Marketplace connection

Marketplace Connect: A network of mutually supporting networks that share a common purpose to see Christ glorified in the marketplace of life.

Marketplace: a space where people exchange goods, gifts, values, opinions, resources and ideas.

Vision: that every dimension of human life be filled with the presence of Jesus (Eph 4:10).

Mission: to see every Christian fulfil their God given call to be salt and light for Jesus in the marketplace (Matt 5:13 – 16).

Strategy: to work with God (1 Thess 3:2) in growing his kingdom in the marketplace by:

  • Connecting Christians in the marketplace.
  • Providing access to resources to do with marketplace ministry.
  • Providing information on upcoming events.
  • Facilitating courses and conferences focussed on marketplace ministry.
  • Assisting local churches to equip their members for ministry in the marketplace.

For more details please see the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation file.
powerpoint-logo Marketplace Connection

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