Vision 2023

Vision 2023: Strengthened through Love by prayer


The above title might sound grandiose, but since its content is a truth we “have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another” (1 John 3:11 cf. John 1:1), it is simply grand i.e. “great”. Nothing is more substantial and eternal than the very being of God, uniquely revealed in Jesus, as love. That “God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16) remains as radical and revolutionary as it was when it first came into the world in the Person of Christ. The teaching of this article could have been called Vision 2024 or 2063 and so on, up until the time of Jesus’ Return, when no one will need to be taught any more (1 Cor 13:8). Whilst I have begun to receive prophecies for 2023 from around the globe, it is a necessary truth beyond testing that the Spirit of the Lord is saying 2023 is the year to be “perfected in love”. This is not a call to sinlessness, but to unparalleled maturity in relationship. “Above all, put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.” (Col 3:14 cf. Phil 3:15). But let me take a step back to open up a context for this word which does need discernment.


Throughout much of this year I have been praying, with several genuine prophetic-intercessors, for the formation of a group of elders for our city. There are a variety of reasons for believing that this should be an attainable goal. Whilst the Lord spoke to me about “one church many congregations” in the 90’s through teachers (Ed Silvoso, David Boan, Tom White), the prevailing reasons for thinking this are biblical. From a heavenly perspective, there is only one Church in Perth. Paul spoke, for example, of the “the church of God that is in Corinth”, even though in this large city there were multiple house churches (1 Cor 16:19). Similarly, the heavenly Lord Jesus addresses 7 churches in the 7 cities of Asia Minor (Rev 1:11). Whilst Ephesus, for instance, was one of the largest cities in the world (250k), and by the time of the writing of Revelation must have had many congregations (cf. Acts 19), the Spirit speaks to “the angel of the church in Ephesus” (Rev 2:1). This agrees with the prayers of Jesus for Christian unity within the Spirit of God (John 17:22-23), and reflects the singular nature of the angels/elders around the throne of the Lamb in heaven (Rev 5). Meanwhile, the various groups in Perth committed to citywide eldership: His Voice, WA Coalition of Apostolic Leaders, Movement Day, Geonetworks, have been unable to reach consensus on a citywide leadership. Unlike for past generations, the differences are not primarily theological nature, but represent a failure to grow in relationship. This is a sign of the immaturity of the whole Body in our city.

Corporate Failure to Love

As I was praying several months ago a great weight settled upon me. I sensed the Spirit saying that there had been a failure of love between the Christian leaders in Perth. Like the Church in Ephesus, we “have abandoned the love you had at first” (Rev 2:5). Whilst we instinctively read this as a failure to love Jesus, it does include loving other Christians (2 John 5; Matt 22:38 cf. Phil 1:9; 1 Thess 4:9-10; 2 Thess 1:3; Heb 6:10-11) as Jesus loved us (John 13:35). Early Church Father Tertullian (155-220 A.D.) said that pagans looking at believers would be moved to say, “see how these Christians love one another”. Reading the New Testament description of vital church life this is quite realistic (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-36), but I have never yet heard such words from an unbeliever! The relational inconsistencies between what we profess and what is in our hearts (Rom 10:9) mean the Church appears hopelessly divided. This has serious consequences.

Like the Church in Ephesus, our “lampstand” is in danger of being “removed from its place” (Rev 2:5). I believe this means that without repentance the Lord’s Spirit may be grieved into bypassing us when he wills to move across Australia. The grievous sin (Eph 4:30; Isa 63:10) of older senior leaders dismissing the vision of younger leaders is hardly hidden; yet recently I have been charged with the same iniquity.  Whilst upholding the call of my indicting brother as an unrivalled promoter of prevailing prayer, our relational breakdown is surely symptomatic of the need of the whole Church in WA to be “made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18). For only “love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Pet 4:8).

Strengthening the Tapestry

In a recent teaching ( I explained that the Lord was seeking to unveil his glorious plan through the Church in Perth to break through spiritual obstacles to revival (Eph 3:10). Therefore, in recent months I have been circulating around the city seeking to strengthen the Tapestry by encouraging leaders whom I sense are called to bring the Church into ever-deeper prayer. The River of God rising for the healing of the nations ( must be seen as a River of Love for others who we see as unlike us. In the divine order, this all begins with the Church (1 Pet 4:17).

Years ago, a godly brother put forward a proposal containing much wisdom. Like three intersecting circles, pastors, intercessors, and marketplace ministers were to gather across the city in mutual recognition of a calling to pray together for each other. Today, local pastors rarely recognise the fullness of calling of kingdom-centred marketplace ministries, business Christians feel treated as banks, whilst intercessors often look down on pastors as less spiritual etc. It is prayer from “one heart” (Acts 1:14; 4:32) which can bring the unity of love that Jesus prayed for in John 17 and with it the power of the Spirit. But this call isn’t limited to the above three groups.

The Lord has been challenging me recently to pray for anybody who comes into my mind, day or night (1 Thess 1:2; 2 Tim 2:13 etc.). If I notice a person, the Spirit of Jesus has first noticed them, and their need for him. This intentionality in prayer, when spread across our city has the power to intensify the “net-weaving” of the Tapestry of God (Col 2:2) so that God’s love will be “poured through our hearts by the Holy Spirit” (Rom 5:5) to all, believer and non-believer.


While divine truth is permanent, God’s timing follows his own sovereign will (Rom 11:33-36).   Paradoxically, my own prayer life, to appearances at least, is the weakest it has been in decades. Back in the mid 80’s the Lord demanded the first hour of my day, obedience to this call immediately revolutionised my experience of his presence, ministry “coincidences” multiplied in line with this famous quote, “When I pray, coincidences happen; when I don’t, they don’t.” (William Temple). For 35 years I have arisen very early and gone out to pray. Recently, limited by some physical issues, I am forced to pray in bed. This never seems to carry the same dynamic energy as prayer walking. I suspect however that this is a manifestation of God’s grace (2 Cor 12:8-10), sent to free me from the impossible thought that his Spirit will transform the Church in Perth because of my prayers.

“We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labour among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, 13 and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves…pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:12-13, 17).

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