week 4 False TeachersJohn Yates
Saints Rewarded22-05-2022Jenny Cox
Two BeastsJenny Cox
We feel at easeKeith Truscott
Love oceans wide21-05-2022Keith Truscott
“Throne of grace”Keith Truscott
Always succeeds19-05-2022Keith Truscott
“Godly grief”18-05-2022Keith Truscott
Gaining great “good”17-05-2022Keith Truscott
Majestic Glory 2 Pet 1:12-2116-05-2022John Yates
A new “law”Keith Truscott
Greater glory15-05-2022Keith Truscott
Deepening the Wounds of Christ14-05-2022John Yates
The Power of the Wounds of the LordJohn Yates
Lovely “lilies”13-05-2022Keith Truscott
“Bear” good “fruit”12-05-2022Keith Truscott
His lifestyle11-05-2022Keith Truscott
John the Seer10-05-2022John Yates
Teach our tongueKeith Truscott
“Fear not”9-05-2022Keith Truscott
Mother’s mem’ries8-05-2022Keith Truscott
“Honour” our parents7-05-2022Keith Truscott
True Saviour6-05-2022Keith Truscott
Hold on5-05-2022Keith Truscott
“Fret not”4-05-2022Keith Truscott
Going on with Christ2-05-2022John Yates
David’s “my…my” GodKeith Truscott
“Our Rock…Redeemer”30-04-2022Keith Truscott
Christ did succeed29-04-2022Keith Truscott
Developing a Sense of the EternalJohn Yates
The Red Dragon28-04-2022Jenny Cox
The Church’s Prophetic WitnessJenny Cox
Bold and brave27-04-2022Keith Truscott
Strength and “grace”26-04-2022Keith Truscott
Sharing in the Nature of God 2 Peter week 125-04-2022John Yates
Jew and Greek “saved”19-04-2022Keith Truscott
“Blood of Jesus”18-04-2022Keith Truscott
“He is not here…”17-04-2022Keith Truscott
‘Little lost sheep’16-04-2022Keith Truscott
Faith’s prayer call15-04-2022Keith Truscott
Next ‘Easter break’14-04-2022Keith Truscott
Not just ‘an old crutch’13-04-2022Keith Truscott
Jesus and his Friends11-04-2022John Yates
Seeing in the Spirit2-04-2022John Yates
Jesus’ Family28-03-2022John Yates
“Goodbye” to gruffKeith Truscott
Where saints won’t stray27-03-2022Keith Truscott
When “fig tree” poor26-03-2022Keith Truscott
When shame sparks25-03-2022Keith Truscott
No more worry24-03-2022Keith Truscott
Love surplus23-03-2022Keith Truscott
Walk in the “Light”22-03-2022Keith Truscott
“Joy” heaven-style21-03-2022Keith Truscott
“No greater love”20-03-2022Keith Truscott
The Trumpet PlaguesJenny Cox
Grace makes more sense19-03-2022Keith Truscott
War to End All Wars18-03-2022John Yates
Source of strengthKeith Truscott
When tests come17-03-2022Keith Truscott
My Refuge16-03-2022Keith Truscott
“…We can trust”15-03-2022Keith Truscott
Jesus and his F/father14-03-2022John Yates
Christ-controlledKeith Truscott
Let’s give thanks13-03-2022Keith Truscott
We won’t ‘flunk’12-03-2022Keith Truscott
Holy Holy unholyJohn Yates
Does God love fat people?11-03-2022Jenny Cox
Why Can’t I Be Complete on My Own?Jenny Cox
Aim for perfection?Jenny Cox
Free Mulch and the Grace of God: A ParableJenny Cox
Star Trek, the Borg and the TrinityJenny Cox
Peace of GodKeith Truscott
“Ten thousand” times more10-03-2022Keith Truscott
Bless that “bruised reed”9-03-2022Keith Truscott
The “good wife”8-03-2022Keith Truscott
Jesus: God and Human7-03-2022John Yates
Gather all “country”6-03-2022Keith Truscott
Sin’s best fish-lure5-03-2022Keith Truscott
Pray “steadfast”4-03-2022Keith Truscott
Praying with the Prophets: sexual sin and the Church today3-03-2022John Yates
Christ our stronghold2-03-2022Keith Truscott
Father the only God??1-03-2022John Yates
“Faith folks”Keith Truscott
Transfiguration: future and present28-02-2022John Yates
Seals Opened and Saints SealedJenny Cox
Ever-Expanding WorshipJenny Cox
Reach for heaven27-02-2022Keith Truscott
We’re “safe” with Christ26-02-2022Keith Truscott
Ascending into the Divine Council24-02-2022John Yates
Earthquake mercyKeith Truscott
God sends “sky blue”23-02-2022Keith Truscott
‘Rich’ happiness22-02-2022Keith Truscott
“sons of the Most High” Luke 6:27-38John Yates
“My God loves you”21-02-2022Keith Truscott
Kept their lamps trim20-02-2022Keith Truscott
Still “pursue peace”19-02-2022Keith Truscott
We’ll be okay18-02-2022Keith Truscott
“Lord is faithful”17-02-2022Keith Truscott
“Alabaster jar”16-02-2022Keith Truscott
‘Match and suit’15-02-2022Keith Truscott
Victim or Victor14-02-2022John Yates
“Love is patient…”Keith Truscott
Ride our hope bus13-02-2022Keith Truscott
Brave love-song12-02-2022Keith Truscott
“Wonderful” future11-02-2022Keith Truscott
Stay stronger10-02-2022Keith Truscott
COVID Chaos Cross9-02-2022John Yates
Suffering saintsKeith Truscott
No more ‘stick like tar’8-02-2022Keith Truscott
God’s good “plans”7-02-2022Keith Truscott
Depart from Me Luke 5:1-11John Yates
Ruler of the Kings of the Earth6-02-2022Jenny Cox
“Living Water”Keith Truscott
“Friend of sinners”5-02-2022Keith Truscott
“Saints” face suff’rings4-02-2022Keith Truscott
Lasting “comfort”3-02-2022Keith Truscott
“Blessed” be “Father” God2-02-2022Keith Truscott
“Helper”1-02-2022Keith Truscott
God’s “wisdom”31-01-2022Keith Truscott
The Sign of the Son of Man30-01-2022John Yates
“Righteousness ” firesKeith Truscott
True love gives29-01-2022Keith Truscott
Let’s do “good” works28-01-2022Keith Truscott
Truly “God with us”27-01-2022Keith Truscott
Jesus’ world-view26-01-2022Keith Truscott
“Seated” in heaven25-01-2022Keith Truscott
The Sign of Jonah24-01-2022John Yates
Stay strong and smartKeith Truscott
Total InheritanceJohn Yates
Morning mail train23-01-2022Keith Truscott
Christ will “defend”19-01-2022Keith Truscott
Tell the whole world18-01-2022Keith Truscott
“Strengthen” folks’ faith17-01-2022Keith Truscott
Baptism: Jesus’ and OursJohn Yates
Keep up our prayers16-01-2022Keith Truscott
We can help ‘heaps’15-01-2022Keith Truscott
Sing sweet song14-01-2022Keith Truscott
Final FreedomJohn Yates
Trading sorrows12-01-2022Keith Truscott
‘Humble headspace11-01-2022Keith Truscott
‘Pride bubbles’10-01-2022Keith Truscott
Signs of His Coming: Persecution9-01-2022John Yates
Follow the LordKeith Truscott
Friends’ and foes’ failures8-01-2022Keith Truscott
Good “future”, “hope”, “dream”7-01-2022Keith Truscott
Walking life’s rough roads6-01-2022Keith Truscott
When ‘good mates’ lose their gloss5-01-2022Keith Truscott
Help those in need4-01-2022Keith Truscott
Let’s “guard our hearts…”3-01-2022Keith Truscott
Signs and Confusions2-01-2022John Yates
“Light” shining day and nightKeith Truscott
Jesus’ “new thing”1-01-2022Keith Truscott
Lord stay my “strength31-12-2021Keith Truscott
Now and forever30-12-2021Keith Truscott
Our “New Year” load29-12-2021Keith Truscott
We’re in God’s safe Hands28-12-2021Keith Truscott
Love, “joy, peace, goodwill”27-12-2021Keith Truscott
Love Beyond COVIDJohn Yates
Song of Mary26-12-2021John Yates
Jesus’ Surnames25-12-2021Keith Truscott
Gracious and grand24-12-2021Keith Truscott
“Saviour” first-rate21-12-2021Keith Truscott
Song of MaryJohn Yates
God rules history20-12-2021Keith Truscott
The Most Excellent Way: Foundation for Revival10-12-2021John Yates
I am the Vine7-12-2021John Yates
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life29-11-2021John Yates
Triumph of the Will26-11-2021John Yates
I am the Resurrection22-11-2021John Yates
MortarficationJohn Yates
Strong “mountain” sureKeith Truscott
Christ’s courage14-11-2021Keith Truscott
All Clear11-11-2021John Yates
“You are with me”Keith Truscott
Before Abraham was, I AM8-11-2021John Yates
Loves and persuadesKeith Truscott
He will bless7-11-2021Keith Truscott
God’s Word gives power5-11-2021Keith Truscott
Look at Christ’s scars4-11-2021Keith Truscott
I AM the Light of the WorldJohn Yates
Stay strong and stout3-11-2021Keith Truscott
His love won’t grow dim2-11-2021Keith Truscott
Won a gold mine1-11-2021Keith Truscott
RadiantJohn Yates
Not priest or padre31-10-2021Keith Truscott
“Jesus is Lord”30-10-2021Keith Truscott
Not just words and creeds29-10-2021Keith Truscott
Let faith not die28-10-2021Keith Truscott
Loved in Christ’s eyes27-10-2021Keith Truscott
Strong, sweet love26-10-2021Keith Truscott
Skinned Alive: How the Nations Shall be Healed25-10-2021John Yates
I am the Bread of LifeJohn Yates
More God will shareKeith Truscott
Fit into God’s plans24-10-2021Keith Truscott
One Throne in Heaven22-10-2021John Yates
“Treasure” seekingKeith Truscott
Jesus’ mother21-10-2021Keith Truscott
We are the clayKeith Truscott
I AM the Lord18-10-2021John Yates
“I Am’s” worldviewKeith Truscott
Let’s tagalong17-10-2021Keith Truscott
Christlikeness ‘cool’16-10-2021Keith Truscott
Ending the God-Delusion15-10-2021John Yates
Keep up faith trendKeith Truscott
Grace wins the worst fight14-10-2021Keith Truscott
“Leaning” on Jesus12-10-2021Keith Truscott
“Twenty-four seven”11-10-2021Keith Truscott
“Strong” faith10-10-2021Keith Truscott
Close “soul” care9-10-2021Keith Truscott
“Carer” of ‘country’8-10-2021Keith Truscott
Total Beauty7-10-2021John Yates
“Love” like JesusKeith Truscott
No way “old man”6-10-2021Keith Truscott
All our faults share5-10-2021Keith Truscott
The Shape of Humanity4-10-2021John Yates
Humbly ‘deny self’Keith Truscott
“God is light”3-10-2021Keith Truscott
“Three-fold cord” strength2-10-2021Keith Truscott
Paul’s five deeds1-10-2021Keith Truscott
Bubbles of Glory30-09-2021John Yates
Nothing can tossKeith Truscott
“Wise” deeds29-09-2021Keith Truscott
“Lights in the world”28-09-2021Keith Truscott
Divine Healing27-09-2021John Yates
“Shalom, shalom”Keith Truscott
“Calvary” place26-09-2021Keith Truscott
Jesus’ footstool25-09-2021Keith Truscott
Seeing Glory at Work24-09-2021John Yates
Let’s still trustKeith Truscott
Grab this “great hope”21-09-2021Keith Truscott
Untameable Tongue20-09-2021John Yates
“My shield…hope”19-09-2021Keith Truscott
“Lost jig-saw piece”18-09-2021Keith Truscott
Breathe mercy17-09-2021Keith Truscott
Feeling Failure16-09-2021John Yates
Calvary stairKeith Truscott
Great favour15-09-2021Keith Truscott
This “perfect love”14-09-2021Keith Truscott
Justified by Works13-09-2021John Yates
Jesus’ “one” ruleKeith Truscott
Cross is diff’rent11-09-2021Keith Truscott
Vaccine Unity or Disunity?10-09-2021John Yates
His love blooms longerKeith Truscott
“Good” shepherds9-09-2021Keith Truscott
Deep from our “heart”8-09-2021Keith Truscott
‘Joyful sound’7-09-2021Keith Truscott
Poor6-09-2021John Yates
“Never” againKeith Truscott
We God’s church5-09-2021Keith Truscott
Sing God’s greatness4-09-2021Keith Truscott
Finishing the Family TreeJohn Yates
Make Christ our home base3-09-2021Keith Truscott
“Feed” our enemy2-09-2021Keith Truscott
Christ’s “servants” school1-09-2021Keith Truscott
God who’s fearless31-08-2021Keith Truscott
Spiritual Warfare30-08-2021John Yates
God’s friend nowKeith Truscott
“Do your best…”29-08-2021Keith Truscott
Let’s stay “steadfast”28-08-2021Keith Truscott
More strength27-08-2021Keith Truscott
Each day and dark night26-08-2021Keith Truscott
So, saints persist25-08-2021Keith Truscott
The Womb of the SpiritJohn Yates
When shame weighs heavy24-08-2021Keith Truscott
“…Hearts burn within us”23-08-2021Keith Truscott
Each day’s a ‘new page’22-08-2021Keith Truscott
“Have courage”21-08-2021Keith Truscott
Terror Rises20-08-2021John Yates
Persist in PrayerJenny Cox
“Daily bears us”19-08-2021Keith Truscott
“…Thou great Jehovah”18-08-2021Keith Truscott
Faith ‘through the night’17-08-2021Keith Truscott
Be Filled with the Spirit16-08-2021John Yates
Grow God’s good “fruit”Keith Truscott
That “greater love”15-08-2021Keith Truscott
Sent “Holy Spirit”14-08-2021Keith Truscott
Rooted, built up and established, abounding in thanksgiving13-08-2021Jenny Cox
Best order of thingsKeith Truscott
Church as Mother and BrideJohn Yates
Esteem not malign12-08-2021Keith Truscott
Not just nearly11-08-2021Keith Truscott
In God we trust10-08-2021Keith Truscott
A New Identity In Christ Eph 4:17-5:29-08-2021John Yates
Make sinners “family”Keith Truscott
Cross clothes He clad8-08-2021Keith Truscott
Let “harmony” speak7-08-2021Keith Truscott
God’s faithfulness6-08-2021Keith Truscott
“My soul waits…”5-08-2021Keith Truscott
The Fire that DividesJohn Yates
“Amazing grace”4-08-2021Keith Truscott
Sing Christ’s love over3-08-2021Keith Truscott
Love, help and caring2-08-2021Keith Truscott
Fully EquippedJohn Yates
Natural ‘grinner’1-08-2021Keith Truscott
“Quiet time”31-07-2021Keith Truscott
Christ told us “Go”30-07-2021Keith Truscott
Smokin’ WifeJohn Yates
Worship Songs (David Stephens)John Yates
When we ask God29-07-2021Keith Truscott
Grumbling or LamentingJenny Cox
Happiness and IdolsJenny Cox
Beware Temptation from People You TrustJenny Cox
Love of MoneyJenny Cox
Nehemiah Chapter 1 and How to Discover Your Spiritual GiftsJenny Cox
Prayer in a vat of molassesJenny Cox
Tell the Lord27-07-2021Keith Truscott
The Measure of Love26-07-2021John Yates
God freed JoshuaKeith Truscott
“Thanksgiving”Keith Truscott
Colossians 1:21-2325-07-2021Jenny Cox
Let God’s “Word” inspire24-07-2021Keith Truscott
“Love” is a blessing23-07-2021Keith Truscott
Dying Seed22-07-2021John Yates
Christ’s ‘faith trustees’Keith Truscott
Barbeques for the World: Perth as an End Time City of Refuge21-07-2021John Yates
Hope, joy and peaceKeith Truscott
“Follow me” sheep20-07-2021Keith Truscott
One Temple19-07-2021John Yates
“Remember” God’s deedsKeith Truscott
but then came ‘Helpful’17-07-2021Keith Truscott
“Move “mountain” move!”16-07-2021Keith Truscott
Our humble “wish” prayers15-07-2021Keith Truscott
“Sing” is the thing14-07-2021Keith Truscott
Blessed to be a Blessing13-07-2021John Yates
Stay His “treasure”Keith Truscott
Bridal Church and Global Mission10-07-2021John Yates
Searching For a Great Light1-07-2021John Yates
Crossing the Barrier28-06-2021John Yates
Enemies Needed25-06-2021John Yates
God’s “city”24-06-2021Keith Truscott
Loved more than angels23-06-2021Keith Truscott
Tasteless Salt to Blinding LightJohn Yates
Like a “three-cord rope”22-06-2021Keith Truscott
Rainbows remind us21-06-2021Keith Truscott
After Death20-06-2021John Yates
Blessings then cover…Keith Truscott
We still can be used19-06-2021Keith Truscott
How our sin dies18-06-2021Keith Truscott
God values us more…17-06-2021Keith Truscott
When ‘clouds turn to grey’16-06-2021Keith Truscott
BarnabasJohn Yates
After DeathJohn Yates
Trust by the ton15-06-2021Keith Truscott
Ask for “grace”14-06-2021Keith Truscott
Colossians 1:1-213-06-2021Jenny Cox
‘Care and support’Keith Truscott
“In spite of…” love12-06-2021Keith Truscott
Keep faith “sky-high”11-06-2021Keith Truscott
‘Tattered and torn’10-06-2021Keith Truscott
Soon “weeping” will “reap”8-06-2021Keith Truscott
Israel’s “idols”7-06-2021Keith Truscott
Cheerful givers6-06-2021Keith Truscott
“Our daily bread”5-06-2021Keith Truscott
Speak “life” and “light”4-06-2021Keith Truscott
Invite Christ in3-06-2021Keith Truscott
Many a ‘love song’2-06-2021Keith Truscott
Lots of false gods1-06-2021Keith Truscott
Our Trinity31-05-2021John Yates
“Good” ‘fresh oil’Keith Truscott
Cross love runs deep30-05-2021Keith Truscott
“Soar like eagles”29-05-2021Keith Truscott
Shine like Jesus28-05-2021Keith Truscott
“Helper” and ‘Boss’25-05-2021Keith Truscott
Each day’s a flower24-05-2021Keith Truscott
The Pentecostal ChurchJohn Yates
In Christ we’re livin’23-05-2021Keith Truscott
Words kind and wise22-05-2021Keith Truscott
Let’s “complete” God’s work21-05-2021Keith Truscott
“For God so loved” us20-05-2021Keith Truscott
Sweet victory19-05-2021Keith Truscott
Pray for Christ’s calm18-05-2021Keith Truscott
Ascension Today17-05-2021John Yates
 ”Comfort” of GodKeith Truscott
‘Jesus loves me’16-05-2021Keith Truscott
“Poor” folks seek Lord’s help15-05-2021Keith Truscott
“Joy” will be nigh14-05-2021Keith Truscott
In sunshine or shade13-05-2021Keith Truscott
Love and include12-05-2021Keith Truscott
Greatest goldmine11-05-2021Keith Truscott
Abide in Love10-05-2021John Yates
Words backed with actionsKeith Truscott
“In spite of” love9-05-2021Keith Truscott
“Train up a child”8-05-2021Keith Truscott
Rule as a Shepherd7-05-2021John Yates
A Vision of FruitfulnessJohn Yates
“Home Ground” advantageKeith Truscott
“Steadfast” prayer6-05-2021Keith Truscott
When we stumble and fall5-05-2021Keith Truscott
“Walk in the light”4-05-2021Keith Truscott
“Honey from the comb”3-05-2021Keith Truscott
Mercies so sure2-05-2021Keith Truscott
Grave once claimed “vict’ry”1-05-2021Keith Truscott
“Peace” by the score30-04-2021Keith Truscott
Missing Mum’s smile29-04-2021Keith Truscott
‘Dying to self’28-04-2021Keith Truscott
Dirt, dust and silt27-04-2021Keith Truscott
Full “servant” price26-04-2021Keith Truscott
All-conqu’ring care25-04-2021Keith Truscott
