Firstborn … Continue reading
Firstborn … Continue reading
Today [6/2/17] I have been watching ‘Shaun Micallef’s Stairway to Heaven: Mormons’, a documentary about American Mormonism. Mormons come across as so clean-cut and moral. They are keen on family values and relationships. This stands in contrast to so much … Continue reading
The Fear of a Son Marketplace 98% 3.2.17 Introduction Naturally speaking no one wants to experience fear, and I personally understand why. As a young man I suffered dreadfully from a terrible irrational dread of people to the point … Continue reading
Apocalypse in You Zion Fellowship 29.1.17 Introduction Having recently returned from Myanmar (Burma) I have been asking (again) why God’s presence is often more powerful in places outside Australia. One of the culture shocks I encountered on my … Continue reading
Family First Isa 49:22-26; Ps 121; Col 1:13-23; Mark 3:7-35 St Mark’s 22.1.17 Introduction The Gospel reading for today should embarrass us because it reveals two spheres of conflict we would rather deny. The larger sphere is Christ’s ongoing conflict … Continue reading
I have recently had an interaction with some conservative evangelicals regarding the topic of spiritual gifts, specifically those of a more miraculous nature. I was told that the scriptures are sufficient to equip Christians for mission, and insisting that we … Continue reading
Introduction This teaching, “The Father of Families and Nations”, has a missions orientation which derives from the very nature of God as a Father. It is based on an understanding of the interaction between the visible earthly realm and the … Continue reading
Introduction I have often said to people that the ultimate question about the universe is, “Is God a Father, and if so what sort of Father is he?” The Bible clearly says that “God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16). … Continue reading
Introduction The working assumption behind this series of addresses is that all human beings live with a corrupt image of who God is as a Father. This problem of idolatry has not only been true of my own personal experience … Continue reading
Introduction Some years ago I realised that I was in fact mentoring and providing spiritual direction for people from every continent. Since this is certainly not my natural disposition I can only explain this in terms of the words of … Continue reading
Introduction A Problem All of us have been profoundly shaped by patterns of fathering which are spiritual and more common than not spiritually destructive. Let me list some examples. Here are a couple of Old Testament scriptures pointing out the … Continue reading
Today I am going to indulge my desire to write something fictional, but based on a particular Bible verse. “While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper” (Matt 26:6). This verse does … Continue reading
When Jesus had entered Jerusalem before his death, he told several parables about the kingdom of God. “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. … Continue reading
On Christmas Day I had a conversation with my nieces and nephews. One of the things which came up was a discussion of economic systems. The most surprising thing which came from this conversation was that they felt that they … Continue reading
Transparent Imagination from 16.12.16 Personal Matters An old joke about the influence of prosperity theology misquotes 1Timothy 6:5, “godliness with great gain is contentment”. At the heart of the issue Paul is tackling is folk “imagining that godliness is … Continue reading
Immanuel Isa 7:10-16; Ps 82; Rev 21:1-8; Matt 1:18-25 St Mark’s 18.12.16 Introduction Christmas is that time of the year when people are most likely to feel lonely, but there can be lots of other times too. Such experiences … Continue reading
Then I looked up, and there before me was a man with a measuring line in his hand. 2 I asked, “Where are you going?” He answered me, “To measure Jerusalem, to find out how wide and how long it … Continue reading
Beasts and Sheep from 2.12.16 Personal matters As Jesus’ last commission to the founding apostle, Peter, was to “feed my lambs/sheep”, and Christian leaders are by nature shepherds, we should expect the Body of Christ to lead an essentially … Continue reading
Understanding Nothing from 25.11.17 Personal matters Whilst Western churches decline their output of sermons, seminars and books on “how to” Christianity flows on. Our claims to understand the ways of God are limitless. However some of the things Jesus … Continue reading
Seeing Nothing from 18.11.16 Personal Matters How is it possible for most of us who know Jesus to walk past those considered nothing in the eyes of the world, the strangers, naked, homeless and imprisoned and not “see” the “Lord” … Continue reading
The Love of Gifts St Mark’s 20.11.16 Ezek 34: 11-16; Ps 119:25-32; 1 Cor 14:1-19; Luke 22:31-34 + John 21:15-17 Introduction In the roster for our series on 1 Corinthians Dale called this week’s sermon “The Main Game”. My guess … Continue reading
Saturday’s West Australian (19/11/16) reported the Police Commissioner’s plea for the government to intervene in the lives of seriously at risk children. The need for intervention is there because some children are growing up in homes where the parents have … Continue reading
Angry Spirits from 11.11.16 Personal Matters Brexit, then the swing to independents at our elections, finally Donald Trump; everywhere angry voters are protesting against their powerlessness at the hands of an elite. Whether in political causes, or … Continue reading
Only Natural from 4.11.16 Personal Matters How many Perth congregations will join in the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted Church this week? This is not an attempt to publicise an event, but a warning that our failure … Continue reading
Church on Fire from 28.10.16 Personal Matters The contemporary Western Church fulfils the prophetic warning of Isaiah; “Behold, all you who kindle a fire, who equip yourselves with burning torches! Walk by the light of your fire, and by … Continue reading
Lord by the Spirit Ex 35:30-36:1; Ps 115:1-8; 1 Cor 12:1-11; John 14:25-26; 16:12-15 St Mark’s 30.10.16 Introduction Some traditions measure spirituality in terms of commitment to social justice, for others it means frequent communion and deep meditation, elsewhere those … Continue reading
Wisdom to Disciple from 21.10.16 Personal Matters The discipleship crisis across the Australian churches cannot be healed by any amount of programming. There is no “hunger and thirst for righteousness” in our land and so no being “filled” with … Continue reading
Revival and Bible from 13.10.16 Personal Matters The savage decline in Bible knowledge is a common feature of Western Christianity. Even for older believers, including me, God isn’t experienced as near as he used to be in the reading … Continue reading
Apostolic Truth from 7.11.16 Apostle= one who is sent on a mission Personal matters When Peter describes false teachers as “waterless springs and mists driven by a storm” he means they promise nourishment but produce nothing. (2 Pet … Continue reading
The Law of Lawlessness from 30.9.16 Personal Matters When previously Christian states pass laws legalising abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage we are certainly approaching the summit of lawlessness. These are the “terrible times” of “the last days” when “People … Continue reading