Perspectives on the city

1. Biblical Perspectives on the City

The city is the primary locus within which the biblical drama unfolds.

Biblical journey begins in a garden, moves to the city, spreads from city to city, and culminates in a vision of a garden transformed into a city – not Eden redivivus. viz. sums up human skills and technology.

A. City as evil

  • as counter-creation (commences with Cain’s city building Gen 4:17)
  • as a place created by man to take away the pain of the loss of Eden
  • as parasitic on God’s living creation Babylon. Made by man. Man’s greatest work and therefore his greatest rebellion.
  • as place of despair, individualism, arrogance. No values but its own glory, wealth and power. Spiritual characteristics: trusts in its own power, might and wisdom rather than the way of grace idolatry. “I am and there is no other” Isa 47:8; Zeph 2:15; Rev 18:7. N.B. each context is God’s rejection of these cities. Seductive.

B. City as place of God


    • Uniquely chosen by God for his own purposes
    • Made by God Isa 14:32; 28:16 –17 Zech 8:3 –5 God ties his history to that of this city

New Jerusalem

    • made of precious jewels and precious metals, hewn out of the ground but perfected by human ingenuity, a city made by us. Expresses all the best in human endeavour, product of our work and relationships. Glory of the nations comes into the new Jerusalem Each jewel fits into the city, is a part of the common good, the community’s benefit. The city of God is contributed to by people in their lives. There is a city within the city which is being created in the here and now.
    • “This city, then which John saw is none other than your city, the place where you live – as it might be, and as you are to help make it. It is London, Berlin, New York, Paris, Melbourne, Calcutta – these as they might be, and in some infinitesimal degree as they have already begun to be.” (Henry Drummond)
    • Rev 21:4 no more pain

C. Jesus and the city

  • rejection of Jesus is focussed in the city where wealth and privilege are concentrated. Jesus dies outside the city gates

D. City as site of judgement and blessing

  • fall of biblical cities including Jerusalem; God’s mercy on Nineveh (Jonah), blessings on Jerusalem etc.
  • New York, Cali
  • Where sin abounds the grace of God abounds all the more. God’s act in Jesus makes it possible for the city to be a truly holy habitiation.
  • Urban planning cannot make the city a true habitation for man because they cannot control the demonic powers.
  • Pagan views of the afterlife are often paradisical (Islam etc.), renewed nature without a city. Why? Apart from the saving history of God culminating in Christ they are not eschatological.

2. Sociological Perspectives on the City

  • Whole city grasped only by the imagination
  • City as a composite of many worlds
  • Metaphor of a machine: person is fitted with a particular task, only part of personality
  • Anonymity
  • Postmodern/post-industrial networks of cities -globalization of the city

A. Urban Spirituality

  • Challenge to recover a spirituality adequate to the needs and opportunities of our times
  • Struggle for the soul of the city [each city has a soul e.g. LA and Sydney re Olympics, New York after Sept 11 disaster – cooperation]
  • Urban prophets – small creative groups of individuals
  • Respond to the invitation of God to “enter’ the city, viz enter his presence in the city where his grace is active in all our dealings and relations within the city. As we move in concert with God in the city we are told what to do. Discover the grace of God’s transforming passion for the city. Celebrate the festival nature of the kingdom of God in the city, celebrate the transformations of urban culture and the anticipations of the future city in our present cities.
  • Justice for the powerless, hospitality for strangers, equality for underprivileged, recovery of dignity for degraded. For such is the city of God.
  • Rhythm of death and resurrection: identification with the place where the full force of evil threatens to destroy us and the power of the resurrection breaks through into new life
  • Babylon is not inevitable, Abraham’s intercession for Sodom, spare if 50 caring people.

B. Practical Steps In City Reaching

  1. Love the City
  2. Pray For the City see the city as Jesus does feel for the city as Jesus does (his heart) hear about the city as Jesus does
  3. Partner in the City


Aldrich: Reunitus

Prayer Summits

Definition p.40 of “Loving Your City”

  1. What would it take to initiate and sustain a work of God in a specific geographical community?
  2. What would it take to see John 17 worked out in answer to the Son’s prayer?
    • Unity the highest form of evangelism.
      • Holiness of God – Humility
      • Humility – Unity
      • Unity – Community of faith
      • Community of faith – Impact on local community
    • Trust between leaders

