The Call of God

The Call of God


What are our initial impressions of “the call of God” ?

call relates to “vocation” (Latin vocare = to call)

call relates to goal

the goal of call is to be a person like Christ (Rom8:28- 29; 1 Cor 1:9)

this will be to have a mission in life

a mission needs a missionary spirit

Some Biblical Examples of “Call”

  • Abraham Gen 12:1- 3
  • Moses Ex 3:1- 12
  • Isaiah Isa 6:1- 13
  • Jeremiah Jer 1:4 – 10
  • Amos Am7:14-15
  • Peter, James, John Mk1:16- 20
  • Saul (Paul) Acts 26:12 – 18

Common features of “Call”

1. God initiates sovereignly – Gen 12:1; Mk1:16- 20

“calling is a non- derivative fact” (Barth)

2. The subject is aware of their inadequacy – Ex 3:13; 4:1,10,14; Isa 6:5; Jer

1:6- 8; Am7:14 (An essential and healthy prerequisite.)

“I am unfit to preach in thy great name, send me not, pray, Lord.” (George Whitefield) n.b. Gen 17:17

3. Struggle to obey is normal – Luke5:10

Some Confusions

1. Need decides Call

Circumstances do not constitute call e.g Luke4:25- 27.

“If God has need of you he will surely call you.” (Luther)

The need is defined by God not by human observation or experience.

2. Personal Commitment is the Main Issue

 the attitude, “I will” (Luke 9:57) is not adequate for the matters of God’s unconditional kingdom i.e. it is God’s commitment which is primary, not ours. The recurrent danger in the church is to substitute the grace-filled nature of God’s call with human legalism (Gal 1:6).

3. Ability is the Main Criterion

availability and obedience is what God seeks, not talent e.g. 1 Cor1:26- 29.

4. Call improves Career

not a matter of personal advancement; “my brilliant career” (Gen 3:5), but “the obedience of faith” (Rom 1:5; 16:26). Trust moves outside our own interests.

5. Call is Unrepeatable

God calls not only once, but again and again, yet always in the same direction (Rom 11:29). (Missiontext and suicide example.)

6. Call is a Part of Life

God’s call is all-embracing. “Vocation is responsibility and responsibility is a total response of the whole man to the whole of reality.” (Bonhoeffer)

The Call of Jesus

1. The baptism of Jesus

this is the place of his call/response to public service (Luke3:21- 22). What is Jesus talking thinking about when he is being baptised.

2. The call is to the cross

Jesus is the lamb of God (John1:29), the Servant of the LORD (Isa 42:1; 52:13- 53:12); the seed that will die for the glory of God (John 12:27 – 28).

3. The call is to the nations

by bringing the good news of God’s rule to the world (Ps 2:7; Isa 42:1) Jesus’ fulfills his vocation of honouring the Father (Heb2:10).

4. The power of the Spirit

this flows into Jesus’ life only after he obeys the call of God (Acts10:38).

5. The favour of the Father

God’s pleasure remains upon Jesus (John1:33; Luke 4:18; Isa 42:1) because he will freely sacrifice his life for others (Gen 22:2).

6. Spiritual Conflict

this follows the call of God because thekingdomofGodis contested (Luke 4:1- 12).

7. Soul Making

when his own soul is prepared Jesus is now ready and able to call others (Mark 1:9- 15 > 16- 20).

n.b. how in Jesus, circumstances (John the Baptist’s ministry Luke 3:1- 20), prayer (Luke3:21) , godly recognition (Matt3:14); scripture and Spirit (Luke3:22) come together. Therefore if we concentrate on him who is called and chosen and faithful, we may confidently believe the same complex of events and experiences that constituted the call of Jesus will encompass our lives.

Obstacles to the Call of God

1. The construction of self

makeover, gym, therapy, spin, image, re – invention. But call is not for me but for others; the truth is that in transcending myself I become/find myself as the person who God has made me to be in his image.

2. My life is my own

I am free to chose a way of life for myself. But I am called to live for the glory of God (Isa 43:6; 1 Cor 6:20)

“A deep consciousness that I was not my own took possession of me which has never since been effaced” (Hudson Taylor)

This is to be immersed in a reality bigger than ourselves (2 Cor5:14- 17).

3. God gives options

multiple options of equal worth. This disagrees with the call of Jesus: “My sheep hear my voice… and none shall pluck them out of my hand.” (John 10:27- 28); Spirit to Whitefield)

The Indwelling Christ

1. Christ in us is the ground of answering the call (Gal1:15)

2. Christ in us is the power to obey and fulfil the call (Phil4:13)

3. Christ in us is passionate to fill the world with himself (Eph4:10)


Do not seek the call of God but seek him who calls. The result is to share in the conviction of Jesus on his way to the cross: “I was born for this” (John12:27-28).

Be encouraged, God the Father has an inheritance in you that will not fail (Eph1:18).

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