Daniel 3:The Idol of Man

Daniel 3: The Idol of Man  Ps 49; Rom 1:18-25; Matt 4:1-11; Dan 3:1-30 Introduction  https://youtu.be/AfCqYhrI2ME Chapter three of Daniel contains one of the most memorable testimonies in scripture. Three young Hebrews, faithful to their ancestral religion, deny the demands … Continue reading

Incomparable Father

Incomparable Father Introduction Why, with all the advantages of Eden, abiding in a “theatre of glory” (Calvin) dazzling and resplendent with evidences of the unsurpassable goodness of God, did Adam sin, whilst through the most severe tests Jesus remained faithful? … Continue reading

Daniel 2: Kingdom Vision

Daniel 2: Kingdom Vision   Ps 44; Dan 2:1-49; 1 Cor 15:20-28; Mark 1:14-15 Introduction     https://youtu.be/9TLhce1TYRU Looking at Daniel 1, we saw how Daniel and his friends were part of a successful peaceful protest movement against the attempts of the Babylonian … Continue reading

Daniel 1: Exile

Daniel 1: Exile Ps 137; Dan 1:1-21; 1 Cor 10:7-21; John 6:41-59 Introduction https://youtu.be/qAsNijA7pfU The situation described in the first chapter of Daniel is, for the average Australian[1], virtually unimaginable. To begin with, we need to ask for divine help … Continue reading

The Church is Apostolic

The Church is Apostolic  Ps 33 Zech 4:1-13; Rev 21:1-14; Matt 16:13-20 Introduction https://youtu.be/Do5sSTsqc38 In our exposition of the Church as “One”, “Holy”, and “Catholic” we have noticed that popular perceptions are deeply inadequate to convey the full meaning of … Continue reading

The Church Catholic

The Church is Catholic Ps 67:1-7 Ezek 36:22-38; Rev 14:1-7; Matt 28:16-20 Introduction https://youtu.be/-ylxBaFRoQs As with the “oneness” and “holiness” of the Church, its “Catholic” nature is a matter of common confusion. The English word “catholic” comes from the Greek … Continue reading

Beyond Trauma

Beyond Trauma Introduction Since no one naturally confesses and repents, a number of responses to my Triple Trauma article were obviously initiated by the Spirit of the Lord (Zech 12:10). I see them as a sign of a wave of … Continue reading

The Church is Holy

The Church is Holy   Ps 11; Ex 19:1-6; 1 Pet 2:1-11; Matt 18:15-20 Introduction  https://youtu.be/ogrH9kOyWSQ Last week I spoke about our faith that there can only ever be one Church, a truth expounded many times in scripture and a reality … Continue reading

Triple Trauma

Triple Trauma Introduction Prophets/intercessors are gifts to the Church (Eph 2:20; 4:11) granted heightened spiritual awareness through multiple traumas so that they might bring messages of grace to others. This explains the traumatic character of my last week. My triply … Continue reading

One Church

The Church is One    Ps 133; Ex 19:1-6; Eph 4:1-6; John 17:1-26 Introduction https://youtu.be/YDBeFDQl8k4 Whilst the recent census statistics suggest that Christianity in Australia is in steady decline[1], since the fourth century, the majority of Christians have confidently testified[2] [in … Continue reading

Pure Water

Pure Water Introduction My old mentor Geoff Bingham often spoke of the gospel possessing a power to “evoke” (spontaneously draw out of hearers) faith and repentance (Rom 1:16). This dynamic is hard for us to comprehend because it is so … Continue reading

John the Baptist

The Baptist[1] Ps 139:1-11; Isa 49:1-6; Mal 3:1-6; 4:1-6; Matt 3:1-17 Introduction https://youtu.be/HBDXdL_q9lw In the Church calendar, last Friday was the anniversary of the birth[2] of John the Baptist[3], since John is in many ways an important figure in all … Continue reading

Living Words

Living Words Introduction Reading the signs, the Lord is laying a foundation in preparation for a “quiet revival” among us. The restoration of a liveliness we have once known but lost through transgression (Rev 3:2). Such a “quiet revival” can … Continue reading

Creating Space

Creating Space Introduction I was in a prayer gathering yesterday with experienced “prophetic intercessors”,  focussing on the great Christ-hymn of Colossians 1:5-20, especially on “that in everything he (Jesus) might be preeminent/first place” (v.18). With very many names bandied about … Continue reading

Pentecost 2022

Pentecost 2022  Ps 104:26-36; Isa 44:1-8; Acts 2:1-21; 32-33 John 7:37-39 Introduction https://youtu.be/NOFzs-5AWG4 In some circles Pentecost is celebrated as the birthday of the Church[1], while in others the emphasis is placed on the power of the Spirit and his … Continue reading


Ascension 2022[1] Ps 47; Dan 7:9-14; Eph 4:7-16; Luke 24:44-53 Introduction https://youtu.be/n8D7CjUAVeE A famous scientist once testified[2], “There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every [person] which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God … Continue reading

Deepening the Wounds of Christ

Deepening the Wounds of Christ Introduction Recently I received an email request from a woman pastor intimately acquainted with the suffering, https://encouragingwomeninthechurch.com/about/https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/troubled-wa-rehab-centre-in-administration-c-6519107.  Given she was blogging about the struggles of women being accepted into ministry, I began to pray seeking … Continue reading

John the Seer

John the Seer   1 John 1:1-5; Revelation 1:1-20; John 1:1-18 Prologue  https://youtu.be/AtXOgoND7Oc Last Friday was set aside in the liturgical calendar for the celebration of the life of John the Apostle, hence the readings for today from his written works … Continue reading

Going on with Christ

2 Peter Week 2 2 Peter 1:5-11 Fruitful in Christ    https://youtu.be/sGkFJz-Zthg Introduction Last week I explained I was beginning a series based on 2 Peter, a letter rather eccentric in various ways, but powerfully helpful in its defence of the … Continue reading