Dawson: Taking Our Cities For God

1. Battle stories

  1. Seventh time around. Hidden spiritual enemies Dan 10 2 Cor 10
  2. Discerning of spirits

2. Deliver the dark city

3. A call to the city

4. Cities: a blessing or a curse? Principalities distort the gifts of a city and so rule Goodness of God leads to repentance, destiny of city behind call to repentance Placement of cities is a function of God’s sovereignty

5. Ministering in the city of the future – “The city intensifies everything, and this includes devotion to false gods.” Counterfeits Spirit replaced by false religion Son by human heroes/deliverers Father by institutions Loss of identity, security, provision, protection, direction An awakening could spread throughout a specific subculture

6.  Revival or Judgement? Ezek 22:29 –31 no one to stand in the gap 2 Chron 36:16 no remedy Isa 32:13- 15 judgement then revival. Universal urban culture setting the stage for a revelation of Jesus that will affect everyone on earth

7. The city at harvest time

3. Discerning the gates of your city

8  Looking at history with discernment. Eph 4;27 not to give entry to the devil Isa 58:12 repairer of the breach.. restorer of streets to dwell in restorer of unity in church See whole city as your inheritance Ps 69:35 –36 Rots in city for God’s judgement?

9. The history of God’s people/covenants – Know the history of the church in nation/city/subculture/type of ministry/movement. Where are the walls of my city etc. broken down?

10. Prophets, Intercessors and Spiritual Fathers. Isa 62:6 –7 people who stand on walls and give God no rest. //A prime responsibility of an elder is to nurture affectionate relationships with other elders so that no gap is left for the entrance of the enemy

11. Get the facts. “The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge (Prov 15:14). Research the social factors trends in the city. Consider these in relation to gospel opportunities etc. Revelation knowledge of God in relation to evangelism and discipleship.

4. Learning to fight

12. Born to battle. Need to take dominion

13. The unseen realm

14. Praying in the presence of the heavenly host. Willing to pay the price for victory over our cities through discipline, prayer and obedience

15. All about angels

16. Territorial spirits. Acts 17:26 –27 God authors human diversity and languages (Gen 11)

5. Into Battle: 5 steps to victory

17. Worship:the place of beginnings. Attitude towards the city Repent of murmuring Sacrificial praise

18. Waiting on the lord for insight. Ps 40:1 John 10:27 Spiritual authority is proportional to humility and dependence on God

19. Identifying with the sins of the city. Neh 1:6 –7 Ezra 9:6 First cleansing, then power

20. Overcoming good with evil. Resist temptation, fast

21. Travailing until birth. Neh 1:4 Intensity of desire size of faith. Eccl 9:14 –15 poor wise man who delivered the city

Silvoso : That None Should Perish

Section 1: The Principles

Chapter 1: Can We Reach a city For Christ?

Principle: Cities are central to God’s redemptive strtategy. The Great Commission begins with a city – Jerusalem – and culminates when another city – the new Jerusalem – becomes God’s eternal dwelling with His people. In order to fulfil the Great Commission, we must reach every city on earth with the gospel.

Chapter 2: Prayer Evangelism

Principle: Prayer is the most tangible sign of eternity in the human heart*. Intercessory prayer on behalf of the felt needs of the lost is the best way to open their eyes to the light of the gospel.

  • Acts 1:8 Jerusalem the first to be evangelised; Fill Jerusalem by house to house Acts 5:28……..cities of Asia Minor Acts 2:42
  • 1 Tim 2:1 –8 prayer for those in authority
  • John 17:20 –23 connects the glory of God* with revival
  • Prayer offered to those in authority*
    1. Need to begin with felt needs because of 2 Cor 4:4 Acts 26:18 John 2:1- 11
    2. Acceptance versus Approval Luke 15: 1- 7 go after lost sheep as priority

Example: 6 mill in Bay area 4,400 Bible believing churches, if 14 prayer cells, each praying for 100 people by name, all 6 mill prayed for by name

Chapter 3: The Battleground Is the Heavenly places

Principle: In order to take the gospel to every creature, the Church is called to engage the forces of evil. The battleground is the heavenly places. This is where the battle for our cities is won or lost.

