Praying in the fivefold ministry

(Below is a set of guidelines based on a key New Testament passage.  The “Prayer Points” are not meant to be restrictive or to prevent people praying into specific situations touched upon in each area.)

1.  The fivefold ministry is essential to the growth and maturity of the church (Eph 4:7-16)

2.  The first and primary step in releasing these ministries into the church is recognition of the ascended Christ (not Jesus of Nazareth) v. 8

Prayer Point: that Jesus be central and supreme in all the life-activities of the Church.

3.  The flowing of these gifts depends upon relational attributes.

Prayer Point: that we as individuals and as a people grow in “humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance, love, unity.” (4:2-3).  N.B. Paul’s strong appeal “I beg you” (4:1)

4.  The church needs to recognise that apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists are gifts to them in the love of Christ (4:8).

Prayer Point: that God grant us discernment as to who these persons are in the church that they may be better resourced and released.

5.  The primary task or ministry of the 5- fold is to equip others for ministry i.e. not to do the entire ministry themselves.

Prayer Point: that the Church leaders focus on releasing others into ministry by coaching, mentoring etc., rather than being preoccupied with other sorts of ministry obligations.

6.  The common point for these diverse ministries is “speaking the truth in love” (4:15).

Prayer Point: that all the members of the Church devote themselves to this two-fold task, i.e. to speak and to do so in love.

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