When rainbows have curled24-04-2021Keith Truscott
“Love our neighbour”23-04-2021Keith Truscott
“LORD” of “the earth”22-04-2021Keith Truscott
From doubts we’ve been freed20-04-2021Keith Truscott
All day devotion19-04-2021Keith Truscott
Words of “great grace”18-04-2021Keith Truscott
Our “Pearl of great price”17-04-2021Keith Truscott
Teach Us to Pray16-04-2021Jenny Cox
“Wonderful…plans formed of old”Keith Truscott
“Secret” prayers15-04-2021Keith Truscott
Won’t take a bribe14-04-2021Keith Truscott
Keep Christ exalted13-04-2021Keith Truscott
Fire-tested “faith”12-04-2021Keith Truscott
God’s breath and “good seed”11-04-2021Keith Truscott
“Lifter of my head”10-04-2021Keith Truscott
God loves and wants us9-04-2021Keith Truscott
Like coins in a jar8-04-2021Keith Truscott
Pure “salt” grain7-04-2021Keith Truscott
We’re ‘safe’ “in Christ”5-04-2021Keith Truscott
Let Him be praised4-04-2021Keith Truscott
Make faith river flow3-04-2021Keith Truscott
“Father forgive them…”2-04-2021Keith Truscott
Show ‘more profit than loss’1-04-2021Keith Truscott
Our ‘daily drill’31-03-2021Keith Truscott
God’s love will not fail30-03-2021Keith Truscott
The Cross Shows God is Love29-03-2021John Yates
Sinners gained “Life”Keith Truscott
Christ “saves now”Keith Truscott
Cleansed heart ‘rebuild’27-03-2021Keith Truscott
Why Did Jesus Die?26-03-2021Jenny Cox
Love beyond compareKeith Truscott
Keep Christ adored25-03-2021Keith Truscott
God bestows “courage”24-03-2021Keith Truscott
“My fortress”23-03-2021Keith Truscott
The Gracious Power of the Cross 5. Puts Sinners to Death22-03-2021John Yates
“No fear”Keith Truscott
Words Used to Describe the Baptism in the Holy Spirit21-03-2021Jenny Cox
Our faith won’t scareKeith Truscott
 ’Workmen for God’20-03-2021Keith Truscott
Upside Down19-03-2021John Yates
“Walk in love”Keith Truscott
Servant love18-03-2021Keith Truscott
“Go…proclaim”17-03-2021Keith Truscott
Love God with a smile16-03-2021Keith Truscott
The Cross Reconciles Sinners to God15-03-2021John Yates
God’s love runs deepKeith Truscott
God’s “comforts”Keith Truscott
Baptism: A Meditation13-03-2021John Yates
Firm, fixed in our sightsKeith Truscott
When troubles test12-03-2021Keith Truscott
The King’s “reward”11-03-2021Keith Truscott
“Living water”10-03-2021Keith Truscott
“Spirit” will “teach” us9-03-2021Keith Truscott
Cross is the right “path”8-03-2021Keith Truscott
The Salvation of JesusJohn Yates
Blessed are the merciful7-03-2021Jenny Cox
Calvary merciesKeith Truscott
“Godly grief”6-03-2021Keith Truscott
Restoring the Godly Virtue of SexJohn Yates
Cross won’t dismay5-03-2021Keith Truscott
For those high hills4-03-2021Keith Truscott
Blessings ‘boomerang’3-03-2021Keith Truscott
“Pure” ‘to the core’2-03-2021Keith Truscott
The Cross 2. Peace with GodJohn Yates
“He is risen”1-03-2021Keith Truscott
“Hearers” or “doers”28-02-2021Keith Truscott
Solomon tell me27-02-2021Keith Truscott
Each other’s prayers26-02-2021Keith Truscott
Best two-way link25-02-2021Keith Truscott
“Great grace” supply24-02-2021Keith Truscott
Make “Micah” smile23-02-2021Keith Truscott
The Gracious Power of the Cross 1. Atonement for Sin22-02-2021John Yates
“Sing” a “new song”Keith Truscott
Each morning, noon, night21-02-2021Keith Truscott
Our “God is love”20-02-2021Keith Truscott
God’s “greater love”19-02-2021Keith Truscott
“Orphans and widows”18-02-2021Keith Truscott
Hope that will last17-02-2021Keith Truscott
The Transfiguration16-02-2021John Yates
Prayer: Not Beggars but Sons10-02-2021Jenny Cox
A Reflection on the Boring Bits in LifeJenny Cox
Reflections on Dementia Part Five: Memories, Judgement and PurposeJenny Cox
Reflections on dementia part four: Human personhoodJenny Cox
Fleeing to Jesus for RefugeJohn Yates
The Universal Gospel of God8-02-2021John Yates
Reflections on Dementia Part Three29-01-2021Jenny Cox
Reflections on Dementia Part 2: Fearfully and Wonderfully MadeJenny Cox
Reflections on Dementia Part OneJenny Cox
Whose Barnabas Are You?28-01-2021Jenny Cox
Why Can’t I Be Complete on My Own?Jenny Cox
Why do I have no spiritual gifts?Jenny Cox
Women in Church LeadershipJenny Cox
A love that won’t spoil24-01-2021Keith Truscott
Conspiracy of Fear23-01-2021John Yates
Orchards of orangeKeith Truscott
Filling the Void20-01-2021John Yates
Lessons from America14-01-2021John Yates
The Baptism of our Lord10-01-2021John Yates
The City Worth Dying For7-01-2021John Yates
Pandemic Reflections6-01-2021Jenny Cox
“Tented for Us”: The Mystery of Christmas21-12-2020John Yates
Beyond the Political Part II Whose City?14-12-2020John Yates
Beyond the Political Part I: The Dilemma of Our TimesJohn Yates
The Straight Way of the Lord7-12-2020John Yates
In our “wilderness”6-12-2020Keith Truscott
We know One love5-12-2020Keith Truscott
God’s faithfulness4-12-2020Keith Truscott
God did deliver3-12-2020Keith Truscott
The river of “grace”2-12-2020Keith Truscott
Jesus our ‘treasure”1-12-2020Keith Truscott
God’s kingdom still rules30-11-2020Keith Truscott
Hope remains22-11-2020Jenny Cox
Future Church?21-11-2020John Yates
God’s Word will last17-11-2020Keith Truscott
Love Feast16-11-2020John Yates
Our yardstickKeith Truscott
Noah’s ark proves15-11-2020Keith Truscott
Don’t “run” but “resist”14-11-2020Keith Truscott
Grief upon Grief: true and false spiritual fathering11-11-2020John Yates
Be steadfast and sure10-11-2020Keith Truscott
“Great grace” plenty9-11-2020Keith Truscott
Lord’s SupperJohn Yates
A job we must do8-11-2020Keith Truscott
“Faith” folks7-11-2020Keith Truscott
“Relight our spark”6-11-2020Keith Truscott
“Glory” in Christ’s blood5-11-2020Keith Truscott
Love and friendship4-11-2020Keith Truscott
“Tender-hearted”3-11-2020Keith Truscott
Spiritual Discernment 2. Discerning of Spirits2-11-2020John Yates
God knows what’s “good”Keith Truscott
Let God’s love delight1-11-2020Keith Truscott
Same time made “righteous”31-10-2020Keith Truscott
Trusted Friend, Saviour30-10-2020Keith Truscott
Fan into flame29-10-2020Keith Truscott
Spiritual Discernment 1. The Way of Jesus and the Discernment of Persons28-10-2020John Yates
Love those who wrong usKeith Truscott
Three kinds of fools27-10-2020Keith Truscott
“Oil in our jars”26-10-2020Keith Truscott
The DoorJohn Yates
1 Corinthians 13:8-1025-10-2020Jenny Cox
Stay “watered”Keith Truscott
Life more complete24-10-2020Keith Truscott
“Walk a mile in My shoes”23-10-2020Keith Truscott
Our help and hope22-10-2020Keith Truscott
“Love one another”21-10-2020Keith Truscott
God’s holy “brand”20-10-2020Keith Truscott
Prophets and the rest of God 2: The Church at Rest19-10-2020John Yates
Feel like sheep shornKeith Truscott
“God with us” this year18-10-2020Keith Truscott
Ferocious Warriors: a fellowship of groaning17-10-2020John Yates
Let’s still persistKeith Truscott
Paul’s plea16-10-2020Keith Truscott
Prophets and the Rest of God: 1 the victory of Christ15-10-2020John Yates
Beautiful blendKeith Truscott
Christ’s convoy11-10-2020Keith Truscott
More meekness10-10-2020Keith Truscott
“Rock of Ages”9-10-2020Keith Truscott
God’s sweet “heritage”8-10-2020Keith Truscott
 ”Anchor” our “soul”7-10-2020Keith Truscott
“Peace like a river”6-10-2020Keith Truscott
Still seek God’s “strength”5-10-2020Keith Truscott
Saints stay soldiers4-10-2020Keith Truscott
Calvary love3-10-2020Keith Truscott
“Fullness of joy”2-10-2020Keith Truscott
A great rescue1-10-2020Keith Truscott
Where is Jesus?30-09-2020John Yates
Starts at the CrossKeith Truscott
God’s “gospel train”29-09-2020Keith Truscott
Blind seeing Seeing blind28-09-2020John Yates
Pray God “restore…good”Keith Truscott
Love believes all things27-09-2020Jenny Cox
“Eternal life”Keith Truscott
Change “old” to “new clothes’”26-09-2020Keith Truscott
“Inspired” ‘good work’25-09-2020Keith Truscott
Great love “theme song”24-09-2020Keith Truscott
“Watch” faith’s “waistline”23-09-2020Keith Truscott
Some suff’rings22-09-2020Keith Truscott
Then be strong saint21-09-2020Keith Truscott
Share His gospel20-09-2020Keith Truscott
“No way” despair19-09-2020Keith Truscott
Sweet, Calvary songs18-09-2020Keith Truscott
 ”Come back to the fold”17-09-2020Keith Truscott
Christ’s love “forthtell”16-09-2020Keith Truscott
Digging rich silver mines15-09-2020Keith Truscott
Prophets and God’s Righteousness14-09-2020John Yates
Lean on strong treeKeith Truscott
Where “saved” sheep graze13-09-2020Keith Truscott
No gorging and boozing12-09-2020Keith Truscott
Christ’s “cleansing foam”11-09-2020Keith Truscott
Know the “Holy One”10-09-2020Keith Truscott
No coffee-break9-09-2020Keith Truscott
“Stand still and see…”8-09-2020Keith Truscott
Have heaven’s “keys”7-09-2020Keith Truscott
“Father’s Day”6-09-2020Keith Truscott
Your best outcome5-09-2020Keith Truscott
 ”Bloom like the rose”4-09-2020Keith Truscott
Love like never before3-09-2020Keith Truscott
God makes us strong2-09-2020Keith Truscott
Daily supplies1-09-2020Keith Truscott
Beautiful, bold31-08-2020Keith Truscott
Healing and Authority30-08-2020John Yates
His “greater love”Keith Truscott
“Sound not your trumpet”29-08-2020Keith Truscott
The sinner’s soap28-08-2020Keith Truscott
Sin’s great ransom-buyer27-08-2020Keith Truscott
“Sweet” sleep26-08-2020Keith Truscott
Prophets and the Pathos of the Lord25-08-2020John Yates
Safe that’s for sureKeith Truscott
Virtue unique24-08-2020Keith Truscott
Love is not self-seekingJenny Cox
“Soft answer”23-08-2020Keith Truscott
“Lord’s table”21-08-2020Keith Truscott
“Great High Priest” prays20-08-2020Keith Truscott
Christ calls liars19-08-2020Keith Truscott
We’re not alone18-08-2020Keith Truscott
Prophets and Unity17-08-2020John Yates
Keep Christ adoredKeith Truscott
God loves to give16-08-2020Keith Truscott
“Love” succeeds15-08-2020Keith Truscott
Our joy is Jesus14-08-2020Keith Truscott
Peter’s five virtues13-08-2020Keith Truscott
Trust God’s “manna”12-08-2020Keith Truscott
We’re so “thankful”11-08-2020Keith Truscott
Prophets and Great Awakenings10-08-2020John Yates
Prophets and the Altar of the LambJohn Yates
That kind of loveKeith Truscott
Hold onto God’s Hand9-08-2020Keith Truscott
Lust lost its zap!8-08-2020Keith Truscott
“Ready” to “reason”7-08-2020Keith Truscott
Our “golden rule”6-08-2020Keith Truscott
Leave all darkness5-08-2020Keith Truscott
Through tough times4-08-2020Keith Truscott
More “joy” and purpose3-08-2020Keith Truscott
“Father forgive them…”2-08-2020Keith Truscott
Most sacred grounds1-08-2020Keith Truscott
“Proper plenty”31-07-2020Keith Truscott
Prophets and the Coming Weight of EternityJohn Yates
Be ‘wise’ builders30-07-2020Keith Truscott
When we face great pain29-07-2020Keith Truscott
Jesus and All the Things of Life28-07-2020John Yates
Dig our well deepKeith Truscott
“Finish the race”27-07-2020Keith Truscott
Love does not envy26-07-2020Jenny Cox
Come have courageKeith Truscott
“In God we trust”25-07-2020Keith Truscott
Come Christian “tribe”24-07-2020Keith Truscott
“Keep our lamps burning”23-07-2020Keith Truscott
Good thoughts with actions22-07-2020Keith Truscott
His full salute21-07-2020Keith Truscott
Prophets and the Gift of God20-07-2020John Yates
Our main thoughtsKeith Truscott
“Mind on the Spirit”19-07-2020Keith Truscott
Let’s bring them “captive”18-07-2020Keith Truscott
Jesus’ hands healed17-07-2020Keith Truscott
“Great grace” is our “refuge”16-07-2020Keith Truscott
“Grace” to be shown15-07-2020Keith Truscott
Selfless love14-07-2020Keith Truscott
Prophets and the Glory of God13-07-2020John Yates
His gold nugget findKeith Truscott
“Love lifted me”12-07-2020Keith Truscott
Stay tender, “kind”11-07-2020Keith Truscott
In our knapsack10-07-2020Keith Truscott
God “supplies” strength9-07-2020Keith Truscott
Practice of prayer8-07-2020Keith Truscott
Prophetic Intercession7-07-2020John Yates
 ”As I have loved you”Keith Truscott
“Swagman” or not6-07-2020Keith Truscott
“Delight” in God5-07-2020Keith Truscott
Christ’s crucifix4-07-2020Keith Truscott
“Pale face of shame”3-07-2020Keith Truscott
Prophetic Worship2-07-2020John Yates
“Pilgrim” stay “careful”Keith Truscott
Prayers of favour1-07-2020Keith Truscott
“Daily bread” crust30-06-2020Keith Truscott
Feather-light troubles29-06-2020Keith Truscott
A Heart that Belongs to Jesus28-06-2020John Yates
Keep “faith” aflameKeith Truscott
Lies cannot “snatch” us27-06-2020Keith Truscott
Stop feeling you’re ‘frail’26-06-2020Keith Truscott
With God we belong25-06-2020Keith Truscott
Future’s okay24-06-2020Keith Truscott
Candles of hope23-06-2020Keith Truscott
Without Limit : Christ and the Limits of reality22-06-2020John Yates
“Trust and obey”Keith Truscott
Our future’s now fair21-06-2020Keith Truscott
We too praise God20-06-2020Keith Truscott
“Shield” and “sword”19-06-2020Keith Truscott
Live, walk and speak18-06-2020Keith Truscott
That’s why we sing17-06-2020Keith Truscott
I find redress16-06-2020Keith Truscott
The Heart of Prophecy15-06-2020John Yates
Complete life’s projectKeith Truscott
“Table’s prepared”14-06-2020Keith Truscott
God’s grace makes it right13-06-2020Keith Truscott
‘Hope and love’ coat12-06-2020Keith Truscott
Generous God and the Sin of AustraliaJohn Yates
Strong, fortress towers11-06-2020Keith Truscott
Sin’s shame-blame game10-06-2020Keith Truscott
Blessings will come9-06-2020Keith Truscott
Preach prophet’s role8-06-2020Keith Truscott
Hilltop campsite7-06-2020Keith Truscott
Our “Overseer”6-06-2020Keith Truscott
We got a ‘new’ start5-06-2020Keith Truscott
Grief: The Deepest Well of Blessing4-06-2020John Yates
We know not our worthKeith Truscott
“Watch this space”3-06-2020Keith Truscott
“No good” God sign2-06-2020Keith Truscott
Pray through tough times1-06-2020Keith Truscott
Let’s “go” anywhere31-05-2020Keith Truscott
“Victor’s crown”30-05-2020Keith Truscott
“Prayer altar” homes29-05-2020Keith Truscott
The Light of God28-05-2020John Yates
Lord send help soonKeith Truscott
“More better” share27-05-2020Keith Truscott
“Sorry Day”26-05-2020Keith Truscott
“King’s ransom” prize25-05-2020Keith Truscott
God’s glory and gloss24-05-2020Keith Truscott
True peace23-05-2020Keith Truscott
Laying on of Hands22-05-2020John Yates
Keep on sowingKeith Truscott
Like bush antelope21-05-2020Keith Truscott
Calv’ry Cross Jesus20-05-2020Keith Truscott
So, Nicodemus19-05-2020Keith Truscott
Peace is restored18-05-2020Keith Truscott
Christ can assist17-05-2020Keith Truscott
The Hand of God16-05-2020John Yates
Our daily creedKeith Truscott
One love that binds15-05-2020Keith Truscott
“In word and in deed”14-05-2020Keith Truscott
“Dying to self” love13-05-2020Keith Truscott
“Go up a gear”12-05-2020Keith Truscott
 ”As the deer pants…”11-05-2020Keith Truscott
Behind the Curtain: “Pray Together WA”10-05-2020John Yates
Community of the Last DaysJohn Yates
Healing balmKeith Truscott
Still “hope in God”9-05-2020Keith Truscott
God’s “new Spirit”8-05-2020Keith Truscott
Holy Thirst7-05-2020John Yates
God keeps guidingKeith Truscott
Still “die to self”6-05-2020Keith Truscott
Mercy like “manna”5-05-2020Keith Truscott
“On Christ the solid Rock”4-05-2020Keith Truscott
Rule our hearts Lord3-05-2020Keith Truscott
“We shall not be moved”2-05-2020Keith Truscott
“Rivers of oil”1-05-2020Keith Truscott
Affairs of the Heart: Divine and Human30-04-2020John Yates
Long term loveKeith Truscott
God’s “in our corner”29-04-2020Keith Truscott
Always trust28-04-2020Keith Truscott
God’s love code27-04-2020Keith Truscott
“Dream Team”26-04-2020Keith Truscott
 ”Be still…”25-04-2020Keith Truscott
The “sweetest Name”23-04-2020Keith Truscott
“King of glory”22-04-2020Keith Truscott
Just like a river21-04-2020Keith Truscott
Have truth increased20-04-2020Keith Truscott
Resurrection Vindication19-04-2020John Yates
God’s “great mercy”Keith Truscott
The Sea of Glass18-04-2020John Yates
Love that ran deepKeith Truscott
Tell me the good news17-04-2020Keith Truscott
Let yokes fall off16-04-2020Keith Truscott
Self-centred Saul15-04-2020Keith Truscott
Christ’s Way is “all right”14-04-2020Keith Truscott
Keep grace and love13-04-2020Keith Truscott
Come, fainting heart12-04-2020Keith Truscott
Blessings so bright11-04-2020Keith Truscott
“My God…” strengthens10-04-2020Keith Truscott
The Recipe: COVID 19 and Understanding the Ongoing Plan of God9-04-2020John Yates
“Watch and pray…”Keith Truscott
Fill hearts with zeal8-04-2020Keith Truscott
A Jesus copy7-04-2020Keith Truscott
Heaven is ours6-04-2020Keith Truscott
Still sing “Hosannas”5-04-2020Keith Truscott
The Spirit of Adoption 3.John Yates
Power in the BloodJohn Yates
