The Cross in Hebrews

The Cross in Hebrews Isa 55:1-9; Ps 37:23-26; Heb 9:23-28; Mark 10:35-45 St Marks 4.3.18 Introduction The booming popularity of the gay pride parades testifies that we are living in the midst of an unprecedented cultural revolution; but it … Continue reading

Blood and Light

Blood and Light Introduction The New Testament presents becoming a Christian as an incredibly radical transition. In commissioning Paul to preach to the Gentiles Jesus said,  “I am sending you…to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness … Continue reading

Repentance Leads to Life

Repentance Leads to Life Alive@5 St Mark’s 11.3.18 Introduction Against the strong prophetic background of God’s calling sinful Israel to turn away from evil and come back to him (Jer 26:3; Ezek 14:6; Isa 55:6-7 etc.) Christ’s proclamation of … Continue reading

Renaming “God”

Renaming “God” Ezek 16:8-22 ;Ps 104:14-35; Acts 14:8-18; John 13:1-15 St Marks 18.2.18 Introduction There’s something dreadfully wrong when we hear Christian people talking a lot about “God” and not speaking much about “Jesus”, for scripture teaches us that … Continue reading

Driven Mad

Driven Mad “The LORD will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of mind” (Deut 28:28) “evil appears as good in the minds of those whom gods lead to destruction.”(Sophocles c. 441 BC) Turning and turning in the widening … Continue reading

Honoured to Fight

Honoured to Fight, to The Very End Neh 4:10-20; Ps 35:1-10; 1 Tim 6:11-16; John 18:33-38 St Mark’s 21.1.18 Introduction Australia Day next Friday will be full of fun and fireworks, but the day which most weighs on our … Continue reading

Hungry Bride

Hungry Bride[i] Introduction Following my exhortations in “Forget the Lunch” I received emails outlining how some people had indeed decided to forego meals, and other things, to seek the glory of the Lord. Their seriousness has provoked me to reconsider … Continue reading

Old and Young for Jesus

Old and Young for Jesus Is 61.10-62.3; Ps 148; Gal 4.4-7; Lk 2.22-40    St Mark’s 30.1.17 Introduction 2017 has been a painful year for God in Australia. The Royal Commission into sex abuse provided countless examples of how so-called … Continue reading

Baptism vs ‘Christmas’

Baptism vs ‘Christmas’ St Marks Baptisms 17.12.17 Isa 7:10-16; Ps 72:1-8; Rom 1:1-7; Matt 1:18-25 Introduction Everyone is baptised into something. I will never forget the experience of being in Cairo during the call to prayer when countless loudspeakers … Continue reading

Politics or Jesus

Politics or Jesus Introduction This teaching was provoked by recently reading “To Change the World” by sociologist James Davison Hunter.  His persuasive thesis is that in engaging the powers of the political realm American Christians have been ensnared in the … Continue reading

Married for War

Married for War Introduction I have long taught that the key to finding understanding, strength and growth in a Christian marriage comes from a revelation of the marital relationship between Christ and the Church, this is clearest in Paul’s words … Continue reading


A Sermon for Flinders Park Community Church Introduction When our children were little, one, in particular, liked to experiment a lot.  He found the little flap on the VCR really interesting.  He would post his cars into it.  Of course, … Continue reading

Intolerable Evil

Intolerable Evil Introduction Lots of Christians feel the world around them is becoming progressively more evil, but how would we feel about praying this prayer in Church?  “We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, Which we…most grievously have … Continue reading