  • Commando example, expensive training etc, but killed by what he did not know.
  • Action of Satan; Eph 2:1 –3; John 8:44; 2 Cor 2:10 –11; 2 Tim 2:25 –26; Eph 6:11; James 4:7 Mattt 18:18; Eph 2:6; 3:10
  • Ephesians: A Road Map of the Heavenlies
    • Eph 2:2 prince of the power of the air
    • Eph 2:3 children of wrath, dead in sin (2:1) Heb 2:14,15; Rev 1:18 in fear of death
    • 5 uses of “heavenly places” in Eph 1:3 Father 1:20 –21 Jesus 2:6 church 3:10 principalities 6:12 church and principalities
      1. God seeds heavenlies with blessings 1:3
      2. Jesus breaks through the gates of hell into the heavenlies Eph 4:9, 1:21 –22
      3. God raises people to be with Jesus in the heavenlies 2:6 Christ is the fulness of all in all 4:10 Satan etc are under the feet of Jesus 1:22
      4. The church is an example of God’s grace to the principalities 3:10 (1:2,6,7; 2:5,7,8; 3:2,7,8; 4:7,29; 6:24)
      5. Church to invade Satan’s kingdom 6:10 –20
  • **Satan’s attack is on the church, not Jesus (Col 2:14 –15) If church fails to image grace to the powers then its authority is reduced in proclaiming the gospel eg Eph 4:27 anger with sin, Spirit is grieved 4:30, loss of the fullness, accuser of the brethren breaks through, jurisdiction is created for evil cf 1 Tim 2:8 holy hands without anger
  • Not to use “unwholesome words” 4:29 which trigger anger Grace to be incorporated into the truth (Matt 18: 15 –20)
  • God’s inheritance is in the church (1:18) cf. 3;16,18

Chapter 4: Strongholds: What They Are and How to Pull Them Down

Principle: Spiritual strongholds are Satan’s secret weapon. It is through the surreptitious use of strongholds that Satan controls the behaviour of the church. They must be identified and destroyed in order to regain the control of the heavenlies.

Satan’s Arsenal

  • Sin, Accusations (Job 1:6 –12; Zech 3:1; Rev 12:10)
  • Spiritual strongholds 2 Cor 10:3- 5 “a mind – set impregnated with hopelessness that causes us to accept as unchangeable, situations that we know are contrary to the will of God.”
  • What does a stronghold look like?
    1. In the mind.
    2. Made up of good thoughts.
    3. Develop in the shadow of our strengths.
    4. Often activated by painful trauma.
    5. Create a double mind that results in spiritual and emotional instability.
  • What to do with strongholds
    1. Submit to God
    2. Resist the devil
    3. Draw near to God Js 4:8
    4. He will draw near to you
  • The final blow: “purify your hearts” Js 4:8

Chapter 5: Praying With Authority

Principle: The believer is a deputy in the court of Calvary assigned to enforce the judgement awarded to Jesus: the salvation of the lost. The believer is to use this delegated authority mainly in prayer.

  • Satan’s three point plan
    1. Deception
    2. Domination
    3. Destruction
  • The Difference Prayer Makes
  • Prayer As a Vehicle to Exercise Spiritual Authority

Section 2: The Strategy

Chapter 6: Establishing God’s Perimeter

  • The state of a city is always the result of the church’s condition. Churches living like POW camps.
  • The Faithful Remnant.
    1. Waiting for God to break through and manifest his power and love for the lost
    2. *Called to the city first and then to his local congregation.
    3. Has a lifestyle of prayer (1 Thess 5:17)
    4. Humble and effective team player.
    5. Devoid of selfish ambition.
  • Coming together of the remnant cures its members of the “Elijah Syndrome”.
  • Unity Based on Christ (not activities)
  • The Presiding Jesus (not just indwelling)

Chapter 7: Securing the Perimeter

  • Strongholds in believer’s minds allow Satan to manipulate behaviour without detection.
  • The Three Deadliest Strongholds
    1. Disunity John 13:35; 17:21 11:42 Eph 4:3
    2. Spiritual Apathy
    3. Spiritual Ignorance 2 Cor 2:11 Satan, not others, the greatest enemy
  • get a better understanding of grace – let the Holy Spirit speak into your life – repeat steps above with staff and elders

Chapter 8: Expanding God’s Perimeter

  • The Search For Favour in the Eyes of the People
    • Eg supply water tanks to poor, adopt a cop programme
  • Celebrations of Unity
  • What About Those Who Don’t Join In?
  • Fear the main obstacle.