Walk God’s ‘highway’4-04-2020Keith Truscott
“Homeland ahoy!”3-04-2020Keith Truscott
Our great Lord God2-04-2020Keith Truscott
Beautiful news1-04-2020Keith Truscott
Come sing Calv’ry’s psalm31-03-2020Keith Truscott
Still our Saviour30-03-2020Keith Truscott
Complete Spirit fill29-03-2020Keith Truscott
The Spirit of Adoption 228-03-2020John Yates
“Fret not” my soulKeith Truscott
Paul’s good report27-03-2020Keith Truscott
 ”Boss” one was pride26-03-2020Keith Truscott
Nothing removes us…25-03-2020Keith Truscott
“God is able…”24-03-2020Keith Truscott
Our shopping cart23-03-2020Keith Truscott
The Spirit of Adoption 122-03-2020John Yates
The true “One” GodKeith Truscott
Accelerate: House of Prayer21-03-2020John Yates
“Great grace” God speedsKeith Truscott
 ”Bless the Lord…my soul”20-03-2020Keith Truscott
Ready to Die, Die well19-03-2020John Yates
“Sweat and toil”Keith Truscott
‘Tis so sweet…18-03-2020Keith Truscott
No ‘greater love’17-03-2020Keith Truscott
Jesus Victory over Satan16-03-2020John Yates
Sun-up or sundownKeith Truscott
Pray for countryman15-03-2020Keith Truscott
Peace for parents14-03-2020Keith Truscott
The Battle of the Fathers: beyond COVID1913-03-2020John Yates
More than “forty years”Keith Truscott
Full-on focus12-03-2020Keith Truscott
“Serve” God with patience11-03-2020Keith Truscott
Our prayer kit10-03-2020Keith Truscott
Seeing Clearly9-03-2020John Yates
“Perfect peace”Keith Truscott
Need for knowing8-03-2020Keith Truscott
Coronavirus2: The Lamb’s Lessons for his Church7-03-2020John Yates
Coronavirus1:A Deadly Gift: Jesus’ Release of the Corona VirusJohn Yates
“Though…fig tree” failsKeith Truscott
His great love6-03-2020Keith Truscott
Wait and know5-03-2020Keith Truscott
Love gift4-03-2020Keith Truscott
Plenty ‘pardon’3-03-2020Keith Truscott
 ”Check-mate” success2-03-2020Keith Truscott
Plan with God1-03-2020Keith Truscott
‘Beulah Land’ songs29-02-2020Keith Truscott
From God’s worldview28-02-2020Keith Truscott
“Our keeper”27-02-2020Keith Truscott
A ton of mercies26-02-2020Keith Truscott
“Full faith’ of ‘new man’25-02-2020Keith Truscott
Jesus Great Announcement Luke 4:14-3024-02-2020John Yates
Deuteronomy 8 The Tests of Scarcity and ProsperityJenny Cox
Deuteronomy 7Jenny Cox
Go mainstreamKeith Truscott
We are cared for23-02-2020Keith Truscott
Rivers of ‘great peace’22-02-2020Keith Truscott
The Inheritance21-02-2020John Yates
Jesus, ‘good treasure’Keith Truscott
God’s ‘greater love’20-02-2020Keith Truscott
Keep our hearts clean19-02-2020Keith Truscott
Get a fresh start18-02-2020Keith Truscott
Fruit ‘season’ will come17-02-2020Keith Truscott
“Righteous” Son’s shower16-02-2020Keith Truscott
We trust the Cross15-02-2020Keith Truscott
Deception Undone (weeping revival)14-02-2020John Yates
His love lastsKeith Truscott
He won’t desert13-02-2020Keith Truscott
Songs, words of thanks12-02-2020Keith Truscott
Free of all hate11-02-2020Keith Truscott
Doing Good (full text)10-02-2020John Yates
Doing Good (summary)John Yates
 ”A cheerful giver”Keith Truscott
Christian’s best tool9-02-2020Keith Truscott
Life gets less stressed8-02-2020Keith Truscott
God’s “Unseen Hand”7-02-2020Keith Truscott
Apocalyptic ShockJohn Yates
God’s “safety zone”6-02-2020Keith Truscott
When trouble comes5-02-2020Keith Truscott
Love that nothing outsmarts4-02-2020Keith Truscott
“Faithful…steadfast”3-02-2020Keith Truscott
Blessed ‘twice as much’2-02-2020Keith Truscott
No ‘greater love’1-02-2020Keith Truscott
Let’s learn from Job31-01-2020Keith Truscott
A Heart for Weakness Part 2: Weak-Together24-01-2020John Yates
A Heart for Weakness Part 1: Context21-01-2020John Yates
Let Jesus ‘lead’16-01-2020Keith Truscott
“Flowed like the Nile”15-01-2020Keith Truscott
“Jesus keep us…”14-01-2020Keith Truscott
Leads so sweet13-01-2020Keith Truscott
‘First-fruits’ stay sweet12-01-2020Keith Truscott
Put the Cross centre11-01-2020Keith Truscott
He feeds the birds10-01-2020Keith Truscott
‘Love covers’ faults9-01-2020Keith Truscott
Our hope’s not vain8-01-2020Keith Truscott
Keep sowing ‘good seed’7-01-2020Keith Truscott
We not worry6-01-2020Keith Truscott
Still in command5-01-2020Keith Truscott
“My mercy statement”4-01-2020Keith Truscott
There we build faith up3-01-2020Keith Truscott
“Yes, Jesus loves me…”2-01-2020Keith Truscott
Fresh fountain springs1-01-2020Keith Truscott
New Year let’s pray31-12-2019Keith Truscott
Lost souls to find30-12-2019Keith Truscott
Greatest love story29-12-2019Keith Truscott
Right through weekends28-12-2019Keith Truscott
Curses are cured27-12-2019Keith Truscott
God lets us rule26-12-2019Keith Truscott
His Cross kindness25-12-2019Keith Truscott
Saviour supreme24-12-2019Keith Truscott
Immanuel23-12-2019John Yates
Love that won’t ceaseKeith Truscott
His ‘Way’ is right22-12-2019Keith Truscott
‘Emmanuel’ helps21-12-2019Keith Truscott
Come, kneel down20-12-2019Keith Truscott
Much stronger than “tweet”19-12-2019Keith Truscott
More Human18-12-2019John Yates
Not one broken boneKeith Truscott
“Glory…grace and truth”17-12-2019Keith Truscott
Rock-solid plans16-12-2019Keith Truscott
Filling the Heart of the Father15-12-2019John Yates
We’re pure not alloyKeith Truscott
Through prayer and praise14-12-2019Keith Truscott
God’s love is true13-12-2019Keith Truscott
 ’White robes,…branches’12-12-2019Keith Truscott
Country and kin11-12-2019Keith Truscott
Hungry souls need10-12-2019Keith Truscott
When wrongly hurt9-12-2019Keith Truscott
Tell our tired feet8-12-2019Keith Truscott
Fall off ‘like scales’7-12-2019Keith Truscott
Searched us for days6-12-2019Keith Truscott
“Ten thousand reasons”5-12-2019Keith Truscott
Make our lamps burn4-12-2019Keith Truscott
Just to Him3-12-2019Keith Truscott
Suffering Again2-12-2019John Yates
Turn around faithKeith Truscott
‘Glory’ galore1-12-2019Keith Truscott
Quench their thirst30-11-2019Keith Truscott
Spirit’s “love-light”29-11-2019Keith Truscott
Living Near the End 1 Peter 4:1-1128-11-2019John Yates
Worship works wondersKeith Truscott
“God is so good”27-11-2019Keith Truscott
‘Thorn in the flesh’26-11-2019Keith Truscott
Walk with the wise25-11-2019Keith Truscott
Rent no room for hate24-11-2019Keith Truscott
Living the life of Heaven 4. Sharing the Victory of Christ23-11-2019John Yates
Coming Youth Revival 6.John Yates
Our sweet psalm15-11-2019Keith Truscott
“Good enough”14-11-2019Keith Truscott
Beautiful DiscipleshipJohn Yates
Our ‘light’ and ‘lamp’13-11-2019Keith Truscott
God’s grace won’t change12-11-2019Keith Truscott
Fulfilled ‘Jubilee’11-11-2019Keith Truscott
Wander no more10-11-2019Keith Truscott
Love restores9-11-2019Keith Truscott
Prayer patrol8-11-2019Keith Truscott
Jesus best friend7-11-2019Keith Truscott
 ’Wings like eagles’6-11-2019Keith Truscott
Strong and steadfast5-11-2019Keith Truscott
Worthy Firstfruits4-11-2019John Yates
His ‘plans’ are bestKeith Truscott
Holy ‘Helper’3-11-2019Keith Truscott
Light-houses shine2-11-2019Keith Truscott
‘Behold my servant…’1-11-2019Keith Truscott
Let faith seed flourish31-10-2019Keith Truscott
‘Like hand in glove’30-10-2019Keith Truscott
Shape us like ‘clay’29-10-2019Keith Truscott
Living Like Christ 1 Pet 2:11-2528-10-2019John Yates
“Half a dime”Keith Truscott
Wars we prevent27-10-2019Keith Truscott
Let’s keep alert26-10-2019Keith Truscott
Disarmed ‘bad vibes’25-10-2019Keith Truscott
Lowliness24-10-2019John Yates
Jesus we crownedKeith Truscott
Best ‘reward’23-10-2019Keith Truscott
Slip, slide and stray22-10-2019Keith Truscott
Living the Life of Heaven 1: The God who Sings21-10-2019John Yates
Faith that won’t fadeKeith Truscott
“Rock of Ages”19-10-2019Keith Truscott
Trust a harvest18-10-2019Keith Truscott
‘Beauty’ tames “beast”17-10-2019Keith Truscott
Along life’s road map16-10-2019Keith Truscott
Makes things all right15-10-2019Keith Truscott
Think ‘true’14-10-2019Keith Truscott
Tore ‘veil’ in two13-10-2019Keith Truscott
Love and ‘great grace’12-10-2019Keith Truscott
True love that soothes11-10-2019Keith Truscott
Lifetime of favour10-10-2019Keith Truscott
‘Turn back’9-10-2019Keith Truscott
Join Job’s crew7-10-2019Keith Truscott
Deuteronomy 6 How Do We Love God?6-10-2019Jenny Cox
When far from homeKeith Truscott
Teach us life-skill5-10-2019Keith Truscott
Bad ambitions4-10-2019Keith Truscott
‘Keep in step’3-10-2019Keith Truscott
Love “silver-lined”2-10-2019Keith Truscott
How Paul grew1-10-2019Keith Truscott
Pictures of ‘power’30-09-2019Keith Truscott
More love and grace29-09-2019Keith Truscott
Soul stand up strong28-09-2019Keith Truscott
Fiery Spirits and the U turn of God27-09-2019John Yates
Light our lamps brightKeith Truscott
Heaps of mercy26-09-2019Keith Truscott
‘Truth’ not hearsay25-09-2019Keith Truscott
Daily “reboots”24-09-2019Keith Truscott
Sharing in the Ministry of Christ: 2. The Priest23-09-2019John Yates
Was no ‘slouch’Keith Truscott
Deuteronomy 522-09-2019Jenny Cox
Not reached by skin soapKeith Truscott
Fret-free21-09-2019Keith Truscott
Less Majesty20-09-2019John Yates
‘Good’ GaiusKeith Truscott
Christ’s charity19-09-2019Keith Truscott
Believing the Father in HeavenJenny Cox
“Rewire”18-09-2019Keith Truscott
We wear a ‘white gown’17-09-2019Keith Truscott
Sharing in the Ministry of Christ: Prophet16-09-2019John Yates
Better than “best mate”Keith Truscott
Deuteronomy 415-09-2019Jenny Cox
See shame departKeith Truscott
‘Eternal life’14-09-2019Keith Truscott
‘Jesus loves me’13-09-2019Keith Truscott
Euthanasia Failure12-09-2019John Yates
Our hearts flowKeith Truscott
Always belong11-09-2019Keith Truscott
Our home, bread and grain10-09-2019Keith Truscott
Now we sing sweet songs8-09-2019Keith Truscott
Without Cost7-09-2019John Yates
Let’s stay servantKeith Truscott
Faith be fed5-09-2019Keith Truscott
Our ‘Blessed hope’ deal4-09-2019Keith Truscott
‘Balm in Gilead’2-09-2019Keith Truscott
“Like hand in a glove”1-09-2019Keith Truscott
“We know…”31-08-2019Keith Truscott
‘Given one Spirit’30-08-2019Keith Truscott
Serving the Spirit29-08-2019John Yates
Deuteronomy 2 and 3Jenny Cox
“My fortress”Keith Truscott
Taken away28-08-2019Keith Truscott
More worship26-08-2019Keith Truscott
Sacrifice 3. Worship25-08-2019John Yates
Breaks all despairKeith Truscott
She strongly ploughed24-08-2019Keith Truscott
No Offence21-08-2019John Yates
Helps us a “heap”Keith Truscott
So shine like stars19-08-2019Keith Truscott
Sacrifice 2. Holiness18-08-2019John Yates
“Struggle street”Keith Truscott
Our “X” factor16-08-2019Keith Truscott
Servants and More15-08-2019John Yates
Like a shadowKeith Truscott
Come close and cleave14-08-2019Keith Truscott
‘Send me’ Lord12-08-2019Keith Truscott
Sacrifice 1. The Foundation11-08-2019John Yates
Forgive us LordKeith Truscott
Rubbish Inferno: Fire and Flood in the Church9-08-2019John Yates
Walk extra mile8-08-2019Keith Truscott
Once again sprout6-08-2019Keith Truscott
Prayer 4. Praying in the Spirit5-08-2019John Yates
As day prolongsKeith Truscott
War in the Spirit1-08-2019John Yates
Prayer series 3. Prayer with Jesus29-07-2019John Yates
Prayer 3. Prayer with JesusJohn Yates
Deuteronomy 1Jenny Cox
“Work in progress”Keith Truscott
“Deserts will bloom”28-07-2019Keith Truscott
Overcome Evil25-07-2019John Yates
2. Prayer to the Father22-07-2019John Yates
A-Cross Generations18-07-2019John Yates
Prayer 1. The God Who Hears15-07-2019John Yates
Enterprising Spirituality11-07-2019John Yates
Identity in Christ Alone7-07-2019John Yates
2 Peter 31-07-2019Jenny Cox
2 Peter 2:3b-9Jenny Cox
Pitiable25-06-2019John Yates
4. Mercy and Judgement21-06-2019John Yates
Loving the Trinity18-06-2019John Yates
Mercy 3. The Blood of the Cross13-06-2019John Yates
Pentecost and Prophecy Today10-06-2019John Yates
Mercy 2. The Teaching and Miracles of Jesus6-06-2019John Yates
“Run to third base”4-06-2019Keith Truscott
Ascended Sonship3-06-2019John Yates
When we are shocked2-06-2019Keith Truscott
Christ Our Hope1-06-2019John Yates
False teachersKeith Truscott
2 Peter 2:1-331-05-2019Jenny Cox
2 Peter 1:12-21Jenny Cox
2 Peter 1:3-11Jenny Cox
Introduction to 2 PeterJenny Cox
Tell them “don’t play”Keith Truscott
Mercy 1. Introduction and Old Testament30-05-2019John Yates
“Twin” truthsKeith Truscott
Gift of a child25-05-2019Keith Truscott
A Political Tale: Assyria and Babylon Today22-05-2019John Yates
Resurrection14-05-2019Jenny Cox
Not Everyone Gets HealedJenny Cox
Changing PurposeJenny Cox
Judgement Day Part 2: RewardsJenny Cox
Judgement Day Part 1: No FearJenny Cox
Weight of GloryJenny Cox
HopeJenny Cox
Handed over by God13-05-2019John Yates
Our new ‘joy’12-05-2019Keith Truscott
The best comfort11-05-2019Keith Truscott
When kangaroo hops10-05-2019Keith Truscott
Sweet fragrant scent9-05-2019Keith Truscott
Experiencing Nothing8-05-2019John Yates
Hard done byKeith Truscott
Made for Glory6-05-2019John Yates
There’s a FriendKeith Truscott
Grow as we plod5-05-2019Keith Truscott
Sins that ran rife4-05-2019Keith Truscott
Keep God in touch3-05-2019Keith Truscott
Need our backup2-05-2019Keith Truscott
Keeping the pace1-05-2019Keith Truscott
Revival 5. The End of Revival29-04-2019John Yates
“God is ‘worthy’”Keith Truscott
‘Be of good cheer’28-04-2019Keith Truscott
“Ten thousand reasons”27-04-2019Keith Truscott
“Round-the-clock” cares26-04-2019Keith Truscott
Blood has the power25-04-2019Keith Truscott
Stay strong24-04-2019Keith Truscott
The Very Happy Executioner Good Friday 201923-04-2019John Yates
Grab tambourinesKeith Truscott
Died in our stead22-04-2019Keith Truscott
“Friday’s here but Sunday’s coming”21-04-2019Keith Truscott
Got it right20-04-2019Keith Truscott
Sin and its gloss19-04-2019Keith Truscott
King Jesus, Saviour18-04-2019Keith Truscott
Jesus’ advice17-04-2019Keith Truscott
God’s plan16-04-2019Keith Truscott
‘Never’ again15-04-2019Keith Truscott
Sin debts we owed14-04-2019Keith Truscott
Lift up our cups13-04-2019Keith Truscott
“Last good-bye”12-04-2019Keith Truscott
The Persecuted and Forgotten Jesus11-04-2019John Yates
Painful, thorn crownKeith Truscott
Get back in the queue10-04-2019Keith Truscott
Best shelter9-04-2019Keith Truscott
Revival 3. The Fullness is Christ8-04-2019John Yates
Revival 4: Beautifying the BrideJohn Yates
Ambitious OpinionsJohn Yates
Be childlikeKeith Truscott
“Like a cork in the sea”7-04-2019Keith Truscott
Best billabong5-04-2019Keith Truscott
Fair ‘justice’4-04-2019Keith Truscott
Speaks to our darkness3-04-2019Keith Truscott
“It’s for keeps”2-04-2019Keith Truscott
‘Great grace’ grows1-04-2019Keith Truscott
“Fresh oil” He gives31-03-2019Keith Truscott
Courage, God’s timing30-03-2019Keith Truscott
‘This treasure’29-03-2019Keith Truscott
When we pray28-03-2019Keith Truscott
We do belong27-03-2019Keith Truscott
Fresh faith26-03-2019Keith Truscott
Revival Studies 2. The Spirit and Revival25-03-2019John Yates
“Sorry times” too22-03-2019Keith Truscott
‘My sheep’ will win21-03-2019Keith Truscott
Studies in Revival 1. Earnest Prayer19-03-2019John Yates
“Press delete”18-03-2019Keith Truscott
Dance, praise profile17-03-2019Keith Truscott
‘Greater love’16-03-2019Keith Truscott
Break through15-03-2019Keith Truscott
Self Examination14-03-2019John Yates
‘Crown of life’Keith Truscott
Safety13-03-2019Keith Truscott
Lights up hope flame12-03-2019Keith Truscott
Rich Young Ruler11-03-2019John Yates
Hearts and hills sing8-03-2019Keith Truscott
Best joy and hope7-03-2019Keith Truscott
4. The Finish of Paul6-03-2019John Yates
The Thankful Foreigner Luke 17:11-19John Yates
Let’s weep onKeith Truscott
When Jesus knocks5-03-2019Keith Truscott
Having hope4-03-2019Keith Truscott
True motives3-03-2019Keith Truscott
True blessings2-03-2019Keith Truscott
Walk in God’s Way1-03-2019Keith Truscott
Honesty28-02-2019Keith Truscott
Firestorm25-02-2019John Yates
Their Hour23-02-2019John Yates
3. Finishing in the Spirit18-02-2019John Yates
2. Finishing with Jesus11-02-2019John Yates
The Soldier who Knew EnoughJohn Yates
Don’t Love the World4-02-2019John Yates
Turning Barns into Baskets1-02-2019John Yates
Australia’s Day to Fear20-01-2019John Yates
Delighting in Lowliness30-12-2018John Yates
The Word became Flesh23-12-2018John Yates
M7 Confessing Great Things19-12-2018John Yates
Beautified by the Word17-12-2018John Yates
M6 The Glory of Angels12-12-2018John Yates
Drowning10-12-2018John Yates
God’s love cure6-12-2018Keith Truscott
Authority to DiscipleJohn Yates
Secret ‘reward’5-12-2018Keith Truscott
‘Love’ that’s higher4-12-2018Keith Truscott
More Than Conquerors3-12-2018John Yates
Always aboundKeith Truscott
Grace galore2-12-2018Keith Truscott
‘In all things’1-12-2018Keith Truscott
Quick forgiveness30-11-2018Keith Truscott
Faith is assured29-11-2018Keith Truscott
Word for word28-11-2018John Yates
Fret notKeith Truscott
He cares for sure27-11-2018Keith Truscott
M5 Restoring God’s Reputation26-11-2018John Yates
Calv’ry’s breakthroughKeith Truscott
Stay God’s temple25-11-2018Keith Truscott
‘…Throw the first stone’24-11-2018Keith Truscott
Care for the weak23-11-2018Keith Truscott
‘Grace’ now sails22-11-2018Keith Truscott
“I will”21-11-2018Keith Truscott
 ’Wonderful things’20-11-2018Keith Truscott
Steadfast love19-11-2018Keith Truscott
M4: Stephen and the Final JudgementJohn Yates
Lifts up our head18-11-2018Keith Truscott
Amaze17-11-2018Keith Truscott
Healing and hope16-11-2018Keith Truscott
Sing praise songs15-11-2018Keith Truscott
Brings us brightness14-11-2018Keith Truscott
‘More blessed to give’13-11-2018Keith Truscott
God’s child12-11-2018Keith Truscott
Anniversary11-11-2018Keith Truscott
Heroes of faith10-11-2018Keith Truscott
God holds our hand9-11-2018Keith Truscott
Loved megatons8-11-2018Keith Truscott
Endless weekend7-11-2018Keith Truscott
Glory, grace and truth6-11-2018Keith Truscott
God is ‘umpire’5-11-2018Keith Truscott
Franklin Graham: a Sign of DisunityJohn Yates
Who “runs the show”4-11-2018Keith Truscott
“Ten thousand reasons”3-11-2018Keith Truscott
Two sides of same coin2-11-2018Keith Truscott
“One Tree Hill”1-11-2018Keith Truscott
Overcome evil30-10-2018Keith Truscott
When in prison29-10-2018Keith Truscott
M1: Overcoming the Last Obstacle to RevivalJohn Yates
M2: The Word and Spirit of LoveJohn Yates
‘Love…deeply’28-10-2018Keith Truscott
He first loved usKeith Truscott
“Golden Rule”26-10-2018Keith Truscott
‘Red’ Cross rescue25-10-2018Keith Truscott
Sweet ‘Promised Land’24-10-2018Keith Truscott
Stop stalling23-10-2018Keith Truscott
Hedge around22-10-2018Keith Truscott
Sweetest thought21-10-2018Keith Truscott
‘Light’ and ‘Life’20-10-2018Keith Truscott
Solomon says19-10-2018Keith Truscott
Comfort for sure18-10-2018Keith Truscott
True love17-10-2018Keith Truscott
No “use by” dates16-10-2018Keith Truscott
Paid the debt15-10-2018Keith Truscott
Good ‘plans’14-10-2018Keith Truscott
We be mature13-10-2018Keith Truscott
Doing that hard job12-10-2018Keith Truscott
Billabong hope11-10-2018Keith Truscott
“Silence’ the wrongs done10-10-2018Keith Truscott
One true friend9-10-2018Keith Truscott
Fear’s Gift of Humility8-10-2018John Yates
God’s ‘sense of play’Keith Truscott
‘Life’ map7-10-2018Keith Truscott
Heed rebukes6-10-2018Keith Truscott
Special godsend5-10-2018Keith Truscott
Common Feet4-10-2018John Yates
A servantKeith Truscott
 ’When I am weak’3-10-2018Keith Truscott
Free from regret2-10-2018Keith Truscott
Inheritance is Christ1-10-2018John Yates
Pray up and praiseKeith Truscott
My rock30-09-2018Keith Truscott
‘Labour of love’29-09-2018Keith Truscott
Choice of two lifetsyles28-09-2018Keith Truscott
‘Born again’27-09-2018Keith Truscott
Our blood is precious26-09-2018Keith Truscott
‘Steadfast love’24-09-2018Keith Truscott
Cross Way was best23-09-2018Keith Truscott
‘Life’, real ‘joy’ and ‘strength’22-09-2018Keith Truscott
Serve others21-09-2018Keith Truscott
‘Grace’ runs richer20-09-2018Keith Truscott
‘More’ than lilies19-09-2018Keith Truscott
Love’s “first premise”18-09-2018Keith Truscott
‘Power to the faint’17-09-2018Keith Truscott
The End of Heaven the City of GodJohn Yates
 ”…No place in the inn”16-09-2018Keith Truscott
Joy, life and strength15-09-2018Keith Truscott
God is my strength14-09-2018Keith Truscott
‘Hand to the plough’13-09-2018Keith Truscott
‘Strong’ soldiers12-09-2018Keith Truscott
The Father in HeavenJohn Yates
Power over God?11-09-2018Jenny Cox
Worship’s worthwhileKeith Truscott
When crisis comes10-09-2018Keith Truscott
Adam and Christ9-09-2018John Yates
Everything ‘good’Keith Truscott
Town crier8-09-2018Keith Truscott
‘Eternity’7-09-2018Keith Truscott
When two worlds collide6-09-2018Keith Truscott
Troubles are ‘treasure’5-09-2018Keith Truscott
Joyful heart4-09-2018Keith Truscott
‘Strength’ and ‘Shield’3-09-2018Keith Truscott
He’s much better2-09-2018Keith Truscott
Heaven and the Holy SpiritJohn Yates
Same mind1-09-2018Keith Truscott
Run race to win31-08-2018Keith Truscott
Inherit the land30-08-2018Keith Truscott
The Image29-08-2018John Yates
Wait and prayKeith Truscott
Greater loving28-08-2018Keith Truscott
Work’s ‘not in vain’27-08-2018Keith Truscott
The Faith of our Father Rom 4:1-1226-08-2018John Yates
GamechangerKeith Truscott
“Skin deep”25-08-2018Keith Truscott
“Rock’n'roll”24-08-2018Keith Truscott
‘Steadfast love’23-08-2018Keith Truscott
Under the Canopy of Heaven 5. Heaven and Ephesians22-08-2018John Yates
Sound battle cryKeith Truscott
The Jonah mistake21-08-2018Keith Truscott
Great Shepherd20-08-2018Keith Truscott
The ‘good’ God asks19-08-2018Keith Truscott
Shine and gloss18-08-2018Keith Truscott
Find favour17-08-2018Keith Truscott
Beautiful words16-08-2018Keith Truscott
Best victory parade15-08-2018Keith Truscott
Alice Springs14-08-2018Keith Truscott
Warning, Warning13-08-2018John Yates
“Faith overdrive”Keith Truscott
What Happened before Creation?11-08-2018Jenny Cox
No Reputation: the Humble Father2-08-2018John Yates
What is the Church Like in the New Testament31-07-2018Jenny Cox
Under the Canopy of Heaven 2. The Opening of Heaven30-07-2018John Yates
Uner the canopy of Heaven 3. The Will of HeavenJohn Yates
Faith and Righteousness Rom 1:8-1723-07-2018John Yates
Under the Canopy of Heaven 1. The Throne of Joy16-07-2018John Yates
‘Morning mercies’14-07-2018Keith Truscott
More ‘prosperous’13-07-2018Keith Truscott
Won’t be prayerless12-07-2018Keith Truscott
Fresh billabong11-07-2018Keith Truscott
Best ‘news story’10-07-2018Keith Truscott
“Stick to the course”9-07-2018Keith Truscott
Armageddon Today8-07-2018John Yates
A new ‘cornerstone’Keith Truscott
Heart, hands and head7-07-2018Keith Truscott
Copy no lies6-07-2018Keith Truscott
Pilgrim progress5-07-2018Keith Truscott
“X-factor” plus4-07-2018Keith Truscott
Blow the shofar3-07-2018Keith Truscott
Mission verse2-07-2018Keith Truscott
Help from above1-07-2018Keith Truscott
‘Peace of God’30-06-2018Keith Truscott
‘Perfect peace’29-06-2018Keith Truscott
‘Life’ more grand27-06-2018Keith Truscott
Little lost sheep26-06-2018Keith Truscott
Our ‘great reward’Keith Truscott
Stand our ground25-06-2018Keith Truscott
Riot, revival and the leadership crisis in the Church24-06-2018John Yates
Pleading for usKeith Truscott
Still our best fit23-06-2018Keith Truscott
Still satisfies22-06-2018Keith Truscott
Tell of the Cross21-06-2018Keith Truscott
Where has the Spirit Gone? Part 4: Laying on of Hands20-06-2018John Yates
‘Perfect rest’Keith Truscott
Eagle soars19-06-2018Keith Truscott
Sharing in Christ 3. Glorification18-06-2018John Yates
Shout from town hallsKeith Truscott
Mighty care17-06-2018Keith Truscott
Now become one16-06-2018Keith Truscott
Tame mouth of lion15-06-2018Keith Truscott
Good gifts14-06-2018Keith Truscott
Where has the Spirit Gone? Part 3: In the Spirit13-06-2018John Yates
‘Second chance’ GodKeith Truscott
‘Mature’, not shy12-06-2018Keith Truscott
Suffering and Jesus11-06-2018John Yates
 ”Bridge the gap”Keith Truscott
HIstory’s main event10-06-2018Keith Truscott
 ”All shades of grey”9-06-2018Keith Truscott
“Fourth Man”8-06-2018Keith Truscott
Where has the Spirit Gone? Part 2: The Spirit of Righteousness7-06-2018John Yates
North-south roadKeith Truscott
God is still there6-06-2018Keith Truscott
Love that inspires5-06-2018Keith Truscott
Helpful words4-06-2018Keith Truscott
Sharing in Christ 1. HumanityJohn Yates
Removed stumbling block3-06-2018Keith Truscott
When testings come2-06-2018Keith Truscott
‘Faithful and True’1-06-2018Keith Truscott
Wiser and brighter31-05-2018Keith Truscott
‘Seasoned with salt’30-05-2018Keith Truscott
Try not to hide29-05-2018Keith Truscott
Where has the Spirit Gone? 1. Introducing the Problem28-05-2018John Yates
‘In ev’rything’27-05-2018Keith Truscott
Kind words build up26-05-2018Keith Truscott
In our sad hour25-05-2018Keith Truscott
Discerning a Wedding Word24-05-2018John Yates
Leave lions’ lairKeith Truscott
Let God’s grace flow23-05-2018Keith Truscott
Reap what we sow22-05-2018Keith Truscott
Stronger than brass21-05-2018Keith Truscott
Fire in belly20-05-2018Keith Truscott
Never lose heart19-05-2018Keith Truscott
Jesus’ ‘love’ code18-05-2018Keith Truscott
Finding life17-05-2018Keith Truscott
‘If my people…’16-05-2018Keith Truscott
Scripture wise15-05-2018Keith Truscott
Father increase14-05-2018Keith Truscott
Crown Him royal13-05-2018Keith Truscott
‘Good enough’ for me12-05-2018Keith Truscott
Missionaries11-05-2018Keith Truscott
Now Spirit led10-05-2018Keith Truscott
Rainbow Submission.9-05-2018John Yates
Feel like a foolKeith Truscott
The Call of God7-05-2018John Yates
‘A bruised reed…’6-05-2018Keith Truscott
‘Seems painful…’5-05-2018Keith Truscott
Never give up4-05-2018Keith Truscott
He is coming soon3-05-2018Keith Truscott
Pilgrims ‘progress’2-05-2018Keith Truscott
Sin was outdone1-05-2018Keith Truscott
As ‘lights in the world’30-04-2018Keith Truscott
Let burdens unroll29-04-2018Keith Truscott
Simple faith28-04-2018Keith Truscott
Spirit give ‘Life”27-04-2018Keith Truscott
Cities of Blood 2John Yates
Visions and dreams26-04-2018Keith Truscott
‘Be strong’25-04-2018Keith Truscott
Healed from snake bite24-04-2018Keith Truscott
Christ made the call23-04-2018Keith Truscott
 ”Coming of the Light”22-04-2018Keith Truscott
Cities of BloodJohn Yates
New life21-04-2018Keith Truscott
 ’Word of life’20-04-2018Keith Truscott
Find real content19-04-2018Keith Truscott
We’re friends now18-04-2018Keith Truscott
UnbeliefJohn Yates
Give God thanks17-04-2018Keith Truscott
Let us stick16-04-2018Keith Truscott
God is great15-04-2018Keith Truscott
In full public show14-04-2018Keith Truscott
Lifelong13-04-2018Keith Truscott
God’s showpiece12-04-2018Keith Truscott
Best ever team11-04-2018Keith Truscott
Life shade10-04-2018Keith Truscott
Jesus and the Bible9-04-2018John Yates
Stay faithfulKeith Truscott
Life endless, sublime8-04-2018Keith Truscott
Love others too7-04-2018Keith Truscott
Trust God’s grace6-04-2018Keith Truscott
Share thankfully5-04-2018Keith Truscott
Sin and Sin Boldly4-04-2018Jenny Cox
God is no foolKeith Truscott
Natural talk3-04-2018Keith Truscott
Broke sin’s death-sting2-04-2018Keith Truscott
‘…He has risen’1-04-2018Keith Truscott
No more death31-03-2018Keith Truscott
Hand in a glove30-03-2018Keith Truscott
Foundation’s Sacrifice29-03-2018John Yates
‘Amazing Grace’28-03-2018Keith Truscott
Spirit-led27-03-2018Keith Truscott
The Cross in Hebrews26-03-2018John Yates
‘Great’ servantsKeith Truscott
The Cross through the Eyes of PaulJohn Yates
Palm Sunday25-03-2018Keith Truscott
God of relief24-03-2018Keith Truscott
Endure23-03-2018Keith Truscott
‘Shelter’ and ‘shadow’22-03-2018Keith Truscott
‘Cheer up’21-03-2018Keith Truscott
Blood and Light18-03-2018John Yates
‘Crown of life’Keith Truscott
Two sides of a coin16-03-2018Keith Truscott
Fruit of the Spirit14-03-2018Keith Truscott
Repentance Leads to Life12-03-2018John Yates
Be transformed10-03-2018Keith Truscott
Two kinds of laws9-03-2018Keith Truscott
Fullness in Ephesians8-03-2018Jenny Cox
Hype, False Teaching and a Remnant3-03-2018Jenny Cox
No more despair26-02-2018Keith Truscott
Jesus, the ‘Amen’25-02-2018Keith Truscott
Groaning is a Gift for GloryJohn Yates
Home base24-02-2018Keith Truscott
Be real smart23-02-2018Keith Truscott
Jesus Lord over the Powers22-02-2018John Yates
Immature Church20-02-2018Jenny Cox
Why the Vision Perishes18-02-2018John Yates
Help us get by15-02-2018Keith Truscott
God’s love is grand13-02-2018Keith Truscott
Have prayer feast12-02-2018Keith Truscott
Renaming “God”John Yates
“Light” to our soul11-02-2018Keith Truscott
Future’s certain10-02-2018Keith Truscott
Loves and sustains9-02-2018Keith Truscott
My ‘grace’8-02-2018Keith Truscott
Riches and rules7-02-2018Keith Truscott
Driven MadJohn Yates
Let’s stay ‘hot’6-02-2018Keith Truscott
Hope in God5-02-2018Keith Truscott
Better ‘goodwill’4-02-2018Keith Truscott
Hear Him now pray3-02-2018Keith Truscott
Give thanks2-02-2018Keith Truscott
‘Be still’1-02-2018Keith Truscott
Our future’s okay29-01-2018Keith Truscott
Precious28-01-2018Keith Truscott
The ‘stairway’27-01-2018Keith Truscott
God is faithful26-01-2018Keith Truscott
Saving Australia’s DayJohn Yates
In “Sorry times” too25-01-2018Keith Truscott
No bother24-01-2018Keith Truscott
God’s plans of grace23-01-2018Keith Truscott
‘In God we trust’22-01-2018Keith Truscott
Shame in First and Second CorinthiansJenny Cox
Honoured to Fight21-01-2018John Yates
‘Full tithe’Keith Truscott
Show true love20-01-2018Keith Truscott
‘Blessed’ and happy19-01-2018Keith Truscott
We ‘belong’18-01-2018Keith Truscott
God’s heritage17-01-2018Keith Truscott
Great faith16-01-2018Keith Truscott
Safe and secure15-01-2018Keith Truscott
Our help and care14-01-2018Keith Truscott
God weighs motives13-01-2018Keith Truscott
Fully God and man12-01-2018Keith Truscott
A Song of Protest11-01-2018John Yates
Before the sun setsKeith Truscott
Best song to sing10-01-2018Keith Truscott
The Cross address9-01-2018Keith Truscott
Let the Lion roar8-01-2018Keith Truscott
God’s training7-01-2018Keith Truscott
Keep faith aflame6-01-2018Keith Truscott
Hungry Bride5-01-2018John Yates
Sovereign GodKeith Truscott
Comfort and care4-01-2018Keith Truscott
Worldly sins3-01-2018Keith Truscott
Old and Young for Jesus2-01-2018John Yates
Leave us, no neverKeith Truscott
‘A new thing’1-01-2018Keith Truscott
‘The new has come’31-12-2017Keith Truscott
‘Beyond rubies’30-12-2017Keith Truscott
‘God with us’ still29-12-2017Keith Truscott
‘Our great High Priest’28-12-2017Keith Truscott
Trust God27-12-2017Keith Truscott
Sweet care26-12-2017Keith Truscott
Double care25-12-2017Keith Truscott
Amazed24-12-2017Keith Truscott
‘Immanuel’23-12-2017Keith Truscott
‘The coming of the Light’22-12-2017Keith Truscott
Reason for Christmas21-12-2017Keith Truscott
Save us from sins20-12-2017Keith Truscott
No shame19-12-2017Keith Truscott
Jew and Gentile18-12-2017Keith Truscott
Baptism vs ‘Christmas’John Yates
Trust God17-12-2017Keith Truscott
‘Firstfruits’ endure16-12-2017Keith Truscott
Seeing Jesus’ Glory in All Things15-12-2017John Yates
PatienceKeith Truscott
Loving and praying14-12-2017Keith Truscott
Joy and hope13-12-2017Keith Truscott
Endure12-12-2017Keith Truscott
Politics or JesusJohn Yates
God’s steadfast love11-12-2017Keith Truscott
Our Saviour10-12-2017Keith Truscott
Heavenly plot9-12-2017Keith Truscott
Seek first…8-12-2017Keith Truscott
An “eye” for justice and truth7-12-2017Keith Truscott
Graceful words6-12-2017Keith Truscott
High and Holy5-12-2017Keith Truscott
God holds my right hand4-12-2017Keith Truscott
Married for WarJohn Yates
God’s messenger3-12-2017Keith Truscott
The Difference between Complaint and Lament2-12-2017Jenny Cox
God will supply graceKeith Truscott
The Lord’s fight1-12-2017Keith Truscott
Jesus is the root24-11-2017Keith Truscott
‘Lord is good’23-11-2017Keith Truscott
Loyal Love22-11-2017Keith Truscott
Praying in the name of Jesus21-11-2017Jenny Cox
 ’Wonderful things’Keith Truscott
Steadfast love20-11-2017Keith Truscott
God never fails19-11-2017Keith Truscott
His Grace won’t shun18-11-2017Keith Truscott
Victory17-11-2017Keith Truscott
Beyond wingspan16-11-2017Keith Truscott
God’s grace training us15-11-2017Keith Truscott
Grace Unlimited: The Workers in the VineyardJohn Yates
‘Sow’ to the ‘Spirit’14-11-2017Keith Truscott
Like grass13-11-2017Keith Truscott
All God’s glory12-11-2017Keith Truscott
Give ‘good health’11-11-2017Keith Truscott
Never give up10-11-2017Keith Truscott
Be God’s friend9-11-2017Keith Truscott
Be gracious8-11-2017Keith Truscott
Ev’ry promise7-11-2017Keith Truscott
Christ Centred Community of Faith6-11-2017John Yates
Scriptures inspireKeith Truscott
Live by faith5-11-2017Keith Truscott
Be joyful4-11-2017Keith Truscott
Effects of sin3-11-2017Keith Truscott
Billabongs2-11-2017Keith Truscott
Lordship of Christ1-11-2017Keith Truscott
Evil scene31-10-2017Keith Truscott
Believe30-10-2017Keith Truscott
Repentance29-10-2017Jenny Cox
The Lord is nearKeith Truscott
Intolerable Evil28-10-2017John Yates
TrainingKeith Truscott
‘Good fight…’27-10-2017Keith Truscott