Chapter 9: Infiltrating Satan’s Perimeter

  • Prayer house deployment
  • 7 points of a strategy
  • Satan’s All Out Counterattack
  • Use a “prayer shield”

Chapter 10: Destroying Satan’s Perimeter

  • Open people’s eyes to the gospel Acts 26:18; 2 Cor 4:4
  • Be Wary of Fascination With the Occult
  • How To Go About Destroying Satan’s Perimeter
  • Jesus film etc. Neighbourhood crusades

Chapter 11: Establishing God’s Perimeter Where Satan’s Used to Be

  • Bible studies, joint baptism for all converts, extra effort in areas of Satan’s concentration
  • Look Out for a Second Counterattack
  • Stay in prayer and Word Acts 6:4 incorporate new believers concurrently with other strategies stay walking in the Spirit
  • Remain Mobilized for War
  • Go Beyond Your City Acts 1:8

Chapter 12: How Far Can You See?

Silvoso: “There is only one church in the city that meets in many different congregations.”


Spiritual Mapping

  • Historical overview
  • Current attitudes and trends
  • Conspiracy of Kindness/Servant Warfare

The Church in the City

  1. that there is such a church is true to the New Testament description of the church in the cities of that time (Acts 8:1; 11:22; 13:1; Rom 16:1; 1 Cor 1:2; 2 Cor 1:1; 1 Thess 1:1; 2 Thess 1:2; Rev 2 – 3 ,etc.)
  2. this finds support from the imagery of the single lampstand for each city in Revelation (Rev 2 – 3)
  3. city churches appear to have a single administrative or governing body (Acts 14:23; 20: 17; Tit 1:5)
  4. the typological association between a city and the kingdom of God is strong throughout scripture
  5. Babel represents a city in rebellion (Gen 11)
  6. Jerusalem is an elect city inhabited by God (1 Chron 23:25; Pss 9:11; 76:2; 132:13 – 14; Joel 3: 17, 21; Zech 8:3; etc.)
  7. God’s presence and reign in Jerusalem will be complete eschatologically (Isa 24:13; 35:10; 64:10; 65:18; Jer 3:17; Zech 8:3)
  8. in the New Testament this eschatology can be vertical as well as future: there seems to be an intimate association between the present heavenly Jerusalem and its temple and the church on earth (Gal 4:26; Heb 12:22; Rev 3:12; 13:6)
  9. the coming heavenly Jerusalem which represents the perfection of the church cannot be discontinuous with its state upon the earth; both then and now the church is the bride of Christ , the temple of God and so on (1 Cor 3:16; 6:18; Eph 2:21 – 22; 5:26 – 27; Rev 19:8; 21:22)
  10. the builder of the city whose foundations are Christ is God (1 Cor3: 10 – 11 ; Eph 2:20; Heb 11:10, 16; Rev 21:14) the one communion of the saints in the Spirit must embrace present and future, heaven and earth as the glory of the nations will flow into the new Jerusalem so the glory of each nation should flow into the church in the city (Rev 21:26)
  11. as the church gathers in unity in each city it manifests God’s ultimate and eternal purpose for all creation symbolised by the new Jerusalem; it is the city set on the hill which cannot be hidden, it is the light of the world radiating Christ in the midst of the darkness etc. The one church in the city images the one new humanity gathered around Christ. Ultimately, that is, at the eschaton, the creation, the church and the new city are one in God (see the the terms in Rev 21 – 22).
  12. this is a powerful demonstration to the forces of darkness that that time of rule is coming to an end and a welcoming invitation to God to ever more intense take up habitation in the city where each church dwells

The Tower of Babel

  1. the context of the Babel incident is the table of the nations. (Gen 10:1-31)
  2. these peoples seemed to have exhibited diversity and were spreading abroad. (Gen 10:5, 20, 31-32)
  3. this is not seen as sinful, as it fulfils the primal commandment of Genesis 1:28.
  4. at Babel, linguistic unity becomes the foundation for a titanic attempt to idolatrously exalt human culture to divine proportions by self-centredness. (Gen 11:1-5)
  5. the will to resist scattering across the earth is in direct violation of the primal command. (Gen 11:4)
  6. resistance to God’s benediction upon humanity to fill the earth with the divine image and presence leads to personal intervention and judgement. (Gen 11:5-9)
  7. God scatters them by confusion of languages, this leads to the filling of the earth through a cultural diversity preventing evil unity against God, and so his own image.
  8. God is not the author of division but of diversity.
  9. Babelism – greatness by homogeneity and self-interest (inward focus, toward self). This principle is repeated throughout human history Isa 47:8; Zeph 2:15; Rev 18:7
  10. the plan of God – greatness by diversely communicating God to the world (outward focus, away from self)

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