 ’Work in progress’26-10-2017Keith Truscott
Truly God’s Son25-10-2017Keith Truscott
Loving worldview24-10-2017Keith Truscott
God’s grace23-10-2017Keith Truscott
The Euthanising of the Church: Committing Spiritual Suicide22-10-2017John Yates
A lamp and lightKeith Truscott
‘…Been healed’21-10-2017Keith Truscott
‘A soft answer’20-10-2017Keith Truscott
With our flaws19-10-2017Keith Truscott
‘Breath of fresh air’18-10-2017Keith Truscott
“In Jesus’ ‘Name’”17-10-2017Keith Truscott
Christ Only16-10-2017John Yates
‘Blessing’ or ‘curse’Keith Truscott
God’s ‘temple’15-10-2017Keith Truscott
Life-style14-10-2017Keith Truscott
Model of meek13-10-2017Keith Truscott
God’s ‘steadfast love’12-10-2017Keith Truscott
Prince of Peace11-10-2017Keith Truscott
Mission songs10-10-2017Keith Truscott
Three-fold joy9-10-2017Keith Truscott
Final Romance8-10-2017John Yates
Love tiesKeith Truscott
Righteousness7-10-2017Keith Truscott
Confess6-10-2017Keith Truscott
Trust in the Lord5-10-2017Keith Truscott
Keep doing good4-10-2017Keith Truscott
Fool or jewel3-10-2017Keith Truscott
Real Hate2-10-2017John Yates
“Hear…”Keith Truscott
‘Jesus is Lord’1-10-2017Keith Truscott
God’s ‘good pleasure’30-09-2017Keith Truscott
Jesus’ invite29-09-2017Keith Truscott
‘Lord is my banner’28-09-2017Keith Truscott
Grace and Free Will27-09-2017John Yates
We’re God’s letterKeith Truscott
All best laid plans26-09-2017Keith Truscott
Help, hope and heaven25-09-2017Keith Truscott
Life at Home and Work Eph 6:1-924-09-2017John Yates
‘Life’s not fair’Keith Truscott
Desert life23-09-2017Keith Truscott
At every turn22-09-2017Keith Truscott
Wisdom of the Aged: God’s strategy to re-disciple Australia21-09-2017John Yates
‘Living hope’Keith Truscott
Marriage Glory17-09-2017John Yates
Scarred for Life: why the Church needs same sex marriage and its aftermath11-09-2017John Yates
What’s So Scary About Dying?10-09-2017Jenny Cox
In need of repairKeith Truscott
Marriage and Spiritual Warfare29-08-2017Jenny Cox
Wheat or weeds17-08-2017Keith Truscott
Falling feet16-08-2017Keith Truscott
God’s ‘good work’15-08-2017Keith Truscott
Broke sin’s curse14-08-2017Keith Truscott
A better hope13-08-2017Keith Truscott
Some Thoughts about the Same-Sex Marriage DebateJenny Cox
Is There A Will of God?Jenny Cox
Welcome letter12-08-2017Keith Truscott
Ephesians 4:7-13John Yates
Best care10-08-2017Keith Truscott
Remembering and Being Remembered in the Lord’s Supper7-08-2017Jenny Cox
The cure6-08-2017Keith Truscott
Violence and final Revelation2-08-2017John Yates
Our ‘fortress’1-08-2017Keith Truscott
A home in heaven29-07-2017Keith Truscott
Dual CitizenshipJenny Cox
Giving in God’s GiftJohn Yates
God is faithful27-07-2017Keith Truscott
Possession – an indigenous Problem26-07-2017John Yates
Passing the testKeith Truscott
Fully whole25-07-2017Keith Truscott
Holy patience24-07-2017Keith Truscott
Bear lovely fruit23-07-2017Keith Truscott
Greed is no guest22-07-2017Keith Truscott
Ephesians 3:1-13 Now                     21-07-2017John Yates
Protected by Blood17-07-2017John Yates
Hold to Jesus16-07-2017Keith Truscott
All four walls15-07-2017Keith Truscott
Our biggst thanks14-07-2017Keith Truscott
Our life codeKeith Truscott
False prophets12-07-2017Keith Truscott
When the sun sets11-07-2017Keith Truscott
Tough troubles10-07-2017Keith Truscott
In His control8-07-2017Keith Truscott
Seek ‘lost sheep’7-07-2017Keith Truscott
Feeling the strain6-07-2017Keith Truscott
Needing strength5-07-2017Keith Truscott
“Rejoice”, be glad4-07-2017Keith Truscott
Fighting Women3-07-2017John Yates
Best aroundKeith Truscott
Riches and money2-07-2017Keith Truscott
Ephesians 2:1-5 Dead and Alive1-07-2017John Yates
Come to the ‘Light’30-06-2017Keith Truscott
Be Angry like your Father28-06-2017John Yates
Church at RestJohn Yates
Ephesians 1:19-2316-06-2017John Yates
Baptism in Spirit and Fire Part 3 – Tongues of Fire11-06-2017Jenny Cox
Ephesians 1:15-187-06-2017John Yates
The Pentecostal CentreJohn Yates
Restoring the Beauty of Fatherhood 2.5-06-2017John Yates
Pentecost in three tenses4-06-2017Jenny Cox
Ascended above His Enemies29-05-2017John Yates
Heaven delight24-05-2017Keith Truscott
I Never Knew YouJenny Cox
A Man and His GodJohn Yates
Bride and Groom23-05-2017Keith Truscott
No Other Foundation       22-05-2017John Yates
Loyal LoveKeith Truscott
He Will Baptize You with the Holy Spirit and Fire – Part 2 The Spirit in Jesus21-05-2017Jenny Cox
A sacred placeKeith Truscott
‘I am the Light’20-05-2017Keith Truscott
Jesus is Law19-05-2017Keith Truscott
Galilee man18-05-2017Keith Truscott
‘Trust and obey’17-05-2017Keith Truscott
In Christ16-05-2017John Yates
Love never endsKeith Truscott
Rejoice today15-05-2017Keith Truscott
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire Part 1 – Fire14-05-2017Jenny Cox
Mother’s dayKeith Truscott
One Heart13-05-2017John Yates
The chance to choose12-05-2017Keith Truscott
‘Elders of old’11-05-2017Keith Truscott
Christ our ‘Wisdom’10-05-2017Keith Truscott
Live more holy9-05-2017Keith Truscott
Christ is coming8-05-2017Keith Truscott
Glory of the Son7-05-2017Keith Truscott
One Owner6-05-2017Keith Truscott
Restoring the Beauty of Fatherhood5-05-2017John Yates
Transparent30-04-2017John Yates
Glorious Ambition29-04-2017John Yates
Rebuilding the Church  1. Seeing it as it Is                       23-04-2017John Yates
Wall of Fire20-04-2017John Yates
Joy that’s higher19-04-2017Keith Truscott
A change of masters18-04-2017Keith Truscott
True, humble heart17-04-2017Keith Truscott
Resurrection Fear16-04-2017John Yates
Life any timeKeith Truscott
Doubts are dead15-04-2017Keith Truscott
What God’s love brings14-04-2017Keith Truscott
Endless Life13-04-2017Keith Truscott
‘Died in our place’12-04-2017Keith Truscott
Our Father’s love11-04-2017Keith Truscott
Serve others10-04-2017Keith Truscott
Shout and sing9-04-2017Keith Truscott
Jesus and Psalm 918-04-2017Jenny Cox
Divide the ImageJohn Yates
Stay God’s friendKeith Truscott
‘No more mishap’7-04-2017Keith Truscott
Get wiser6-04-2017Keith Truscott
Live holy5-04-2017Keith Truscott
‘Saul’ can come ‘Paul’4-04-2017Keith Truscott
Enter ‘God’s rest’3-04-2017Keith Truscott
The Rejected Stone2-04-2017John Yates
Forgive their scareKeith Truscott
Grace and greatness1-04-2017Keith Truscott
Run to the Rock31-03-2017Keith Truscott
God will reward30-03-2017Keith Truscott
Walk in the Light29-03-2017Keith Truscott
Peace He bestows28-03-2017Keith Truscott
Preach to our foes27-03-2017Keith Truscott
Let Him lead26-03-2017Keith Truscott
Sing God’s strength25-03-2017Keith Truscott
MirrorJohn Yates
Hop on board24-03-2017Keith Truscott
LIfe’s that grand23-03-2017Keith Truscott
Code of love22-03-2017Keith Truscott
See me Up, Speak me Up21-03-2017John Yates
‘No other name’Keith Truscott
Do not worry20-03-2017Keith Truscott
A Low-Carb Spiritual Diet19-03-2017Jenny Cox
Our good endKeith Truscott
The ‘good Way’18-03-2017Keith Truscott
Shield our dreams17-03-2017Keith Truscott
Signs, Audible Words from God and ScriptureJenny Cox
Cleans up mess16-03-2017Keith Truscott
Servants or Sons?Jenny Cox
A Sermon about ‘Nothing’15-03-2017Jenny Cox
Lifelong loveKeith Truscott
All God’s armour13-03-2017Keith Truscott
Fruit for God12-03-2017John Yates
Walk in loveKeith Truscott
My refuge11-03-2017Keith Truscott
Grab the goodness10-03-2017Keith Truscott
Our new song9-03-2017Keith Truscott
When we pray8-03-2017Keith Truscott
Show love7-03-2017Keith Truscott
Good life tools6-03-2017Keith Truscott
Stay faithfulKeith Truscott
Homes in heaven5-03-2017Keith Truscott
Fervent and faithful3-03-2017Keith Truscott
To God be the glory2-03-2017Keith Truscott
Faith fights fears1-03-2017Keith Truscott
Regulating versus Endorsing28-02-2017Jenny Cox
‘Twenty-four seven’26-02-2017Keith Truscott
Our ‘new self’25-02-2017Keith Truscott
Good and grand24-02-2017Keith Truscott
Mexican wave23-02-2017Keith Truscott
Our strong wall22-02-2017Keith Truscott
Hold our hope21-02-2017Keith Truscott
Our battle’s won20-02-2017Keith Truscott
‘Promised Land’19-02-2017Keith Truscott
Spiritual covering18-02-2017John Yates
Not ‘checkmate’Keith Truscott
‘A helpmeet’17-02-2017Keith Truscott
Tame our tongues16-02-2017Keith Truscott
‘Close the gap’15-02-2017Keith Truscott
No better sign14-02-2017Keith Truscott
Sweet daily dose13-02-2017Keith Truscott
We won’t fear12-02-2017Keith Truscott
Jesus is more important than the poor11-02-2017Jenny Cox
‘God of hope’Keith Truscott
Harmony Day10-02-2017Keith Truscott
Naked9-02-2017Jenny Cox
Trust and obeyKeith Truscott
Firstborn John Yates
Grace is might8-02-2017Keith Truscott
‘…His friend’7-02-2017Keith Truscott
Mormons, morality and personal revelation6-02-2017Jenny Cox
Total joyKeith Truscott
Have no doubts5-02-2017Keith Truscott
Turn frown to grin4-02-2017Keith Truscott
The Fear of a Son                                                                               3-02-2017John Yates
Feast on good seedsKeith Truscott
More Christlike2-02-2017Keith Truscott
See the sign1-02-2017Keith Truscott
Care, fair and just31-01-2017Keith Truscott
Answered prayer30-01-2017Keith Truscott
‘Good enough’ God29-01-2017Keith Truscott
Apocalypse in You John Yates
‘Eternal life train’28-01-2017Keith Truscott
Winner, Watchman27-01-2017Keith Truscott
Honeycomb (theology)26-01-2017Keith Truscott
Quench anger fuel25-01-2017Keith Truscott
‘Good things’24-01-2017Keith Truscott
‘Good gifts’23-01-2017Keith Truscott
Family first22-01-2017John Yates
Training schoolKeith Truscott
Gives new Life21-01-2017Keith Truscott
‘Strong and smart’20-01-2017Keith Truscott
Finding peace19-01-2017Keith Truscott
The ‘just in time’ God18-01-2017Keith Truscott
One small wish17-01-2017Keith Truscott
The Insufficiency of ScriptureJenny Cox
God’s ‘new wine’16-01-2017Keith Truscott
His home rules15-01-2017Keith Truscott
Gatekeeper14-01-2017Keith Truscott
Keep trusting13-01-2017Keith Truscott
Eyes and ears12-01-2017Keith Truscott
Slander slaves11-01-2017Keith Truscott
Nothing scares10-01-2017Keith Truscott
No guessing game9-01-2017Keith Truscott
Myanmar 2017 part 5 – The Father of Families and NationsJohn Yates
Myanmar 2017 part 4 – The Wrath of the fatherJohn Yates
Myanmar 2017 part 3 – The Father of IdolsJohn Yates
Myanmar 2017 part 2 – The Eternal FatherJohn Yates
Myanmar 2017 part 1 – Spiritual FatheringJohn Yates
Let’s go broadcast8-01-2017Keith Truscott
‘Bear much fruit’7-01-2017Keith Truscott
Greater love6-01-2017Keith Truscott
Love we must5-01-2017Keith Truscott
Restore4-01-2017Keith Truscott
Know for sure3-01-2017Keith Truscott
Best life support2-01-2017Keith Truscott
‘in New Year’1-01-2017Keith Truscott
Simon the LeperJenny Cox
Full on for Christ31-12-2016Keith Truscott
Seeking the Kingdom of GodJenny Cox
‘Hold your ground’30-12-2016Keith Truscott
‘My cup runs over’29-12-2016Keith Truscott
Our Saviour28-12-2016Keith Truscott
WorthJenny Cox
Spread His fame27-12-2016Keith Truscott
‘Trade silver’26-12-2016Keith Truscott
Heal our lands25-12-2016Keith Truscott
Sign of the Saviour24-12-2016Keith Truscott
The Peace Child23-12-2016Keith Truscott
‘Perfect love’22-12-2016Keith Truscott
Transparent Imagination         21-12-2016John Yates
Saviour, JesusKeith Truscott
He saves20-12-2016Keith Truscott
Forever online19-12-2016Keith Truscott
Immanuel18-12-2016John Yates
Truth and mercyKeith Truscott
Unseen Hand17-12-2016Keith Truscott
Beyond Christmas16-12-2016Keith Truscott
Good words15-12-2016Keith Truscott
A City without Walls14-12-2016Jenny Cox
 ’We know…’Keith Truscott
Grace is enough13-12-2016Keith Truscott
‘Let’s do great things…”12-12-2016Keith Truscott
A hero of faith11-12-2016Keith Truscott
The Light has come10-12-2016Keith Truscott
‘Hold onto holy…’9-12-2016Keith Truscott
Christian hope8-12-2016Keith Truscott
Best showcase7-12-2016Keith Truscott
Let’s endure6-12-2016Keith Truscott
Value hard work5-12-2016Keith Truscott
Beasts and Sheep   John Yates
Let’s not fret4-12-2016Keith Truscott
Peace will increase3-12-2016Keith Truscott
Living by faith2-12-2016Keith Truscott
God’s storehouse1-12-2016Keith Truscott
The best teacher30-11-2016Keith Truscott
Understanding Nothing     John Yates
‘My work of art’29-11-2016Keith Truscott
Ships need to dock28-11-2016Keith Truscott
‘Fess up now27-11-2016Keith Truscott
Do your duty26-11-2016Keith Truscott
‘Learn up God’s Word…’25-11-2016Keith Truscott
Grateful praise24-11-2016Keith Truscott
Bless our children23-11-2016Keith Truscott
Seeing NothingJohn Yates
Fruits of our toil22-11-2016Keith Truscott
‘A cheeful giver’21-11-2016Keith Truscott
The Love of Gifts 20-11-2016John Yates
Song of the savedKeith Truscott
Imitate me as I imitate ChristJenny Cox
Song of the savedKeith Truscott
A cage-bird set free19-11-2016Keith Truscott
Steadfast love18-11-2016Keith Truscott
Wonderful deeds17-11-2016Keith Truscott
Manna still falls16-11-2016Keith Truscott
Second-to-none15-11-2016Keith Truscott
‘Build and plant’14-11-2016Keith Truscott
Pass the great test13-11-2016Keith Truscott
Angry SpiritsJohn Yates
God is great12-11-2016Keith Truscott
We belong11-11-2016Keith Truscott
Prayer power10-11-2016Keith Truscott
Speak in love9-11-2016Keith Truscott
Pass the test8-11-2016Keith Truscott
Only Natural7-11-2016John Yates
Why we singKeith Truscott
‘Finish the race’6-11-2016Keith Truscott
Stay spotless5-11-2016Keith Truscott
Please God4-11-2016Keith Truscott
‘Lord Jesus why?’3-11-2016Keith Truscott
Church on Fire2-11-2016John Yates
Life re-setKeith Truscott
God ensures1-11-2016Keith Truscott
My prayer-knock30-10-2016Keith Truscott
Lord by the SpiritJohn Yates
Life-long trust29-10-2016Keith Truscott
Best respite28-10-2016Keith Truscott
‘In me’ peace27-10-2016Keith Truscott
Set free26-10-2016Keith Truscott
Deeper hunger25-10-2016Keith Truscott
Wisdom to Disciple      24-10-2016John Yates
Sweet songs of ZionKeith Truscott
Grace galore23-10-2016Keith Truscott
‘Hold the fort’21-10-2016Keith Truscott
Rescue me20-10-2016Keith Truscott
Kookaburra faith19-10-2016Keith Truscott
Revival and Bible    John Yates
Love that mends18-10-2016Keith Truscott
Lighten up17-10-2016Keith Truscott
‘Right round the clock’16-10-2016Keith Truscott
‘Thirst…come…drink’15-10-2016Keith Truscott
‘Eternal LIfe’14-10-2016Keith Truscott
Good gardeners13-10-2016Keith Truscott
Facing drama12-10-2016Keith Truscott
Pass the test11-10-2016Keith Truscott
Apostolic TruthJohn Yates
‘At my right hand10-10-2016Keith Truscott
God is good9-10-2016Keith Truscott
Rock of Ages8-10-2016Keith Truscott
Strangers on the shore7-10-2016Keith Truscott
The Mystery of Lawlessness and Godliness6-10-2016John Yates
‘Good enough’ GodKeith Truscott
The Journey from Shittim to GilgalJenny Cox
Our strong tower5-10-2016Keith Truscott
Pray and obey4-10-2016Keith Truscott
‘Home sweet home’3-10-2016Keith Truscott
One Foundation2-10-2016John Yates
Show graceKeith Truscott
Blood brothers1-10-2016Keith Truscott
Keep praying30-09-2016Keith Truscott
Wheel and deal29-09-2016Keith Truscott
Father Revealed28-09-2016John Yates
Ask the WayKeith Truscott
A sacred place27-09-2016Keith Truscott
Worth gold weight26-09-2016Keith Truscott
Embarrassed25-09-2016John Yates
Still show mercyKeith Truscott
Stay loyal24-09-2016Keith Truscott
Keep on caring23-09-2016Keith Truscott
Reflections on sexuality and gender conferenceJenny Cox
Sanctified sense22-09-2016Keith Truscott
Victory wave21-09-2016Keith Truscott
Confusion 20-09-2016John Yates
He won’t failKeith Truscott
Keep the faith19-09-2016Keith Truscott
The last say18-09-2016Keith Truscott
God’s gems17-09-2016Keith Truscott
A.C.T.S.16-09-2016Keith Truscott
Lessons from the Person of DanielJenny Cox
Suffer we could15-09-2016Keith Truscott
A bright future14-09-2016Keith Truscott
We belong13-09-2016Keith Truscott
Seeing the InvisibleJohn Yates
Bob up like cork12-09-2016Keith Truscott
God still rules8-09-2016Keith Truscott
Prosperity versus SpiritualityJohn Yates
‘Greater love’ returns7-09-2016Keith Truscott
‘Right hand Man’6-09-2016Keith Truscott
God’s Love stamp5-09-2016Keith Truscott
Break the link4-09-2016Keith Truscott
Easy yokes3-09-2016Keith Truscott
Orphan-age    2-09-2016John Yates
Our house of hopeKeith Truscott
Keep with the beat1-09-2016Keith Truscott
Keep up our zeal31-08-2016Keith Truscott
He won’t “press delete”30-08-2016Keith Truscott
Our high price29-08-2016Keith Truscott
Bear the Burden   28-08-2016John Yates
The healing codeKeith Truscott
Now and tomorrow27-08-2016Keith Truscott
Royal Sacrifice26-08-2016John Yates
You are saltKeith Truscott
Beyond street-smart25-08-2016Keith Truscott
Soul restore24-08-2016Keith Truscott
Worship and praise23-08-2016Keith Truscott
The Show-Off Spirit22-08-2016John Yates
No bigger bangKeith Truscott
Some things won’t budge21-08-2016Keith Truscott
My place20-08-2016Keith Truscott
Bend with the breeze19-08-2016Keith Truscott
Jack, Jill or Bob18-08-2016Keith Truscott
The humble apron17-08-2016Keith Truscott
IndignationJohn Yates
Great insight16-08-2016Keith Truscott
Moment-by-moment15-08-2016Keith Truscott
Runaway slave14-08-2016Keith Truscott
‘Milk and honey’13-08-2016Keith Truscott
God will speak12-08-2016Keith Truscott
Harmless smears11-08-2016Keith Truscott
Conscience and Church10-08-2016John Yates
The fight of faithKeith Truscott
Forgiveness at the heart of the gospel9-08-2016Jenny Cox
The grace danceKeith Truscott
Hope for the world8-08-2016Keith Truscott
God’s great prize7-08-2016Keith Truscott
Raised all the Way6-08-2016Keith Truscott
These sweet love smells5-08-2016Keith Truscott
The Dove and the Desert4-08-2016John Yates
Forgives and perfectsKeith Truscott
Tie-up shoe lace3-08-2016Keith Truscott
Jesus transforms2-08-2016Keith Truscott
King Saul, religiosity and the Church in Perth1-08-2016Jenny Cox
Thankful prayersKeith Truscott
Keep up prayer31-07-2016Keith Truscott
Make Every Effort30-07-2016John Yates
Invest in RestKeith Truscott
Won’t rust and decay29-07-2016Keith Truscott
Spread God’s love28-07-2016Keith Truscott
Grieve not the Spirit27-07-2016Keith Truscott
The perfect cure26-07-2016Keith Truscott
Why human actions?Jenny Cox
Deeper care25-07-2016Keith Truscott
The ‘new law’24-07-2016Keith Truscott
Jesus is the Kingdom23-07-2016John Yates
Their cupboard is bareKeith Truscott
The ‘Golden Rule’22-07-2016Keith Truscott
Our home base21-07-2016Keith Truscott
Cross the Jordan20-07-2016Keith Truscott
Greater giving19-07-2016Keith Truscott
What we sow18-07-2016Keith Truscott
Little Ones17-07-2016John Yates
Like grandmother toldKeith Truscott
A grand Gift16-07-2016Keith Truscott
The humble cod15-07-2016Keith Truscott
‘Good news’ train14-07-2016Keith Truscott
Trouble13-07-2016John Yates
Jesus the SieveKeith Truscott
The Fragrance of ChristJenny Cox
A better way12-07-2016Keith Truscott
Flooded rivers11-07-2016Keith Truscott
A conscience cleansed10-07-2016Keith Truscott
Living in two camps9-07-2016Keith Truscott
Love God and Hate the Church?Jenny Cox
Perfect love8-07-2016Keith Truscott
Never despair7-07-2016Keith Truscott
Let’s make hayKeith Truscott
Never despair6-07-2016Keith Truscott
‘New’ Red Sea love5-07-2016Keith Truscott
No threat, no fear4-07-2016Keith Truscott
Our Mother3-07-2016John Yates
Rescue plansKeith Truscott
‘Goodness, gracious’2-07-2016Keith Truscott
Boomerang love1-07-2016Keith Truscott
Tent of Joy30-06-2016John Yates
The Order of TruthJohn Yates
The Shame-breakerKeith Truscott
The ‘silver’ God29-06-2016Keith Truscott
‘Talkin’ to country’28-06-2016Keith Truscott
A ‘no-where man’27-06-2016Keith Truscott
Our Christian ties26-06-2016Keith Truscott
A strong tower25-06-2016Keith Truscott
Go for God24-06-2016Keith Truscott
Winners by grace23-06-2016Keith Truscott
Eat Again22-06-2016John Yates
Rule wellKeith Truscott
Burden-Boss21-06-2016Keith Truscott
Love that never rusts20-06-2016Keith Truscott
For Beauty and For Glory19-06-2016John Yates
My prayer spaceKeith Truscott
Heal our lands18-06-2016Keith Truscott
Face any foe17-06-2016Keith Truscott
Strive for unity16-06-2016Keith Truscott
Reap life eternal15-06-2016Keith Truscott
Holy Smoke14-06-2016John Yates
Jesus alwaysKeith Truscott
Unity13-06-2016Jenny Cox
Discipleship and Christian CommunityJenny Cox
Our SaviourKeith Truscott
Grace never fails12-06-2016Keith Truscott
My prayer11-06-2016Keith Truscott
The Silence of the LambJohn Yates
All that’s right10-06-2016Keith Truscott
God’s witness9-06-2016Keith Truscott
Cut the waste8-06-2016Keith Truscott
Have you not heard?7-06-2016Keith Truscott
“Walk by faith”6-06-2016Keith Truscott
Keep looking to JesusKeith Truscott
God’s grace pours in4-06-2016Keith Truscott
Like the dish and spoon3-06-2016Keith Truscott
Never sin twice2-06-2016Keith Truscott
“God with us”1-06-2016Keith Truscott
Jesus’ Heaven31-05-2016John Yates
Right on teeKeith Truscott
The beauty of trees30-05-2016Keith Truscott
If we endure28-05-2016Keith Truscott
We can surely rise27-05-2016Keith Truscott
His love and acceptance26-05-2016Keith Truscott
Bad PersonJohn Yates
Both love dearly25-05-2016Keith Truscott
Sing His worth24-05-2016Keith Truscott
A Word on Baptism23-05-2016Serge Beugels
God’s free graceKeith Truscott
Stay strong for Truth22-05-2016Keith Truscott
PromiseJohn Yates
Pure gold21-05-2016Keith Truscott
Wounded for me20-05-2016Keith Truscott
Whenever angry19-05-2016Keith Truscott
Follow His tracks18-05-2016Keith Truscott
Out of the pit17-05-2016Keith Truscott
Back from the brink16-05-2016Keith Truscott
Move those mountains15-05-2016Keith Truscott
We’re a “new creation”14-05-2016Keith Truscott
The cure for anger13-05-2016Keith Truscott
Still bless others12-05-2016Keith Truscott
Is the church welcoming people with disabilities?11-05-2016Jenny Cox
Protects beyond compareKeith Truscott
Undying LoveJohn Yates
Christ our only umpire10-05-2016Keith Truscott
The wonder of God’s love9-05-2016Serge Beugels
Two career plannersKeith Truscott
Break every chain8-05-2016Keith Truscott
Strong and mature7-05-2016Keith Truscott
Our hearts still sing6-05-2016Keith Truscott
Despised for Jesus5-05-2016John Yates
No one minute workoutKeith Truscott
Trust Jesus instead4-05-2016Keith Truscott
Pleasing God3-05-2016Keith Truscott
Permanent new life2-05-2016Keith Truscott
God instead1-05-2016Keith Truscott
Faith and SpiritJohn Yates
A light on a hill30-04-2016Keith Truscott
Join praises29-04-2016Keith Truscott
Never fear28-04-2016Keith Truscott
Better than any dream teams27-04-2016Keith Truscott
Perplexed About Nothing26-04-2016John Yates
Trust GodKeith Truscott
Lest we forget25-04-2016Keith Truscott
O Virgin Daughter of ZionJenny Cox
No mystery24-04-2016Keith Truscott
The Glory of SonshipJenny Cox
Call me23-04-2016Keith Truscott
Loud, clear and near22-04-2016Keith Truscott
The best hiding place21-04-2016Keith Truscott
Stamped with His brand20-04-2016Keith Truscott
Joy so boundless19-04-2016Keith Truscott
Stay worthy18-04-2016Keith Truscott
Angels of Heaven17-04-2016John Yates
Pass every ‘test’Keith Truscott
First in line16-04-2016Keith Truscott
Helps us endure15-04-2016Keith Truscott
Too many ‘have-nots’14-04-2016Keith Truscott
UnrestrainedJohn Yates
Free and fruitful13-04-2016Keith Truscott
No more sting12-04-2016Keith Truscott
‘A sea change’11-04-2016Keith Truscott
Club or Church?10-04-2016John Yates
Each step of the wayKeith Truscott
Stay fresh9-04-2016Keith Truscott
Wrong claims on us8-04-2016Keith Truscott
Great Things7-04-2016John Yates
Great honour in workKeith Truscott
More than enough6-04-2016Keith Truscott
Faith can see the future5-04-2016Keith Truscott
Forget-Me-not4-04-2016Keith Truscott
‘Bringing them home’Keith Truscott
The Law and the Glory3-04-2016John Yates
Lighten up2-04-2016Keith Truscott
We are warriors1-04-2016Keith Truscott
Come hot, don’t stall31-03-2016Keith Truscott
No options left30-03-2016Keith Truscott
Keep up core training29-03-2016Keith Truscott
Reflections on Louis Theroux documentary on transgender kidsJenny Cox
Unclean Spirits28-03-2016John Yates
Stepping-stonesKeith Truscott
Invite the right Spirit26-03-2016Keith Truscott
Good Friday Sermon – Jesus Fulfils the Covenant25-03-2016Jenny Cox
Neither fret nor worryKeith Truscott
The last ‘Servant Song”24-03-2016Keith Truscott
The Servant of servants23-03-2016Keith Truscott
Sing his sweet song22-03-2016Keith Truscott
Changed bosses21-03-2016Keith Truscott
Defining your own identityJenny Cox
Crucified Eyes20-03-2016John Yates
Worship forever moreKeith Truscott
Walk in ‘Wisdom’19-03-2016Keith Truscott
Mature into ‘shining stars’18-03-2016Keith Truscott
Say no to ‘stinking thinking’17-03-2016Keith Truscott
Our pacesetter16-03-2016Keith Truscott
Loyal and loving for a lifetime15-03-2016Keith Truscott
Let’s be “sure of this…”14-03-2016Keith Truscott
‘Steal away to Jesus…”13-03-2016Keith Truscott
Every day in seven12-03-2016Keith Truscott
Seek the best rest11-03-2016Keith Truscott
Living Repentance10-03-2016John Yates
The thin line of redemptionKeith Truscott
Sheep choice9-03-2016Keith Truscott
A ‘fair go’8-03-2016Keith Truscott
Made right with God7-03-2016Keith Truscott
Jesus Plus…Tradition6-03-2016John Yates
‘Mission impossible’Keith Truscott
The shame-breaker5-03-2016Keith Truscott
Fathering Grief4-03-2016John Yates
In God I trustKeith Truscott
Always forever3-03-2016Keith Truscott
 ”…God is for us…”2-03-2016Keith Truscott
Memory backup1-03-2016Keith Truscott
Human merit by-pass29-02-2016Keith Truscott
Find Your Voice28-02-2016John Yates
Walk in lineKeith Truscott
Leaving an inheritance27-02-2016Keith Truscott
Riches and not rubble26-02-2016Keith Truscott
A “safe place” for all times25-02-2016Keith Truscott
The broken net mender24-02-2016Keith Truscott
Lighter than a feather23-02-2016Keith Truscott
The metal testers22-02-2016Keith Truscott
Loosening the foothold21-02-2016Keith Truscott
A ‘whole heart’ submission20-02-2016Keith Truscott
Total trust19-02-2016Keith Truscott
‘Simply the best…’18-02-2016Keith Truscott
Everyday mercy ‘among them’17-02-2016Keith Truscott
Feast or famine, whatever16-02-2016Keith Truscott
‘Speed checks’15-02-2016Keith Truscott
Looking for ‘that someone’14-02-2016Keith Truscott
Three sure things13-02-2016Keith Truscott
Strongest ‘safety first rules’12-02-2016Keith Truscott
New house rules11-02-2016Keith Truscott
A ‘crazy’ treasure10-02-2016Keith Truscott
Sweeter than sunshine9-02-2016Keith Truscott
Nothing hidden8-02-2016Keith Truscott
Struggling in Prayer7-02-2016Jenny Cox
‘Christmas cheer’Keith Truscott
The secret of certainty6-02-2016Keith Truscott
No more downplay5-02-2016Keith Truscott
When the serpent of worrry bites4-02-2016Keith Truscott
More than a refuge3-02-2016Keith Truscott
No middle ground2-02-2016Keith Truscott
The ‘hunger games’1-02-2016Keith Truscott
Turn the tap back on31-01-2016Keith Truscott
Signs of Satan30-01-2016John Yates
Amazing GraceKeith Truscott
Walk in unity29-01-2016Keith Truscott
‘Hostile natives’28-01-2016Keith Truscott
The Light of the world27-01-2016Keith Truscott
Wish-washy waves26-01-2016Keith Truscott
Reflections on not being a personJenny Cox
Stop the lion’s roar25-01-2016Keith Truscott
On the Journey with Jesus 4: The Way24-01-2016John Yates
The world changerKeith Truscott
No triple yokes23-01-2016Keith Truscott
Soldiers on parade22-01-2016Keith Truscott
A Safe house21-01-2016Keith Truscott
Against the tideKeith Truscott
Fire: Safe or Good?15-01-2016John Yates
A Little Meditation on Hoarding and Jesus9-01-2016Jenny Cox
Reformation, Sunday8-01-2016John Yates
Celebrate Jesus4-01-2016John Yates
General references for Daily Reflections1-01-2016Keith Truscott
Light for 201628-12-2015John Yates
Christmas Inside Out25-12-2015John Yates
The Mystery of the Word Made Flesh20-12-2015John Yates
The End is Joy13-12-2015John Yates
God does not dwell in houses made by handsJenny Cox
The Greatest Terror7-12-2015John Yates
The Trinity and Equal Marriage6-12-2015John Yates
The Shame we Need27-11-2015John Yates
A short word about the Paris terror attacks22-11-2015Jenny Cox
The Heart of Unity20-11-2015John Yates
Job and Jesus15-11-2015John Yates
The Prize8-11-2015John Yates
The Headless Woman3-11-2015John Yates
Beloved, hang in there29-10-2015Keith Truscott
The Wordless Father26-10-2015John Yates
Domestic Violence and the Identity of the Church19-10-2015John Yates
Different routes to Christian maturity14-10-2015Jenny Cox
Recognise-IndigenousJohn Yates
Secrets, Lies and Revealed Truth13-10-2015Jenny Cox
Joseph of Arimathea11-10-2015John Yates
The Beauty Parlour4-10-2015John Yates
Discerning the Spirit27-09-2015John Yates
What makes the Christian faith Christian?Jenny Cox
Remember Part 2: Jesus and his Father19-09-2015John Yates
Fire Dream18-09-2015Jenny Cox
The Image and the Voice14-09-2015John Yates
Remember Part 1: Good and WrongJohn Yates
Jesus and homosexuality6-09-2015Jenny Cox
Glory Stolen and Returned30-08-2015John Yates
Intercessory Life26-08-2015John Yates
Mary and Martha23-08-2015John Yates
Excommunication: the grace of the Father20-08-2015John Yates
Precious14-08-2015John Yates
Cry Mercy9-08-2015John Yates
Paul2-08-2015John Yates
John the Baptist27-07-2015John Yates
humble Love23-07-2015John Yates
Worship on the Lord’s Day proclaims both resurrection and judgment12-07-2015Jenny Cox
SHE10-07-2015John Yates
Death of a Football Coach5-07-2015Jenny Cox
Resource WA2-07-2015John Yates
Fear God29-06-2015John Yates
Weight loss and deliverance from idols25-06-2015Jenny Cox
Referred PainJenny Cox
Jonah and Jesus22-06-2015John Yates
Prayer in the Spirit21-06-2015Jenny Cox
Beware the Gift11-06-2015John Yates
Turning Point: Equal marriage and the Future of the Church10-06-2015John Yates
Re-Incarnation: Faith @WorkJohn Yates
In-sight Prayer Ministry and the Spiritual Situation Today26-05-2015John Yates
Cry Justice24-05-2015John Yates
SMALLJohn Yates
Until Christ is formed in you12-05-2015Jenny Cox
Sabbath Keeping, Terrorism, Israel’s Jealousy and the End9-05-2015John Yates
Participation3-05-2015Jenny Cox
Andrew Chan and The Meaning of Life1-05-2015John Yates
Jesus as the Heir of God26-04-2015Jenny Cox
Sacred Blood Bonds: an ANZAC reflection23-04-2015John Yates
Intimacy with God21-04-2015Jenny Cox
Isaiah19-04-2015John Yates
Stop the Boats16-04-2015John Yates
Tithing and Jesus – A Meditation15-04-2015Jenny Cox
Good Friday and the dual natures of Christ3-04-2015Jenny Cox
Life’s times and seasons are decided by the Father30-03-2015Jenny Cox
Bruised: A Good Friday Meditation28-03-2015John Yates
The resurrection of Jesus and biblical inerrancyJenny Cox
Blood in the Cloud22-03-2015John Yates
The Puzzle of Humanity19-03-2015John Yates
Corporate Wisdom: the Architecture of God11-03-2015John Yates
Face Up10-03-2015John Yates
My Father’s Business5-03-2015John Yates
Vindicate My Righteousness28-02-2015John Yates
Blessed to be a Blessing15-02-2015John Yates
A little theology of prayer and the ‘end’ of the world2-02-2015Jenny Cox
Authority1-02-2015John Yates
Australia’s Zeal25-01-2015John Yates
Grace without Limit21-01-2015John Yates
Safe Church18-01-2015John Yates
Epiphany4-01-2015John Yates
2015 Reversal and Refuge31-12-2014John Yates
Relinquish28-12-2014John Yates
Happy Holidays24-12-2014John Yates
God wants to heal more people than he doesJenny Cox
The Government of Peace21-12-2014John Yates
Satan, Siege, Survival17-12-2014John Yates
Complete16-12-2014John Yates
Living parables of the cross15-12-2014Jenny Cox
For judgment6-12-2014Jenny Cox
Phillip Hughes Why?3-12-2014John Yates
It was the will of the LORD to crush him2-12-2014Jenny Cox
Come Again30-11-2014John Yates
The altar of incense and the prayers of the saintsJenny Cox
Fire26-11-2014John Yates
Christian conscience23-11-2014Jenny Cox
Sweet Wine16-11-2014John Yates
Rest Again13-11-2014John Yates
The Spirit of the Kingdom9-11-2014John Yates
Father’s Business5-11-2014John Yates
Inheritance: God’s and Ours2-11-2014John Yates
Nailed Beauty30-10-2014John Yates
The Bride of Revelation: Study 4 – Beauty Forever27-10-2014John Yates
The Bride of Revelation: Study 3 – Suffering WitnessJohn Yates
The Bride of Revelation: Study 2 – Angels and the BrideJohn Yates
The Bride of Revelation: Study 1 – Jesus and the ApocalypseJohn Yates
Uncompetitive Glory23-10-2014John Yates
The Lamp of the Lamb19-10-2014John Yates
Who Am I?Jenny Cox
Wounding Power12-10-2014John Yates
Building on Christ5-10-2014John Yates
Loved by the Father4-10-2014Pascal Michel
Real EvilJohn Yates
A Door Open In Heaven23-09-2014John Yates
I have not found your deeds complete21-09-2014Jenny Cox
Forever Father17-09-2014John Yates
Alarm Alarm Evil Evil11-09-2014John Yates
Grand Child7-09-2014John Yates
The Other Book3-09-2014John Yates
Israel: Identity and Destiny25-08-2014John Yates
Silence21-08-2014John Yates
The Mystery of Marriage Revelation 4: Seeing the Mystery14-08-2014John Yates
Earth and Heaven: Visible and Invisible9-08-2014Jenny Cox
Bend the Knee6-08-2014John Yates
Christ our Law3-08-2014John Yates
False Glory and True28-07-2014Jenny Cox
Evangelism Motivation27-07-2014John Yates
The Mystery of Marriage Revelation 3: Presence in All Things23-07-2014John Yates
Malaysia Airlines and Dead Children21-07-2014Jenny Cox
The Mystery of Marriage Revelation 2: Justified Peace11-07-2014John Yates
ISIS and the Strategy of God9-07-2014John Yates
The Bridal Path6-07-2014John Yates
The Testimony of the Betrothed2-07-2014John Yates
Thankfulness29-06-2014John Yates
The Mystery of Marriage Revelation 1: Equality26-06-2014John Yates
The Joyful Father19-06-2014John Yates
Finally Human12-05-2014John Yates
Do it again!7-05-2014John Yates
Unchristian Unfathered4-05-2014John Yates
The Devil’s Schemes1-05-2014Jenny Cox
Control Freak29-04-2014John Yates
Doctrines of Demons24-04-2014Jenny Cox
Generation ANZAC21-04-2014John Yates
Death: A Meditation14-04-2014John Yates
Cling9-04-2014John Yates
Healing Australia’s Wound31-03-2014John Yates
Small28-03-2014John Yates
The Eternal GospelJenny Cox
Seeing the Father23-03-2014John Yates
Set Apart12-03-2014John Yates
Spiritual Formation: Knowing God10-03-2014John Yates
Impotence: The Crisis of Fathering in Australia Today2-03-2014John Yates
Lord’s Prayer (LP) 4. Save us…deliver us…23-02-2014John Yates
Family Forever 2. Unbelievable19-02-2014John Yates
Strong Roots16-02-2014Jenny Cox
Family Forever 1.13-02-2014John Yates
Satisfaction6-02-2014John Yates
Lord’s Prayer (LP) 1. Our Father2-02-2014John Yates
Wound21-01-2014John Yates
Ignorant15-01-2014John Yates
Is that all there is?30-12-2013John Yates
Mystery of GodJohn Yates
Wise Men Follow the Star23-12-2013John Yates
Mirror19-12-2013John Yates
A Short Confession17-12-2013Jenny Cox
Hear the Testimony of the Spirit, the Water and the Blood16-12-2013Jenny Cox
Attractive12-12-2013John Yates
Works in John’s GospelJenny Cox
Prayer: Envisioning the Impossible7-12-2013John Yates
What does the Messianic movement mean to Jesus?2-12-2013John Yates
A Meditation on Schoolies29-11-2013Jenny Cox
The Hope Filling Father27-11-2013John Yates
The Happy FatherJohn Yates
Harvest24-11-2013Jenny Cox
Marriage Equality and the Fear of Satan19-11-2013John Yates
Broken Light16-11-2013John Yates
In the Father Part 312-11-2013Jenny Cox
In the Father Part 210-11-2013Jenny Cox
The Fighting FatherJohn Yates
The Holy Spirit as the Power of Spiritual Formation7-11-2013John Yates
In the Father6-11-2013Jenny Cox
Sleep Working5-11-2013John Yates
A Place For You29-10-2013John Yates
The Darkness of the Cross Part 3: Hidden GloryJenny Cox
Apathetic23-10-2013John Yates
Better Than MeJohn Yates
Hidden18-10-2013Jenny Cox
Bearing the Burden7-10-2013John Yates
Attack on marriage6-10-2013Jenny Cox
Paul and the Mission of the Church30-09-2013John Yates
The Darkness of the Cross Part 2 The Spirit29-09-2013Jenny Cox
Transgender childrenJenny Cox
Beautify My Bride24-09-2013John Yates
The Way of the LordJohn Yates
Bow the Knee: a word for Australia10-09-2013John Yates
Unacknowledged Sons: the Struggle for Mature UnityJohn Yates
Fearless Witness: Part 3 – Overcoming the False Witnesses3-09-2013John Yates
Fearless Witness: Part 2- A Renewed Prophetic Vision for Restoration26-08-2013John Yates
The Darkness of the Cross Part 1 Jesus25-08-2013Jenny Cox
Fearless Witness: Part 1- The Foundation of Gentleness21-08-2013John Yates
Discerning the Life15-08-2013John Yates
Responsibility Beneath the Rainbow of GraceJohn Yates
The Pleasure of the Father11-08-2013Jenny Cox
Parallels between the death of John the Baptist and the Death of JesusJenny Cox
The man without his wedding clothes4-08-2013Jenny Cox
Transparent Glory28-07-2013John Yates
Heaven Opened7-07-2013Jenny Cox
You Fool6-07-2013John Yates
Crucified Glory30-06-2013John Yates
The Beautifying Father26-06-2013John Yates
God will give you the desires of your heart24-06-2013Jenny Cox
Inhuman21-06-2013John Yates
The Mother of All Battles14-06-2013John Yates
The Holy Spirit GroansJenny Cox
Jesus BuriedJenny Cox
Reconciled by the Riches of his Glory 4.9-06-2013John Yates
Reconciled by the Riches of his Glory 3.John Yates
Reconciled by the Riches of his Glory 2.John Yates
Reconciled by the Riches of his Glory 1.John Yates
Righteousness Revealed in the MarketplaceJohn Yates
The End of Humanity6-06-2013John Yates
No Condemnation2-06-2013John Yates
Calling in the 21st Century1-06-2013Simon Bibby
Marriage at Work
3. Jesus and the Church
26-05-2013John Yates
Marriage at Work
2. The Hope of Israel
John Yates
Lectures to my students23-05-2013John Yates
Summary of doctrine21-05-2013John Yates
Survey of doctrineJohn Yates
Comparative TheologyJohn Yates
New Testament Visions and the Gospel20-05-2013Jenny Cox
Hidden Wisdom19-05-2013John Yates
Hidden Wisdom (Summary)John Yates
Parenting Wisdom10-05-2013John Yates
The Seeking God8-05-2013John Yates
Marriage at Work
1. Failure at the foundation
29-04-2013John Yates
Strengthened in the Word of God26-04-2013John Yates
A reflection
24-04-2013John Yates
True Worship14-04-2013John Yates
Maturity8-04-2013John Yates
Resurrected as Son1-04-2013John Yates
I Confess28-03-2013John Yates
Mother21-03-2013John Yates
Handsome13-03-2013John Yates
How can you determine God’s will for your life?10-03-2013Jenny Cox
Reflections on developing a theology of chocolateJenny Cox
There was silence in heaven for half an hourJenny Cox
God has a plan for your lifeJenny Cox
Fatherhood of GodJenny Cox
Can God love you more or less than he does now?Jenny Cox
Christian Maturity in the Epistle to the HebrewsJenny Cox
Reflections on spiritual warfare based on 2 Kings 18-19Jenny Cox
The Bride of ChristJenny Cox
The cross as present realityJenny Cox
Testing the spirits to see whether they are from GodJenny Cox
Our life is hid with Christ in GodJenny Cox
Male, female rolesJenny Cox
Participation in the crossJenny Cox
Philippians 4:4Jenny Cox
Reflections on men and women in ChristJenny Cox
The Implications of Creation in, through, and for ChristJenny Cox
‘Unanswered’ prayer and the crossJenny Cox
Christian spirituality and experienceJenny Cox
Speak Up
The death of discernment
4-03-2013John Yates
Surviving Babylon – The late modern workplace and Christian identity1-03-2013Simon Bibby
Authority28-02-2013John Yates
Messianic Identity26-02-2013John Yates
Beautifying the City20-02-2013John Yates
Homesick for Glory17-02-2013John Yates
The Punishment of Pornography8-02-2013John Yates
Worthy of Witness3-02-2013John Yates
Man Drought 21-02-2013John Yates
Satisfaction 2Andrew Francis
Satisfaction 1Andrew Francis
Man Drought 128-01-2013John Yates
The Face in the Flames23-01-2013John Yates
Africa Insights
6. The root of revival
3-01-2013John Yates
Africa Insights
5. Masculine mystique
31-12-2012John Yates
Africa Insights
4. Orphan
28-12-2012John Yates
Christmas and the Crisis of Call24-12-2012John Yates
Africa Insights
3. The gift of suffering
20-12-2012John Yates
Africa Insights
2. O righteous Father
13-12-2012John Yates
Africa Insights
1. Is the cross enough?
7-12-2012John Yates
Into Discipleship 2012
8. Reconciliation
1-12-2012John Yates
Antioch How?18-11-2012John Yates
Antioch City Foundation26-10-2012John Yates
Into Discipleship 2012
7. The glory of God
John Yates
Divine Intervention20-10-2012John Yates
Into Discipleship 2012
6. The Word of God
15-10-2012John Yates
Crisis and Creativity4-10-2012John Yates
Into Discipleship 2012
5. Praying with Jesus
27-09-2012John Yates
Spouse25-09-2012John Yates
Royal Dignity19-09-2012John Yates
Into Discipleship 2012
4. The disciple and righteousness
13-09-2012John Yates
Clearer ‘ME’
A final vision
9-09-2012John Yates
Peaceful ‘ME’
A journey
28-08-2012John Yates
Into Discipleship 2012
3. The worship of the disciple
John Yates
Into Discipleship 2012
2. The love of discipleship
27-08-2012John Yates
Transparent ‘ME’22-08-2012John Yates
Into Discipleship 2012
1. The testimony of Jesus
12-08-2012John Yates
Our Father10-08-2012John Yates
Broken ‘ME’3-08-2012John Yates
Hope deferred makes the heart sick30-07-2012Andrew Francis
Beautiful ‘ME’
2. Beautiful ‘US’
23-07-2012John Yates
Two Mountains
A prophecy
12-07-2012John Yates
Poor Vision2-07-2012John Yates
Does God choose us, or do we choose God?27-06-2012John Yates
Beautiful ‘ME’24-06-2012John Yates
Simply ‘ME’20-06-2012John Yates
gay Rights-eousness10-06-2012John Yates
Still ‘ME’6-06-2012John Yates
A Vision for Australia2-06-2012John Yates
Jealous ‘ME’26-05-2012John Yates
Holy Saturday18-05-2012John Yates
Rested Glory16-05-2012John Yates
Direction9-05-2012John Yates
Edge23-04-2012John Yates
Brothers and Friends20-04-2012John Yates
Kingdom Conflict7-04-2012John Yates
Unboxed24-03-2012John Yates
Pass the Glory14-03-2012John Yates
Rest in Jesus9-03-2012John Yates
Sacred1-03-2012John Yates
Joy Again19-02-2012John Yates
Foolish Wisdom18-02-2012Charles Slack
The Celebrity-Worship Show16-02-2012Charles Slack
The Spirit of the Cross14-02-2012John Yates
Compassionate and Fullness10-02-2012John Yates
Humble pie yields just desertsCharles Slack
unAustralian?3-02-2012John Yates
ME30-01-2012John Yates
How to be as good as Mother Teresa – without actually trying20-01-2012Charles Slack
2012, The Year of Persecution19-01-2012John Yates
The page for God
12-01-2012John Yates
Drug Recovery for CelebritiesCharles Slack
Success in the Son7-01-2012John Yates
Real Highs: getting there30-12-2011Charles Slack
Fear Formed Fathers
2. Fathering the nations
18-12-2011John Yates
Depression and Grief12-12-2011Charles Slack
Face Up?10-12-2011John Yates
What to do about Grief9-12-2011Charles Slack
Crying for the Kingdom3-12-2011John Yates
He is Near2-12-2011John Yates
Fear Formed Fathers
1. Ultimate foundations
27-11-2011John Yates
The Great Placebo18-11-2011Charles Slack
Opportunities of God and Men15-11-2011John Yates
Simple Hearted10-11-2011John Yates
Circumcised Glory2-11-2011John Yates
Zone Out
Another Word for Australia
30-10-2011John Yates
A Word for Australia23-10-2011John Yates
How I got into Princeton University20-10-2011Charles Slack
Lift Up Your Hearts
1. Personal prophetic awareness
14-10-2011John Yates
Lift Up Your Hearts
2. The testimony of God
John Yates
Ten years in Princeton19-09-2011Charles Slack
Cutting Edge18-09-2011John Yates
The Joyful Inheritance 2John Yates
The Joyful Inheritance 1John Yates
The New gods
A global warning
22-08-2011John Yates
The Giver of the River17-08-2011John Yates
Holy War
Spiritual conflict in our time
16-08-2011John Yates
Israel and The EndJohn Yates
The Servant CommunityJohn Yates
Discerning the spirits
Knowing what God is doing in your life
John Yates
The Nature and Purpose of Prophecy TodayJohn Yates
Holiday Hell
Looking into the heart of evil
John Yates
The Ministry of a ProphetJohn Yates
An unfinished story
15-08-2011John Yates
Sustaining our Passion for ChristJohn Yates
The Indefectible Father12-08-2011John Yates
Fullness in AllJohn Yates
Flowing in the Anointing
Living out of your point of joy
John Yates
Flowering Beauty
A reflection
John Yates
From treatment to recovery10-08-2011Charles Slack
Christianity3-08-2011John Yates
Final Unity2-08-2011John Yates
The River of God and the Healing of the Nations1-08-2011John Yates
Standing with Jesus26-07-2011John Yates
Praying with Jesus10-07-2011John Yates
The Grieving of the Missionary Spirit27-06-2011John Yates
Singing and JesusJohn Yates
Einstein, Moses, my Father, and meCharles Slack
Wise Testimony18-06-2011John Yates
Meals and Jesus12-06-2011John Yates
The Mirror of Election1-06-2011John Yates
The End of Work19-05-2011John Yates
Looking Forward18-05-2011John Yates
Jesus at the Centre5-05-2011John Yates
Anger and compassion
Images of a Father / father
27-04-2011John Yates
My history of drug abuse and recovery13-04-2011Charles Slack
Counselling and Prayer in the Spiritual Climate of Today7-04-2011John Yates
The Father of Every Blessing
8. The blessing of unity
5-04-2011John Yates
The Father of Every Blessing
7. The blessing of identity
John Yates
God’s Chosen Fast4-04-2011John Yates
Longing for His Coming3-04-2011John Yates
The Father of Every Blessing
6. The blessing of witness
29-03-2011John Yates
The Father of Every Blessing
5. The blessing of leadership
John Yates
The Father of Every Blessing
4. The blessing of The Son
John Yates
The Father of Every Blessing
3. The blessing of the Kingdom of God
8-03-2011John Yates
Praying for the Least-Reached People GroupsJohn Yates
A meditation on John 17
John Yates
Signs from Heaven26-02-2011John Yates
The Father of Every Blessing
2. The father and the spirits of the land
24-02-2011John Yates
The Father of Every Blessing
1. The father of every blessing
15-02-2011John Yates
Living in a Disaster Zone19-01-2011John Yates
Prepared for Judgement
The Queensland floods as gift and call
18-01-2011John Yates
The desires of your heart20-12-2010Charles Slack
The Blessings of Christmas
Reflections on Mary
18-12-2010John Yates
First Reflections7-12-2010John Yates
God amidst the Garbage29-11-2010John Yates
The New Male
A meditation
7-11-2010John Yates
Why Does God Allow Suffering?26-10-2010John Yates
Witness of the Son of GodJohn Yates
Islam, a Cross for the West19-10-2010John Yates
Hidden Grace7-10-2010John Yates
Paint the City
A vision of beauty
15-09-2010John Yates
Religion that Pleases God7-09-2010John Yates
A Place for God3-09-2010John Yates
A vision of total discipleship
John Yates
Is the Mind of God Divided?
Election reflection 2010
22-08-2010John Yates
The Naked Heart15-08-2010John Yates
Revival in Australia
A personal view
14-08-2010John Yates
The Spirit of AdoptionJohn Yates
Cry, “Revival!”11-08-2010John Yates
The Light of Righteousness
2. A light for the nations
8-08-2010John Yates
Election reflection 2010
31-07-2010John Yates
The Light of Righteousness
1. The revelation of righteousness
26-07-2010John Yates
Angels, Aborigines, Australians and the Hope of All Nations
3. Hope for the nations
29-06-2010John Yates
Boldness28-06-2010John Yates
God’s success rate25-06-2010Charles Slack
Angels, Aborigines, Australians and the Hope of All Nations
2. The Aboriginal peoples – a key to the inside
21-06-2010John Yates
Angels, Aborigines, Australians and the Hope of All Nations
1. The angels are with us
12-06-2010John Yates
The Church in the City
The image and glory of God
31-05-2010John Yates
Key to Theology of Addiction25-05-2010Charles Slack
Melted Minds vs. Solid Reality24-05-2010Charles Slack
The new crusade
11-05-2010John Yates
Intimacy with God7-05-2010John Yates
Insiders and Outsiders4-05-2010John Yates
Naked and Not Ashamed
A message to the angel of the church in Perth
John Yates
Intimacy is Victory
Married forever
2-05-2010John Yates
The Foundation of Righteousness24-04-2010John Yates
God who Searches the Heart31-03-2010John Yates
Lamb’s War
7. All things new
30-03-2010John Yates
Lamb’s War
6. Great mysteries
24-03-2010John Yates
Lamb’s War
5. The testimony of Jesus
16-03-2010John Yates
Lamb’s War
4. Priestly worship
10-03-2010John Yates
Lamb’s War
3. Reigning in righteousness
2-03-2010John Yates
Lamb’s War
2. The Lamb and his enemies
23-02-2010John Yates
Lamb’s War
1. Entering into the realm of revelation
16-02-2010John Yates
No Rival Powers28-01-2010John Yates
The Plan of God19-01-2010John Yates
The Word of the Kingdom10-01-2010John Yates
Prayer, Spirit, Kingdom28-12-2009John Yates
2010, A Pipeline of GloryJohn Yates
Marketplace Excitement2-12-2009John Yates
Going on to Maturity29-11-2009John Yates
The Spirituality of Witness12-11-2009John Yates
Fullness of Christ11-11-2009John Yates
Jesus is The Future4-11-2009John Yates
Build My Temple28-10-2009John Yates
Visions of the End15-10-2009John Yates
Pleasing the Father7-10-2009John Yates
The Trial30-09-2009John Yates
Times of Refreshing Retreat25-09-2009John Yates
Lords of Time
Busyness, burnout and the power of the demonic
21-09-2009John Yates
Fathering as Insight20-09-2009John Yates
The Vision of Elijah12-09-2009John Yates
Prophet of lasting glory
7-09-2009John Yates
A theological perspective
28-08-2009John Yates
For Husbands10-08-2009John Yates
Re-Hearing the Father
Husbands and wives
John Yates
A Prophetic Picture for Perth30-07-2009John Yates
Watch Your Words22-07-2009John Yates
Marketplace Transformation Seminar15-07-2009Barbara Chan
Anatomy of Revival
3. Hearing the Word of God
6-07-2009John Yates
Forgive the Torturers30-06-2009John Yates
Marketplace Transformation
What is holding it back?
29-06-2009John Yates
PresenceJohn Yates
Anatomy of Revival
2. The story is love
22-06-2009John Yates
Anatomy of Revival
1. General introduction
16-06-2009John Yates
Hearing The Word of Christ10-06-2009John Yates
All AuthorityJohn Yates
Delighting in the Fear of the Lord28-05-2009John Yates
Face to Face17-05-2009John Yates
Discovering the kingdom of God
5-05-2009John Yates
Marketplace Connect Seminar (May 2009)2-05-2009Jeroen Bruins
Glory’s Desire20-04-2009John Yates
Respect4-04-2009John Yates
24-03-2009John Yates
2. Shaking of heaven and earth
12-03-2009John Yates
Home 1John Yates
Building Church where you are5-03-2009Brian Medway
Marketplace connectionJeroen Bruins
Doing Business with GodJohn Grullis
Jim Lim’s testimonyJim Lim
Fleecing the SheepRichard Foster
The Sheep And The FoldRichard Foster
Sheep Know Their ShepherdsRichard Foster
The Great ExampleRichard Foster
A Shepherd’s Code of PracticeRichard Foster
Sheep Without A ShepherdRichard Foster
See The PeopleRichard Foster
Shepherds in the marketplaceJohn Yates
The Public SquareRichard Foster
Faith at workRichard Foster
Jesus and the Marketplace of “All Things”14-02-2009John Yates
Nothing13-02-2009John Yates
The Heart of the Creator7-02-2009John Yates
The Fathering of spirits24-01-2009John Yates
Guard your Heart4-01-2009John Yates
Discipleship as Maturity in Christ
Some preliminary observations
26-12-2008John Yates
Going on to Maturity
Hebrews 6:1-3
24-12-2008John Yates
The Call and Gifts of God14-12-2008John Yates
Resurrection Power
Sonship and a unique mission move of God
8-12-2008John Yates
Marketplace Wisdom of Heaven and Earth27-11-2008John Yates
Resurrection Presence24-11-2008John Yates
Word for this Hour12-11-2008John Yates
Chaos and Conflict
3. Christ in us continues the conflict
10-11-2008John Yates
Chaos and Conflict
2. Jesus and chaos
John Yates
Chaos and Conflict
1. Introduction and Old Testament
John Yates
Buy Gold!12-10-2008John Yates
The End of the World as we know it
God’s voice in the financial crisis
9-10-2008John Yates
Holiness, Glory, Mission27-09-2008John Yates
Killing the Competition
The coming revolution amongst men
20-09-2008John Yates
The pattern of restoration
13-09-2008John Yates
Possession?30-08-2008John Yates
The Centrality of the Cross
4. The worship of the cross
24-08-2008John Yates
The Centrality of the Cross
3. The cross and the peace of God
John Yates
The Centrality of the Cross
2. The cross of justice
John Yates
The Centrality of the Cross
1. The word of the cross
John Yates
The Spirit and Power of Elijah20-08-2008John Yates
Prayer and the Prophetic Presence of God13-08-2008John Yates
Boom, Bust and a People Prepared for Revival10-08-2008John Yates
The Centrality of the Cross
5. The power of the cross
26-07-2008John Yates
Revival, Aussie Style16-06-2008John Yates
Resting and Ruling with Christ29-05-2008John Yates
Our Governor General and the end of “Christianity”16-05-2008John Yates
Brothers of a Heavenly Glory11-05-2008John Yates
Sacrifice for the brothers brings glory from God
10-05-2008John Yates
Revival without Reformation
Reception without preservation
8-05-2008John Yates
The Fear of Satan1-04-2008John Yates
Radiant with Beauty24-03-2008John Yates
Restoration, Art and the Future of Humanity23-03-2008John Yates
Claiming our Inheritance as Sons7-03-2008John Yates
A City for God to Live In25-02-2008John Yates
Rivers of Love Flowing from Above
Blood and water
19-02-2008John Yates
Globalisation and the Prophetic Destiny of the Western Church10-02-2008John Yates
Australian Christian Lobby
Wisdom and Warfare
5-02-2008John Yates
The God who Tests the Heart9-12-2007John Yates
Tears of Lordship
Lessons about Jesus from the life of Joseph
26-11-2007John Yates
Mercy Triumphs over Anger12-11-2007John Yates
Transformation Conference
Equipped to transform
Shaking and transforming
26-10-2007John Yates
A Brief Theology of Personhood15-10-2007John Yates
Immortal Longings
The supernatural unity of all things
12-10-2007John Yates
The Trinity and the Unity of the Body of ChristJohn Yates
The Harp, the Bowl and the Nations
Total release in the purposes of God
19-09-2007John Yates
The Star is Rising
Angels and the future move of God 2
31-08-2007John Yates
The Simple JesusJohn Yates
The Star is Rising
Angels and the future move of God 1
John Yates
I Give You Authority
Charles Kraft, Perth 2007
24-08-2007John Yates
The Father and His Children
2. The purity of the Father
21-08-2007John Yates
The Father and His Children
1. The pleasure of the Father
John Yates
Wall of Fire
City of refuge 1
17-08-2007John Yates
Wall of Fire
City of refuge 2
John Yates
The Demonisation of the West 28-08-2007John Yates
The Father and His Children
4. The love of the Father
28-07-2007John Yates
The Father and His Children
3. The heavenly Father
John Yates
The Demonisation of the West 116-07-2007John Yates
God of the Ordinary24-06-2007John Yates
Ordinary Power
Jesus’ kingdom and the new royalty in the church
23-06-2007John Yates
The Humanity of God and the Salvation of the Church18-06-2007John Yates
Worthy to Witness to the World12-06-2007John Yates
How God heals depression – when you can’t11-06-2007Charles Slack
Miracle Depression Cure6-06-2007Charles Slack
Prosperity for All?4-06-2007John Yates
Frequency, a neglected concept in drug treatment3-06-2007Charles Slack
Global Day of Prayer (GDOP) 2007
Encouragement and exhortation
28-05-2007John Yates
Judgement has been Taken Away 221-05-2007John Yates
Judgement has been Taken Away 1John Yates
An Inclusive Theology For Christian Ministry13-05-2007John Yates
John Yates and The discipline we need
9-05-2007John Yates
Direct Contact
The re-formation of the church
7-05-2007John Yates
The Will to be Empowered29-04-2007John Yates
The Power that is Coming
The power to make sons
31-03-2007John Yates
Perth, China and the Global Move of God17-03-2007John Yates
Revival in Western Australia
Friends of Jesus
15-03-2007John Yates
The Beginning of Revival5-03-2007John Yates
The Church of the Holy King19-02-2007John Yates
A New Vision of the Father26-01-2007John Yates
Coming Ready or Not
Things to expect in 2007
16-12-2006John Yates
The Centrality of the Cross
8. The future of the cross
29-11-2006John Yates
The Centrality of the Cross
7. The glory of the cross
22-11-2006John Yates
Why is there Confusion and Lack of Wisdom in the Church?21-11-2006John Yates
Mouth of the Beast, Mouth of the Lamb12-11-2006John Yates
The Centrality of the Cross
6. The wisdom of the cross
11-11-2006John Yates
Worshipping the Power of the Beast10-11-2006John Yates
Adults, Fathers and Children26-10-2006John Yates
Abomination, Desolation and Deliverance
2. The return of glory
25-10-2006John Yates
Abomination, Desolation and Deliverance 118-10-2006John Yates
Meaning, Death and the New Youth Future31-08-2006John Yates
Apostolic Light to the Nations29-08-2006John Yates
God is Commanding the Light to Shine30-07-2006John Yates
A Call to Authority27-07-2006John Yates
Father-Hunger and the Prospect of Revival20-07-2006John Yates
Fatherhood and Restoration
1. Knowing the succession
18-07-2006John Yates
Faith and Unbelief14-07-2006John Yates
Apostolic Suffering and Glory9-07-2006John Yates
Cry, “Mercy!”2-07-2006John Yates
The King We Do Not Want26-06-2006John Yates
Prayer Summit 200618-06-2006John Yates
Down Under15-06-2006John Yates
Teaching for Intercession
11. Entering God’s rest
5-05-2006John Yates
Teaching for Intercession
10. Unhealing and corruption
27-04-2006John Yates
Teaching for Intercession
09. Discerning spirits
John Yates
Prophetic Preaching and Teaching
2. The testimony of Jesus as the content of revelation
18-04-2006John Yates
Prophetic Preaching and Teaching
1. The centrality of revelation
John Yates
Jesus and the Courage to Fear
Healing the masculinity crisis in the church
17-04-2006John Yates
Teaching for Intercession
08. The discipline we need
13-04-2006John Yates
The Knowledge of God as the Remedy for Spiritual Depression9-04-2006John Yates
Teaching for Intercession
07. The provoking of repentance
5-04-2006John Yates
The Distribution of Goodness2-04-2006John Yates
Teaching for Intercession
06. The father we need
31-03-2006John Yates
The Excluded Middle27-03-2006John Yates
Teaching for Intercession
05. The pattern of God
24-03-2006John Yates
Teaching for Intercession
04. Using and losing the name of Jesus
17-03-2006John Yates
Teaching for Intercession
03. Deliverance from shame
10-03-2006John Yates
Teaching for Intercession
02. The blood soaked conscience keeps us from falling
7-03-2006John Yates
God and His gifts
4. The gift of sacrifice
4-03-2006John Yates
God and His Gifts
3. The gifts of the Holy Spirit
26-02-2006John Yates
God and His Gifts
2. The joy of gifts given
25-02-2006John Yates
Teaching for Intercession
01. Holy fear as the answer to the fruitlessness of the church
19-02-2006John Yates
The Name of Jesus and the Future of the Church18-02-2006John Yates
God and His Gifts
1. What sort of a master?
12-02-2006John Yates
Nets of Unity9-02-2006John Yates
A Total Jesus Ministry2-02-2006John Yates
Wounded and Healed
the Heart of Jesus
23-01-2006John Yates
City Reach Perth3-12-2005John Yates
Stem-ming the tideJohn Yates
Free WorshipJohn Yates
Who is Calling to Prayer
God or Man?
2-12-2005John Yates
Satan and the Church in Perth1-12-2005John Yates
The Trinity Has its Foundations in the Bible30-11-2005John Yates
Barbecues for the World
Perth as an end time city of refuge
25-11-2005John Yates
The Crisis in Ministry Training and the Discipling of the Church in Perth17-11-2005John Yates
Explosion or Implosion
The future of the coming youth revival
14-11-2005John Yates
4. New heavens and new earth
13-11-2005John Yates
3. New creation in Christ
6-11-2005John Yates
Bethel and the Church in Perth31-10-2005John Yates
2. New covenant
30-10-2005John Yates
An Opportunity Not To Be Missed27-10-2005John Yates
1. New commandment
23-10-2005John Yates
The Fear of God and Man
25-09-2005John Yates
The Fear of God or the fear of man
Our choice
19-09-2005John Yates
Holy Witness25-08-2005John Yates
Evil and the
Judgement of the Church
9-08-2005John Yates
Spiritual Conflict
4. Victory in the spiritual realm (equality)
7-08-2005John Yates
Brothers and Fathers31-07-2005John Yates
Sexualisation in the Church and the Holiness of God24-07-2005John Yates
Sex and our Fear of DeathJohn Yates
4. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth
John Yates
3. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God
17-07-2005John Yates
Election, Covenant and Community13-07-2005John Yates
2. Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted
10-07-2005John Yates
1. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
3-07-2005John Yates
Re-Formation for Revival2-06-2005John Yates
Hub, Storehouse, Net
A model for church in Perth
John Yates
Grace upon Grace29-05-2005John Yates
Contentment1-05-2005John Yates
Structures of Shame in the Church Today23-04-2005John Yates
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church on Earth
8.The warfare from heaven
14-04-2005John Yates
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church on Earth
7.The worship of heaven
John Yates
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church on Earth
6.The way to heaven
John Yates
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church on Earth
5.The heavenly church
John Yates
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church on Earth
4.The power of heaven
John Yates
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church on Earth
3.The heavenly Father
John Yates
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church on Earth
2.The shaking of all things
John Yates
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church on Earth
1.The restoration of all things
John Yates
Seeing Clearly5-04-2005John Yates
Perspectives on the city9-03-2005John Yates
Warning From Heaven
A call to seasoned intercession
14-02-2005John Yates
Inspiration, Art and
Prophetic Reality
21-01-2005John Yates
Soul Tsunami
God’s test for Australia
19-01-2005John Yates
Developing and Testing Prophetic Ministry Today3-01-2005John Yates
Fathers of Discipline20-12-2004John Yates
Solomon’s Portico
Church without walls
29-11-2004John Yates
Who We are in Jesus
Union with Christ
21-11-2004John Yates
Children of the Cross
Intimacy is holiness
18-11-2004John Yates
Warning From Heaven
A call to seasoned intercession
30-10-2004John Yates
Men’s Group
Covenant headship and images of intimacy
29-10-2004John Yates
Splitting the Image
How Satan attacks the church as the image of Christ
27-10-2004John Yates
Transformation Streams in the City of Perth25-10-2004John Yates
Blood speaks louder than Words
Living as the heavenly church
20-10-2004John Yates
Warning: Power politics and the cross
A fatal combination
15-10-2004John Yates
Men and Taking Ground10-10-2004John Yates
Indigenous Glory20-09-2004John Yates
Men’s Group
Men and loneliness
John Yates
Myth and Mystery
Transforming the destiny of a nation
14-09-2004John Yates
Indigenous Australia
too hard for God?
too hard for the church?
13-09-2004John Yates
Foundations For Our Time8-09-2004John Yates
Studies in Holiness
1. Holiness, trinity, and humanity
22-07-2004John Yates
Bethesda Leadership Vision Retreat 200424-06-2004John Yates
Holy Fire, Holy Rule21-06-2004John Yates
Brokenness Will Rebuild the Church18-06-2004John Yates
Pure Passion17-06-2004John Yates
Soft Authority
God’s challenge to men today
1-06-2004John Yates
The Theology of the Bible
An Introduction
28-05-2004John Yates
Inner Authority and Outward Power24-05-2004John Yates
The Great Escape 25-05-2004John Yates
Holy Apostles are Heavenly Men4-05-2004John Yates
The anointing of the Spirit20-04-2004John Yates
Love Conquers All15-03-2004John Yates
Slaves to Sons
From preparation to restoration
8-03-2004John Yates
The Great Escape 127-02-2004John Yates
Praying in the fivefold ministry19-02-2004John Yates
Vision23-01-2004John Yates
Persecution in the Church is a Preparation for Revival6-01-2004John Yates
Covering the Blood
Perfectionism in our time
30-12-2003John Yates
Love of Self and Love of God21-11-2003John Yates
Men’s Group
Men of wisdom
John Yates
The Call of God7-11-2003John Yates
The Coming Youth Revival24-10-2003John Yates
Exile or Death
God be with us
17-10-2003John Yates
The Household of Christ
Ephesians 5:2-6:9
15-09-2003John Yates
Leaders on Trial – Pray!28-08-2003John Yates
The Only Breakthrough28-07-2003John Yates
The Spirit of the Strong Man
The hidden crisis of the church
21-07-2003John Yates
Spirit to spirit
3. Spiritual warfare
10-07-2003John Yates
Spirit to spirit
2. Worship in S/spirit and truth
8-07-2003John Yates
Spirit to spirit
1. Release of the spirit
6-07-2003John Yates
The unity of all things and the fivefold ministry10-06-2003John Yates
The vision of Jesus and the restoration of the fivefold ministryJohn Yates
The Exaltation of Jesus and the Perfecting of the Church1-06-2003John Yates
Fear is Foundational to God’s Building Today12-05-2003John Yates
Men’s Group Devotions
9 Summary – live with women as Jesus would
8-05-2003John Yates
Men’s Group Devotions
7 & 8 Intimacy
John Yates
Men’s Group Devotions
5 & 6 Authority & Submission
John Yates
Men’s Group Devotions
4 Communication
John Yates
Men’s Group Devotions
2 & 3 Marriage
John Yates
Men’s Group Devotions
1 Men and women
John Yates
Payment3-05-2003John Yates
Fear is Faith’s Need Today1-05-2003John Yates
Envy and the Anointing24-04-2003John Yates
The Triumph of the Human Spirit
Finding the Power of God Today
23-04-2003John Yates
You don’t go to heaven when you die… heavenly or earthly,
where are we living today?
16-04-2003John Yates
Be Aware – Hypocritical Religion5-04-2003John Yates
Holy things are hidden things1-04-2003John Yates
War in Iraq and Seeing Clearly18-03-2003John Yates
Two Ways to Heaven One Way to God: Babylonian Power Today17-03-2003John Yates
The Division We Need12-03-2003John Yates
Traders in the house of God
11-03-2003John Yates
The Long Term Development of The Fivefold MinistryJohn Yates
Unity through Death24-02-2003John Yates
Eden and the Mercy
Australia Needs
John Yates
Class Traitors and
the Church in Mission
20-02-2003John Yates
Men at Work
7. Unemployment
14-02-2003John Yates
Men at Work
6. Leisure and recreation
John Yates
Men at Work
5. Vocation
John Yates
Men at Work
4. Why work?
John Yates
Men at Work
3. The holiness of work
John Yates
Men at Work
2. Work as a problem for men
John Yates
Men at Work
1. The lordship of Christ and confidence at work
John Yates
Judge Not8-01-2003Charles Slack
The Holy Spirit and his gifts for the Church today
4. Prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues and interpretation
6-01-2003John Yates
The Holy Spirit and his gifts for the Church today
3. Faith, healings, miracles
John Yates
The Holy Spirit and his gifts for the Church today
2. The fullness of the Spirit, wisdom and knowledge
John Yates
The Holy Spirit and his gifts for the Church today
1. The Spirit of Jesus
John Yates
Wisdom and the Fear of the Lord1-01-2003John Yates
Knowing God Through WisdomJohn Yates
Wisdom Belongs to GodJohn Yates
City Reaching – Overview12-12-2001John Yates
Lessons from Adam
7. Where are you?
5-12-2001Charles Slack
Lessons from Adam
6. The big question
Charles Slack
Lessons from Adam
5. Addicted to God
Charles Slack
Lessons from Adam
4. Deliverance
Charles Slack
Lessons from Adam
3. Another Adam
Charles Slack
Lessons from Adam
2. The book opens
Charles Slack
Lessons from Adam
1. A closed book?
Charles Slack
Working Together11-02-2001John Yates
Published Theological Articles31-12-2000John Yates